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What is it? And... 
What is Infinite Love Energy?


  Pure LOVE ENERGY is the highest vibrational state in the Universe. 

There is not a frequency that is higher,

and we cannot experience a higher state of energy. 


LOVE is at the heart of all things natural in creation. 

It is what is in us, what we come from and ultimately

what feels the best and most authentic for us. 

Our bodies and our souls were meant to live in a state of bliss,

harmony, joy and LOVE.



   Even those who know nothing about energy or working with it would agree that feeling 

LOVE Giving LOVE & Receiving 

LOVE feels amazing! 


Infiniti taps into Infinite Love Light Energy.

This is what our Soul's are made of.




Through her intention and physical & psychic touch she

is able to help you release dense, negative energy that is stored in

pockets causing energy entanglements




When your life force energy is tied up and blocked

it causes many issues in your BODIES. 


That's right, BODIES! Humans have 5 bodies. 

Physical, Auric, Etheric, Energetic and Spiritual.




was so blocked and stuck with old dirty energy

 (before she knew about this stuff and how her body works) 

that she was very ill with a chronic illness called



Chances are that you know someone with this illness.

It is a very nasty set of circumstances that many people develop,

and it's 100% an



I'd like to see anyone with Fibro tell me that they don't have an issue with energy. 

Most likely it's a serious LACK of it.

Fibro sufferers are much like Chronic Fatigue sufferers, 

ENERGY issues.


Well, everything is about energy and would be my response to pretty much anything,

accept physical trauma-however after the physical trauma is healed then 

ENERGETIC healing should take place as well. 


When your body is super receptive to energy, as every single Empath is, and those of us

who are Physical Empaths, it's on a level that even an Empath

has a hard time relating to. 


Physical Empaths feel everything other people/animals feel in their bodies.

Plus we feel the emotional stuff that Empaths feel. 

The sensitivity to energy.


Typically we really mostly feel PAIN energy.

Or upset energy, or mad energy, or sad energy,

but when it comes to the PHYSICAL, that's exactly what it means.


Not only do we do the "regular" Empath Super Human thing

by picking up on energy in and around everything, and we know emotional 

energy, and spacial energy, and other's can subconsciously SEE that we are

off a higher vibration and they are guided to us to help transmute the energy they need to get rid of. 


So, if you're a Physical Empath

you can get very physically sick from a constant stream of this

energy draining us, along side environmental issues regarding
energy that we definitely cannot control. 


Things like Solar wind 

Geomagnetic Radiation

Full Moon

Weather changes

or Extreme Weather

Hot or Cold


So for some of us we have such an energetic system issue that we have a

set of symptoms that fall into the diagnosis of 



A very brief and general description is: 

It means that you are in a lot of pain everywhere,

 sore and tired and it makes it hard to do anything.


Everything takes effort because you are 

so weighed down with heavy, dense energy. 

When it is very severe it is impossible to go to a job or keep one.


That's what happened to INFINITI many times.

She had to be put on Sate Disability several times through her 20's

and all through her 30's.


No way could she work and sometimes even take care of

her son when he was growing up. It wasn't easy for anyone. 


From the many channeling sessions and conversations that INFINITI has had with her Spirit Tribe,

including her first Divine Sol Guidance Sessions she did with and for herself through her Guides,

and found that this is how they like to communicate through people like herself;

downloads of information and working with Angel Tarot & Oracle Cards to

send messages.


The information she received time and time again in regards

to most everyone afflicted with 




This is a huge revelation, and not one that INFINITI claims lightly,

but she has been told over and over again by those who guide her and her healing that

if someone has a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia-she can ABSOLUTELY help

them get rid of it just like she did for herself. 


The fact that she is able to do healing and channeling is another thing entirely. 


Not every Physical Empath is Psychic or a healer, at least not the way she is or maybe they are.

They could be singers or artists, both are healing energies to many people.

So not every "healer" does literal healing like INFINITI. 


Any Empath or Physical Empath are energetically connecting to others on a level they aren't aware

of and without the knowledge of this, they at some point become physically ill. 


It started for INFINITI at a very young age.  


If you or a loved one has Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue,

PLEASE consider a healing with INFINITI to rid yourself of this

nastiness and begin to live in 



Not everyone who is energetically blocked has a chronic illness. 


We're all different.


Some get diseases of the brain or

internal organs, some get different cancers, some get mental illnesses,

some get blood diseases, our bodies do come with a set of circumstances 

that make us react to energies differently, and similarly if we are related.

More on that on this in another article.


Some people develop addictions due to energies in the body

being more in control than the person. 


INFINITI is able to get rid of THOSE energies too!


Does that mean that


can help people overcome addictions? 




For the person with an addiction,

a very intense and intentional desire to 

get rid of the energy body(ies) that are

pushing the buttons of the addiction is supremely necessary.


Click here for more information about






What happens when I go to INFINITI for an IN PERSON healing?


Using a very light touch, INFINITI scans your body from head feet

and she FEELS where your pain is

without being told where the pain or issue is. 


This is especially beneficial when treating animals and babies.  


Not only can she sense it in her body and feel it like it's her

pain but when she touches your painful spots she feels

it on your skin as though it is very HOT. 


For INFINITI, it feels like something hot was just taken off of your skin.


Even if you have spots in your body that is NOT painful,

but you have stored negative energy there that is causing a blockage,

it cannot hide-she will find it. 






































Once INFINITI finds where your painful/dense spots of energy

are that are causing pain or illness or both-

she helps your body to release the energy,

returning it back to our Source Creator, Mother Father God.


INFINITI will ground you into the energy field and core of GAIA.


She will clear your space and your body of negative energies: 

entities/attachments/tags/parasites and traumatic thought forms.


Thought Forms are any situations that caused an imprint

of negative or fear anger based energy that is

holding energy from flowing in a positive charge.


These circumstances could be in your energetic

space and there since CHILDHOOD!


In fact, the chances are that if you haven't been to an energy worker to be

CLEARED, then you have some fo this energy playing

a larger role than you think or would want.


Once this negatively charged energy is untangled and released, 

the pain associated with it is remarkably better or completely gone. 


She will clear out your Chakras address energies associated

with the different Chakras and have them come into alignment.


Once you are grounded, cleared and charged in a positive flow,

INFINITI BLASTS you with LOVE LIGHT ENERGY directly to your heart

so it can infuse with every red and white blood cell in your physical body

as the energy aligns with your other bodies.


This will alter the state of your bodies forever. 


From that point forward you are running at a much

better, stronger, higher vibration than before.


You are grounded and cleared and empowered

in a very intense high vibrational way that is IMPOSSIBLE

to return to your previous state.




Energies were released that you HAD in your bodies.


After that, it's getting your bodies used to the new you and

to FLOW with the changes and the information that comes-

what is needed for YOUR body. 


It is ultimately important that you LISTEN TO YOUR BODIES.

Especially after a healing with INFINITI. 


There is a possibility that you 

go through a detox period to some degree after a Healing. 

This could happen in your head, gut or lungs,

you should drink more water and eat light meals.


You may feel tired for a day or two,

Sleep as your body requires it and let the new energies flow freely. 


You could find yourself having past issues or traumas surface for

us to deal with as well, as this is more energy asking to be released.


Do not ignore what comes up, love the process because the

outcome will be more amazing the more you flow with it instead of resist it. 


(That goes for life in general!)




There are many WONDERFUL side effects from this type of energy work!


When we super charge your Chakras, you regain

optimum energy flow and balance

and there’s a good chance you don’t even know

what that looks or feels like for you.


For those of you in great shape,

who have good diets,

who exercise and do yoga, etc....


"I work out, eat right, don't do 'bad for me things' 









Being an athlete or having a good diet and good sleep habits definitely makes you healthier than those who do not practice those great self care behaviors but

that doesn't mean that you are in optimum flow energetically. That doesn't mean

that you don't have pockets of energy that is restricting you without you knowing. 


Just because you don't feel pain doesn't mean there isn't energy that is working

against your healthiest you. 


So, if you're an athlete then you can definitely benefit from a

Love Light Energy Healing & Clearing. 

Just imagine your performance once you are in true flow and balance.

You'll amaze yourself.


And if you would like to take your romantic relationship to the next level

Book The

Couples Love Energy 

Clearing & Infusion





Go to the


page to read how


went from



Super Healer!

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Whether your a new couple who want a really fresh start with this new relationship and to really let go of your history that may be holding you back in relationships or h...
Couples Love Energy Clearing & Infusion
2 hr 30 min
About Infinite Love Energy
Infinite Healing Abilities
Healing Abilitites
Healing Results
Physical Empaths
Addiction Help
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