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The Animal Lover

How all of the HEALING started


I realized I had healing powers when the animals around me, my own and wildlife, were getting better very quickly. I didn't understand it was me, why would I? After I picked up on things, my Spirit Tribe went to extreme lengths to show me how strong my abilities were with many different issues ranging from a severed leg, to a horrible ear infection caused by malignant, parodistic negative energies attaching to his ear and I removed it. There is video of the healing session on my YouTube page. He was 100% better in less than 36 hours. 


My other dog, Rosie got into my 85% dark chocolate and ate a lot of it when I left her alone. As you may know, that is poisonous to dogs and it's usually an emergency veterinary visit. However, my guides told me that I could take care of it. And I did. Within a few minutes the poisonous energy was gone and she was 100% better and ready to eat dinner. Even that socked me , because she was really, really not well when I found her. The last thing she wanted was food. But, she was all better! 


I cannot tell you how amazing it feels to be able to heal my animals when something goes wrong. That thing that goes wrong a lot of the time is just plain old nasty dark energy that is attracted to certain animals and people, there's always a reason for dark energy being in/attached to a body. It's more complicated with Humans, but for animals, it could be circumstances.

Animal Abuse causes more of this dark energy to enter the animal through fear  so that the parasite attached to their human(s) can feed off of it more and more. Or  the dark energy just found them from contact with who knows what, a person on the street, a spot in the grass, what you brought home...Or, their human is a Light Worker and they are all targets. Germs are a joke compared to dark energy, no matter HOW OR WHY IT IS THERE. And, I get rid of them.


Back to INJURIES: I was also shown that with a bit of time I could even heal an injury that you would never imagine...There was a baby mouse that was paralyzed from the waist down that was brought into my room by one of my cats. After a few days in my world, holding him a lot, he was moving his feet and legs...One might say, "Impossible!" but it happened and there's video/photo proof.


AND, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. PERIOD. I wouldn't be out here doing this if I didn't KNOW what I can do, at least to a pretty good extent to go GLOBAL. Me and you have infinite capabilities, I'm here offering my gifts because I've cultivated my abilities to a point where I can heal in person or across the world, nothing and no one can tell you or me what is possible.


The question really is, WHAT MIRACLES WILL WE BEHOLD? 


Each time it's magical, but now there's an expectation. And I LOVE that expectation. It's the expectation from the person I'm working on, myself and our Spirit Tribes to get this done, to the highest level we possibly can. We MUST have the expectation to GET RID of whatever the issue happens to be per individual. Maybe it takes ONE time, maybe it takes TWO times, maybe it take 10 times, I don't know, it all depends on the person and what's going on with them and how often they need my help and how fast they heal. But no matter what we have the expectation to heal, and to FULLY recover.


I'll usually know, this will take a while, or this will be easier or more difficult or one time, several, etc.


I get this info from my guides the more I feel into the issue/person/animal.


Flowing with the process is most important, as the body changes and gets more in flow and balance with it's Soul.  You may be asking yourself...How do I know if I'm out of balance with my Soul?  


Well, if you have anxiety, have a very hard time not feeling stressed, seem to do things that create chaos, have any physical illness, are depressed, you have isolated or you have an addiction of any kind. 


If your disposition is more stressed, anxious, you are constantly complaining, talking about negative things, worry a lot, restless, uncomfortable in your body, having a hard time relaxing, seeing the beauty in things, your interpersonal relationships are volatile, (not to say it's all your fault, but this all lends to a body soul disconnection. 



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