Psychic Physical Empath
Medical Medium & Intuitive
"I feel YOU & your PAIN. I can HELP!"
"The painful, dense, negative energy trapped
in your body feels HOT to me,
like a heating pad on your skin & in your system.
I don't need to be told what the
problem is-I'll find it and fix it."
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SICK Vanessa to
Healthy, Healing
Just Another
Angelic Incarnate
Figuring it out
A true (and magical) story of
Remembrance and Metamorphosis.
Meaning of VANESSA:
Butterfly, Soul,
Resurrection, Change,
Hope, Life, Briefness of Life
Meaning of INFINITI:
One of the purposes for her having the name INFINITI is to
remind others of their infinite souls as
they say her name.
Also, when seen like this:
it is a code for activating others to
awaken to their Soul.
My Story
To know me is to know My Story, as much of it as I am meant to reveal it at this time.
That involves things that some people may have a difficult time associating with or believing to be real or true.
Trust me, I get it.
It is a pretty amazing story involving all sorts of magical, metaphysical things, spiritual beings an understanding that you can believe in things you cannot see and touch,
you can trust in these things.
There is a real
in following your Guides and Guardians.
Some of my main advisors are:
The Angels, Archangels,
Dragon, Fae & Nature Realms
My Highest Soul Self,
Mother Mary & Mary Magdalen,
Our Mother-Father Source & Creator of All (God)
and an army of others who work
with me at any given moment.
It's an enormous network I'm tapped into that makes
The Internet seem small.
I am not religious,
meaning I do not practice any religion.
and YES...
Spiritual person.
To explicitly say it:
YES I believe in God (DUH)
YES I believe in Jesus (DUH)
Since they are my advisors and
since I channel pure
Infinite Love Light Energy-directly from Source
to do my healing-
How could I NOT believe in Mother-Father God?
I couldn't do what I do, period.
Just as much as I can't NOT
do what I do or be what I am.
It just is.
I am what I am
That comes set with a bunch of circumstances that are bundled together, like BELIEVING in what I am, where I come from and what I'm capable of because of all of that.
And a big piece of that is
being highly
To God.
Again, DUH.
I believe that in large part RELIGION has
raped the true essence of Spirituality
and kept much of our
innate God-Given Abilities from us
and/or many of us have been
hunted down for those abilities and the knowledge
we receive through those abilities.
I want to make clear, I really
don't care if people are or aren't religious.
Or what religion it is they are a part of.
I would prefer that people were
Spiritual and Soul Connected,
and understood that God is within them, that they don't have to go anywhere to find or be with God, and that
and didn't go by picking and choosing
from books as to what is or is not ok for their own
understanding and beliefs.
I believe that RELIGION was set up
to cause FEAR and to CONTROL HUMANS
to use
For all sorts of reasons.
Energy is the #1 reason.
Unfortunately as we know,
many people are STILL buying into a lot
of things that aren't true and
simply do not make sense.
However, as we know...
Common sense hasn't played a part of what is believed for so many people for a very long time-religion or not.
More on that at a later time on a different page.
The bottom line is that I'm not religious, and I don't care if you are or aren't. Your views and beliefs are not my business unless you make it my business.
The same goes for mine.
All you need to know is if you are about
God and any religion I respect that about you,
please respect my views as well.
I will not ever subscribe to a religion, and I don't expect anyone to drop their religion because of what I think or feel or say.
With that said, if you do not believe that you have a
Spirit Tribe, or in Angles or that there is a
Higher Source or God or that you're a
Soul in a Human body...
The chances that I can help you
are slim as it requires your bodies to be intentional
and feel your acceptance in working with them to transmute your energy.
Skeptics and Non-believers should not look here to waste my time or theirs.
Training & My Abilities
There hasn't been any PERSON to help
guide me in this second life.
The healthy me and
the spiritual me and the healer and advisor me.
Not a single soul incarnate,
not a person who was a
TEACHER for me, no school, nothing.
I learned by remembering and
listening and being GUIDED.
Hearing my Soul Tribe.
Having faith to such a degree is not easy all of the time, but worth it, at least for me I cannot imagine living another way, not ever again.
Maybe I know too much and can see so much of how things connect and even for the tough times, the really, really heart wrenching times are the times that FAITH is most necessary, when the training of life comes into play.
When even those there isn't a single human to lean on most of the time, I have my vast Spiritual Family supporting me and whispering encourangement and reminding me that everything, even the things that hurt us so badly, even thos things are for a reason.
It's important to feel it though, it's ok to feel the hurt and the sad, more than ever I know this also to be true.
When we hurt we have to deal with it, and whatever else it may bring up, and I notice too that when we feel these intense emotions is when other things become more clear for the bigger picture.
And it's at these times that it can also
so difficult to hear the messages.
It is one of the deepest emotions for brining up energies and causing a serious energetic snap within us, only so much
of this emotion and energy can be contained without something spilling over and causing our attention to focus.
I've had arguments with my own Sprit Tribe in these moments, knowing that I was being stubborn,
but sometimes it's hard to see past and through it.
Even as they are trying to pull you out, show you another side, see things differently so you can let go more.
But we cannot until we can.
The thing is that these days, with all I've been through, and all that I've gained and all that I've lost,
I come through and am able to follow
the messages to get through it without so
much struggle and hurt.
They help me so much.
They have been my everything,
my guides, my sisters and brothers and friends and
my teachers.
When it comes to who I am and
what I am and what my ever
growing and expanding abilities are,
what my missions are and how to carry
them out, it's all through channeling.
All of my advisors are in the Spiritual Realm. And I follow the messages and revelations and
try my best not to miss anything
and do how I'm guided.
And even when things
"don't work out" I know that
there's so much
I don't know about, and
how everything matters
for the bigger picture.
There hasn't been a single human advisor, not in this.
This is not to discount the MANY countless
books, articles, blogs, videos by
Divinely Guided
The Light Warriors
who awoke before me,
who made my journey easier.
They are showcased HERE.
I strive to be one of those people too, now that I have gone through so much in an Awakening or your Spiritual Awakening, and what I would like to see called:
Awakening The Universal Understanding
(or something like that)
Because while it is Spiritual, it is also Scientific and has more to do about the self and more to do about Creation and our Universe and how it works and how we work in it. It's to signify that a person has woken up to understanding that we are
Sometimes learning about
yourself and how things REALLY work
and understanding your purpose,
your missions and your own Soul History
are the toughest realizations,
the steepest mountains to climb.
Even though I was being lead, and wanted to know the answers, it wasn't an easy, quick process of understanding and remembering.
"Coming out" to the world with what
I am and what I do has been a long process,
please trust me in that!
I do and share any of this lightly.
It has taken a infinite amount of love and encouragement from the family I cannot see, but I feel with me every second of every day to encourage me to get HERE.
I've been through hell and back many times to get from realization, to acceptance to
To love my story and the many different versions of me throughout this
lifetime and the ones before it.
To understand this multilayered existence we all have, and just how complicated and simple it all is.
To LOVE every player
in this infinite game,
and my infinite story-
regardless of their story.
To let go of all of the hurt and pain that came before, because I know and see the web and how it all is connected.
Here's the thing,
I really don't care who believes what
I say about who I am or what I am.
I know what I am.
Convincing anyone of any of it is not
something I care to spend my time on.
Frankly, I have MUCH more
important things to do.
Like help people and their animals.
The people who are OPEN to the vastness of
The proof is in how I live,
who I am and
my abilities and the RESULTS of the
people and animals I work with.
Basically, it speaks for itself.
Once upon a time, there was a very unique planet in a star system far, far away from the galactic central sun, a much newer and by comparison to some of the galaxies that came before it, a smallish galaxy on the outer edge of an outer arm of it's universe...This planet had many names but the official Galactic name was GAIA.
And She (Mother Earth, Earth, Planet Earth, Great Mother) was made to showcase many aspects of the other
planets in her own galaxy and from planets from very far away galaxies too.
She would be able able to use and make energy in many ways,
and sustain the life of so many
different types of creatures in extreme
weather throughout her body.
She was given many protectors for her
body and for the bodies and Souls upon her.
Some of these protectors were made of pure light energy, and are Light Bodies
and they could be at many different places all at once,
their self awareness was from every aspect of light energy
and they could move through it instantly, while staying in place,
as well as being away from the planet at the same time.
They loved Gaia and every living thing upon her very, very much.
They weren't made like many other creatures in creation,
they are of pure love light that cannot be lowered.
For a long time it was more of an observance
of the evolutions of these creatures, and a lot of time passed.
Certain others went to Gaia and began to change things, going against very
strict laws, but they felt above certain rules and entitled to do what they
pleased to anything upon Gaia.
This was when the Light Bodies had to take more of an active role in their
protection duties.
And so, throughout the history of Gaia, there have been these Light Bodies
working very hard against the dark bodies to keep Gaia as safe as possible.
To help all forms of life upon her.
Sometimes to do this the Light Bodies decide to go on very special missions.
They go on very special missions when they want to gain further understanding about GAIA and life upon her, and most importantly they have
a need to help in very specific ways, and deliver messages only they can,
and only can be heard from them.
It is important to know that when Light Bodies do these Missions they see it as a great and wonderful opportunity to expand their knowledge as well as to expand others as well, and their Missions are always based in Love and Light and to help others and GAIA.
With each new Mission, it is an accomplishment as it means that they have spent countless previous Missions preparing, each one closer and closer to knowing more and more about themselves and everything else, well, that's before they land.
When they do, they are separated from their entire family, and most importantly,
from everything they knew about everything.
Not only about how the big things work, but about themselves too.
They forget everything they ever knew about everything-and they knew a lot.
They have to forget and for each of them they develop into who
they are to be in their Missions as their mission goes on.
Eventually they remember.
Or they don't.
OR they sort of remember, but mostly don't.
And everything in between.
The GOAL is to integrate with their most Highest Self once they realize that there is one and that there is special information waiting for them.
Some never realize how important this is, and never tap into their
Highest Self, but go through life fulfilling aspects of their Ultimate Mission by intuition and their own Guides.
Never is a Mission considered a Failure.
There is always progress and evolution and some type of positive
energy added to the collective.
Remembering is an ongoing process...Because there is so much going on while trying to pull back the layers of their Origin and who they are and why they are there.
The thing is that once they begin to remember the more they are able to remember and the more they do that, the more they can actually HEAR themselves.
And feel themselves before they forgot.
They start to realize things that always felt different, and they start to ask and they start to listen and they start to see and the start to change.
They always felt very different, these Light Body Protector/Warriors/Helpers
They realize that they aren't really awake, they are living in a dream, and
they begin to wake up.
Remember their Missions.
Some do their missions while being totally asleep, in their dream.
Some completely wake up in their dream and work very hard
to get to work and to carry out their missions...
But no matter what...
When they land they are all 100%
alseep to who and what they are and what they doing there.
They may have certain ideas or knowings about things but
they think that they and most things are random.
Until they realize that's not the case at all.
But, for a time they have to forget everything, be as
light as possible and it's important that they find their way
through clues and hints and through special events that trigger their memory at very specific times. And at the same time they have to navigate a very strange existence and deal with being so far undercover that they forgot everything in this new world and life.
But, think about it-
If they landed knowing it all,
it would be very difficult and get very strange for everyone very quickly.
Sometimes it is anyway, because of how different they are,
but still they don't really have any idea what's going on.
In fact, when they land they are totally helpless.
Well, that's how it is for every Human on Earth,
and for an Angelic, it's no different.
Except for maybe how strange and different it is for them only a few short years later.
They feel much older than they are.
By the age of 3 or 4 or 5 they feel extremely old and things are very confusing.
And they have no one to relate to.
That's how it is for an Angelic Incarnate-Angels who have been born into human bodies, on missions to help humanity.
Many Angelics come to be helpers to Gaia and all Souls upon her.
They are called Incarnated Angels, or Mystic Angels if they have lived lives as OTHER entities other than Humans on GAIA,
For more specific information about "Earth Angels" please click the link below for the Amazon page for the book titled, "Earth Angel Realms" by Doreen Virtue.
For one Angelic, life was really hard.
She was sick from the time she was very little.
This was because she was Feeling and
Healing the people and animals around her
without knowing!
Remember, she didn't know what she was or
what she was doing, that she even
had a mission.
She was sick for a very long time,
even though throughout her
life she experienced many
amazing and Spiritual things,
and saw and felt things,
she didn't think much of it
and certainly didn't see how any of it was connected.
She was pretty distracted with being in so much pain and
knowing how people felt all of the time but had no idea the extent of it really.
Many years into her life-nearly 40-her Spirit Guides helped her remember things about
herself, energy in and around bodies and she was able to heal herself
and then...
She figured out who she really was!
Eventually she worked hard enough listen to everything her
Guides and Guardians said and
one day she heard her Spirit Name once again...
And she knew more than ever about herself and
how to help people, Spiritually and Physically.
That all started when she was really young.
She was only 4 or 5 years old...
Adults would come to her to hear
about themselves.
She would sit in a chair and the adults would
be on the floor, sometimes 10 rows deep.
Taking turns hearing what she had to say about them.
What were the messages?
She would look out the window at the other kids, playing.
They never did this with those kids, not any of them.
Just her.
She knew why.
The other kids were'n't like her one bit,
aside from being in little bodies, they were not the same.
It was very, very rare that she would meet someone
like her. And when she did,
they were usually really,
scared and shy.
She wasn't like that.
She liked talking to anyone.
She liked it when they listened.
But she began as she got older,
to see things more clearly.
They heard her words but they didn't listen.
Only a couple of times someone would listen and follow her
messages, but for the most part people
were fascinated that she knew what she knew.
She realized that most people will not listen.
She was completely ignored.
She realized that people used her for entertainment.
Then ignored her.
One day, about 2-3 years after giving messages-
there was another party, where the adults
would want to talk to her for hours, and it could be hours if
there were a lot of people.
She walked in, and saw the room they had set up
for her. A big chair, big pillows, and lots of them on the
floor so the adults could sit too.
She didn't smile.
She didn't get excited.
"What's wrong?" The host of the party said,
looking around the room trying to figure out what could be
the problem.
"I'm so sorry, I hate that you went to all of this
trouble for me-" Vanessa said
The host interrupts her,
"OH! It's not rouble, we have so many people coming
and they are excited to be with you!"
"Well, that's the thing...I don't get messages anymore."
"What do you mean, child?" The Host said.
"I don't hear them. The Angeles don't whisper anymore.
I don't hear the messages any more." Vanessa said.
"You mean you're not psychic anymore? Is that possible?" The host said
Vanessa just starred at the woman.
"I don't know. Maybe? I guess?" She said.
"This is such a shame. Oh I'm sure it's not your fault. I guess it happens right?"
The woman said but she was obviously unhappy.
"I'm so sorry you went to all of this trouble,
I don't want to disappoint people, but I can't pretend I get messages,
I just don't anymore. It's been very quiet."
"Of course not my dear, I understand. They will understand."
As she looked through the house to the very back,
where the pool was, and all of the normal
kids were playing and screaming and being
She walked past people who were ready to begin with
her, Vanessa-the Psychic Child.
"Are you coming right back?" One of them asked her.
"No. I'm sorry.
She would let the adults explain.
I'll never come back. She thought to herself.
And there's nothing they can do about it.
The car ride there was not pleasant one.
"You know Vanessa, try not to give people such bad news all of the time!" Her mother strongly suggested in the car on the way to the party.
"I've told all of you, I do not control what comes.
They get messages, I just give them to them, I don't know what I'm talking about
or care most of the time. But I say what I'm supposed to say.
I can't make it something it's not."
"Just TRY to make it nicer so people will WANT to hear what you say, that's all I'm saying. Don't tell them the things they don't want to hear, that upsets them, and I know you know when they won't want to hear something."
Vanessa didn't see the point in that at all.
So, as she stood there on that hot summer day thinking of looking out at the
adult faces that just wanted to feed off of her energy in that room, asking
question after question and then arguing with her, and debating, and over
and over, or getting excited, and then not listening, or acting like
they will actually listen, but not.
She didn't care to spend another minute doing that with any of them.
Maybe if people actually cared and paid attention to
her she wouldn't mind it so much, but that wasn't the case.
She wanted to be NORMAL.
To be a kid, to do kid things at a party on a summer day.
She wanted to swim.
So she did, and she did disappoint all of the adults.
They wanted to hear her, but not listen and she said to herself,
Especially when her mother was going to dictate what she says.
"No more wasting OUR TIME with people who just use us.
I want to forget about all of it!"
She didn't even like thinking about it. It felt wrong not to tell people what she knew but it was so frustrating, and no one understood what it was like to be her and the other kids didn't get it, and it made life hard. Harder than it had to be.
Eventually her mother didn't talk about how that one woman went through all of that trouble, or how everyone was so disappointed and how embarrassed she was, she just stopped and people just stopped asking.
And she even REALLY forgot how Angels talked to her
and gave her messages for other people.
And that entire time period of her life for a very long time.
But she always knew she was different...
Even if she wasn't in a room full of adults, and forgot
all about that for a long time, it always felt
like she was always out of place, and always half here and
half somewhere else she couldn't identify
but wasn't connected except for in different ways here and there.
She visited her mother's family in Colombia when she was 9, a couple of years after stopping giving messages, and that part of her felt far away but her Grandfather was a Parapsychologist. She worked with different methods of psychic abilities.
It was the first time she worked with a Pendulum,
being Hypnotized, Channeling and Astral Projection.
Unfortunately, she wasn't able to work with him very much,
but he did teach her that she was definitely a different little girl...
And that stayed with her always.
Throughout most of my life I didn't know
what I was doing, who I was, why I was here, what I was here for.
Life was very confusing.
I always
But life was still VERY hard.
Especially being so sick most of my life, diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at 25 after lifelong UNEXPLAINABLE physical issues, serious ones.
Physical problems from the age of ONE year old.
Correlating the Psychic Abilities with the Physical Issues I had all of my life
would take DECADES for me.
I had very serious stomach/digestive issues started at the age of 12 to
very serious headache/brain issues starting around age 16.
At the age of 25 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
Eventually my serious energy issues even involved strokes in my mid 30's.
Even the strokes that hit both sides of my body were difficult for the
medical community to explain, later I would understand that that too, was Energy related.
It was my Kundalini Awakening to be exact.
The spontaneous (a rare thing) of the "cracking open" and unleashing of the Kundalini Energy.
It happened in two separate stages, years apart. The first in 2008 and the second in 2012.
I was not prepared, andI wouldn't even know what that was
for several years-way after the fact.
If you are unfamiliar with what The Kundalini is,
it is when stored up dormant energy at the base of the spine
begins to release and flow up all the way through your Chakras,
activating them much more intensely all the way to your 3rd Eye or Pineal Gland,
in the center of your brain, then up through your Spiritual Space to your Crown Chakra.
People strive through meditation and yoga practice to have this happen.
Once this energy is released and activates your 3rd eye,
you can "see" like never before,
connect to the Spiritual Realm like never before
and know yourself like never before.
But sometimes it is "spontaneous."
The Kundalini experience really made my body go into shock energetically,
and because I was completely oblivious to it, it made things worse.
Much worse.
Not a single doctor I saw had any idea of what was REALLY HAPPENING!
It set of the Fibromyalgia off in a ferocious way,
and eventually, I was highly suicidal at times.
Most people knew how sick I was, but they didn't understand how desperate
to escape the viciousness of my existence was.
I fantasized about different ways to
kill myself-a lot.
I wanted release from my body and a hellish painful, lonely, broken life.
I truly believe this is what sparked my Awakening.
When you want to kill yourself
but you're meant to heal people and bring light into the world,
your Spirit Tribe tends to take over.
Free Will (in the way most people perceive it)
is a concept for some, not all.
More on that later & elsewhere.
This feeling of being suicidal wasn't exclusive to how things were for me after
The Kundalini, but before too-it just got more intense. Living on both sides was tough.
After the 2nd event happened in 2012,
I was half in and half out of understanding things about my life,
seeing patterns and the point in the high levels of duality in my life,
and also the point of many of the "bad" things in my life and
I was also becoming more in tune with My Spirit Tribe.
Instead of a one way conversation (that could be easily ignored)
it became more and more of an obvious two way
street of information going both ways.
Associating with others was really difficult after a certain point
(even more so than how it was all of my life)
because as I became more and more telepathic and psychic,
I could sense people and their motivations,
truths and denials and lies better than ever.
Those abilities were always good, but I wasn't strong enough to trust what I knew
and information that came 100% of the time, and a lot of the time I didn't want to know.
But as my abilities grew, it reached a point of infallibility.
And, I was getting constant validation from my
Spirit Tribe and the events that would follow.
Now I know that a lot of these experiences were to train me,
to prepare me for the work I am to do.
But, when I was so sick, life seemed like a pointless
battle I was just surviving, and I didn't like it one bit,
things were serious-
We are talking VERY intense physical issues...
Year-long State Disability many times, in so much pain and physical distress that the simplest of things were so difficult, I was unable to work, have any social life and be around people.
I was drawn to The Hay House Summit in 2013,
that is where I first learned of what an Empath was, although they didn't speak of what
a Physical Empath is, and it was still some time before I knew of that concept as well. And even now, in 2018, MOST people don't know what an Empath is, and what a Physical Empath is.
Mostly, Physical Empaths are called SICK.
Because they are sick with energy, but they don't have to be.
One of the guests had a meditation that at this point I cannot
remember-but shortly into the meditation I was pulled into another dimension...
It was quite amazing, and I remember it very well, but will forgo a lot of the visual
detail at this time.
I found myself sitting in front of a very bright Light Body,
all I could see or feel was
bright light
and love energy from this being.
When they "spoke" to me, it was as familiar
as the thought in my head, but it was not
from me but coming through me,
like so many
and feelings and thoughts and
ideas throughout my life.
Here is where without speech,
I understood things about my body
in what is best described as an
"informational download".
I was told about the energy that was locked and stored
in my body that was holding me down and back
and had been making me sick my entire life.
Negative, old, energy stuck and connected to my Chakras
and I was told how to release it,
untangle it and let go of it,
and I was told that if I did that, I would be better.
I would be what I was meant to be.
I wouldn't be sick anymore and it would be quick and feel really good.
"Remember," they said,
"Remember how it works, and how it should feel.
If you remember and believe it to be so, it will be."
And so, I got out of that mediation and I did what I was told to do.
Intentionally cleaning and clearing out myself energetically.
It didn't take more than 5 minutes, and I was never, ever the same.
I felt a lightness and a buzzing and tingling in my body that wasn't uncomfortable anymore, but
I wasn't exhausted, I wasn't in horrible pain, I didn't feel like I lived
No more Fibromyalgia,
no more seeing 5 different specialists,
no more 10 daily prescriptions,
no more feeling like utter crap 24/7.
That was in 2013.
It is mid 2018 and
ONLY when I was energetic/psychic attack
have I felt that sort of sick,
and now I know what that is, and good luck
to anything or anyone
who tries to get in to do me harm.
And they do try, they will always try.
As ANY Light Worker or Warrior will confirm, we are under attack,
and even that helps us in the end to get and be and live stronger lives.
We ARE in a Spiritual War.
The Dark will always try to stop The Light.
It's like real life Star Wars out there but no one can see it.
But people CAN FEEL IT.
This time in our history is like no other time.
In other times, we were hunted, tortured and burned alive for
knowing what we know and being what we are.
Times have changed in so many ways.
They try to stop us in much more quiet ways, covert and using all sorts of people
and things that don't even realize how they are playing
a part in the works of The Dark, how they (and the things they love) are being used.
Even that won't be as affective as it has been because
more and more people will know and take control back.
It is easy to shed these energetic dark bonds,
and that's one of the things I do in my healing sessions.
Among other things, I detach dark energies that push buttons of innocent people.
And if I can't DO it, at least I let people know about the phenomenon,
and to The Dark, that's bad enough.
Knowledge is POWER.
The more people we heal and help to remember,
the more those people come online with who THEY are,
and THEY create the LIGHT LIFE they were meant to,
THEY live their most authentic Soul selves,
THEY stop being in pain and confused,
THEY tap into their own Creator Energies and
bring new light into the world and the universe.
No way can The Dark catch up and overtake the tidal wave of light that
all of us Light Bodies are and fuel.
I am beyond passionate, and have been working on this for many lifetimes,
along with many other Light Bodies, to help get us here, to this place and point in time.
So I can be sick, heal, get myself online,
understand that I was the one healing my animals & wild animals from many things,
and one day I eventually tried it on a person.
To hear My Guides say and PUSH me,
End this pain, and both of your suffering
I was feeling her lower back pain in my
lower back, and it was really, really bad.
Like a huge nail hammered in between
L3 & 6 in her spine.
But ONCE AGAIN, thinking it was my own pain,
since I have an old injury there too.
I did not make the connection, but assumed it was a coincidence
that we were both in back pain. Forgetting the fact that I didn't have
that issue until getting into close proximity to her.
Even years after understanding,
it wasn't obvious to me in those moments
with my friend at a party, where neither of us could dance we
were in so much pain.
That it was her pain in both of us,
and I could do something about it.
I asked her, "Can I do something to try to help you? So we BOTH aren't in so much pain?"
She laughed and said "YES!"
And right there, outside on that summer night, with Fire Spinners and
drumming all around us, with many people present,
I turned her around and I felt her shoulders and her down her spine,
and when I got to her lower back, I felt the heat, the hot, the pain.
"This isn't your old injury, this is negative energy using
your old injury as a place to sit. Let's get rid of it."
I just knew.
And then I went to work with her untangling the energy,
working with it to release, pulling it up and out,
like I did to myself many years before.
And...Within a minute or two-
I watched her go from agony to being pain free,
to feel her pain in my body release when hers did,
to see her face light up and say,
"It's Gone!"
This 21 year old person who went from hardly being able to stand
she was in so much pain, to BOUNCING around and able to dance, to look into
those eyes and see the relief....
To feel that hug.
It makes me emotional thinking about it.
Everything changed in that those moments.
It was beyond amazing.
When someone who was watching said,
"What did you do!?! That was OH MY GOD!!!!"
I shrugged and said,
"I helped her."
She was the first person and since then there's been
many more people and animals I've helped in many ways.
Every single thing I've intended to help has worked.
I hope to help you too, if you're so guided-please reach out.
Infinite LOVE Light & Blessings,
The Singer/Spirit of
By Brian Froud
Hello, I'm INFINITI,
some people know me as Vanessa or V
or Earth Mama.
Since the beginning of January, 2018
I've been guided that I should introduce myself as INFINITI.
When that information came to me, first that I had a Spirit Name
and that INFINITI was it, it took a bit for me to get used to it.
I didn't introduce myself as INFINITI for a long time.
There came a point where I wasn't "allowed" to bypass it and use Vanessa anymore.
I had integrated with my Highest Self to a point where it felt like
to not say that I am
I was told that there is an important aspect
of my name for other people to connect to.
To remember that we are ALL
we are all
New or Old Souls, many or one lifetime so far...
Throughout most of my life I didn't know
what I was doing, who I was, why I was here, what I was here for.
Life was very confusing.
I always
But life was still VERY hard.
Especially being so sick most of my life, diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at 25 after lifelong UNEXPLAINABLE physical issues, serious ones.
Physical problems from the age of ONE year old.
Correlating the Psychic Abilities with the Physical Issues I had all of my life
would take DECADES for me.
I had very serious stomach/digestive issues started at the age of 12 to
very serious headache/brain issues starting around age 16.
At the age of 25 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
Eventually my serious energy issues even involved strokes in my mid 30's.
Even the strokes that hit both sides of my body were difficult for the
medical community to explain, later I would understand that that too, was Energy related.
It was my Kundalini Awakening to be exact.
The spontaneous (a rare thing) of the "cracking open" and unleashing of the Kundalini Energy.
It happened in two separate stages, years apart. The first in 2008 and the second in 2012.
I was not prepared, andI wouldn't even know what that was
for several years-way after the fact.
If you are unfamiliar with what The Kundalini is,
it is when stored up dormant energy at the base of the spine
begins to release and flow up all the way through your Chakras,
activating them much more intensely all the way to your 3rd Eye or Pineal Gland,
in the center of your brain, then up through your Spiritual Space to your Crown Chakra.
People strive through meditation and yoga practice to have this happen.
Once this energy is released and activates your 3rd eye,
you can "see" like never before,
connect to the Spiritual Realm like never before
and know yourself like never before.
But sometimes it is "spontaneous."
The Kundalini experience really made my body go into shock energetically,
and because I was completely oblivious to it, it made things worse.
Much worse.
Not a single doctor I saw had any idea of what was REALLY HAPPENING!
It set of the Fibromyalgia off in a ferocious way,
and eventually, I was highly suicidal at times.
Most people knew how sick I was, but they didn't understand how desperate
to escape the viciousness of my existence was.
I fantasized about different ways to
kill myself-a lot.
I wanted release from my body and a hellish painful, lonely, broken life.
I truly believe this is what sparked my Awakening.
When you want to kill yourself
but you're meant to heal people and bring light into the world,
your Spirit Tribe tends to take over.
Free Will (in the way most people perceive it)
is a concept for some, not all.
More on that later & elsewhere.
This feeling of being suicidal wasn't exclusive to how things were for me after
The Kundalini, but before too-it just got more intense. Living on both sides was tough.
After the 2nd event happened in 2012,
I was half in and half out of understanding things about my life,
seeing patterns and the point in the high levels of duality in my life,
and also the point of many of the "bad" things in my life and
I was also becoming more in tune with My Spirit Tribe.
Instead of a one way conversation (that could be easily ignored)
it became more and more of an obvious two way
street of information going both ways.
Associating with others was really difficult after a certain point
(even more so than how it was all of my life)
because as I became more and more telepathic and psychic,
I could sense people and their motivations,
truths and denials and lies better than ever.
Those abilities were always good, but I wasn't strong enough to trust what I knew
and information that came 100% of the time, and a lot of the time I didn't want to know.
But as my abilities grew, it reached a point of infallibility.
And, I was getting constant validation from my
Spirit Tribe and the events that would follow.
Now I know that a lot of these experiences were to train me,
to prepare me for the work I am to do.
But, when I was so sick, life seemed like a pointless
battle I was just surviving, and I didn't like it one bit,
things were serious-
We are talking VERY intense physical issues...
Year-long State Disability many times, in so much pain and physical distress that the simplest of things were so difficult, I was unable to work, have any social life and be around people.
I was drawn to The Hay House Summit in 2013,
that is where I first learned of what an Empath was, although they didn't speak of what
a Physical Empath is, and it was still some time before I knew of that concept as well. And even now, in 2018, MOST people don't know what an Empath is, and what a Physical Empath is.
Mostly, Physical Empaths are called SICK.
Because they are sick with energy, but they don't have to be.
One of the guests had a meditation that at this point I cannot
remember-but shortly into the meditation I was pulled into another dimension...
It was quite amazing, and I remember it very well, but will forgo a lot of the visual
detail at this time.
I found myself sitting in front of a very bright Light Body,
all I could see or feel was
bright light
and love energy from this being.
When they "spoke" to me, it was as familiar
as the thought in my head, but it was not
from me but coming through me,
like so many
and feelings and thoughts and
ideas throughout my life.
Here is where without speech,
I understood things about my body
in what is best described as an
"informational download".
I was told about the energy that was locked and stored
in my body that was holding me down and back
and had been making me sick my entire life.
Negative, old, energy stuck and connected to my Chakras
and I was told how to release it,
untangle it and let go of it,
and I was told that if I did that, I would be better.
I would be what I was meant to be.
I wouldn't be sick anymore and it would be quick and feel really good.
"Remember," they said,
"Remember how it works, and how it should feel.
If you remember and believe it to be so, it will be."
And so, I got out of that mediation and I did what I was told to do.
Intentionally cleaning and clearing out myself energetically.
It didn't take more than 5 minutes, and I was never, ever the same.
I felt a lightness and a buzzing and tingling in my
body that wasn't uncomfortable anymore, but
I wasn't exhausted, I wasn't in horrible pain, I didn't feel like I lived
No more Fibromyalgia,
no more seeing 5 different specialists,
no more 10 daily prescriptions,
no more feeling like utter crap 24/7.
That was in 2013.
It is mid 2018 and
ONLY when I was energetic/psychic attack
have I felt that sort of sick,
and now I know what that is, and good luck
to anything or anyone
who tries to get in to do me harm.
And they do try, they will always try.
As ANY Light Worker or Warrior will confirm, we are under attack,
and even that helps us in the end to get and be and live stronger lives.
We ARE in a Spiritual War.
The Dark will always try to stop The Light.
that we as Light Workers/Warriors are without responsibility
for our lives and our part in situations and interactions.
I've had to learn in so many ways how dark forces come through
and it's been tough to navigate.
But pretending that it doesn't happen or exist is a dangerous game and something The Dark hopes
happens more and more. Nevertheless and in either case, they do what they do.
They do not hold back on how or who or what or
when or why of what it takes to slow one of us down.
It's like real life Star Wars out there but no one can see it.
But people CAN FEEL IT.
This time in our history is like no other time.
In other times, we were hunted, tortured and burned alive for
knowing what we know and being what we are.
Times have changed in so many ways.
They try to stop us in much more quiet ways, covert and using all sorts of people
and things that don't even realize how they are playing
a part in the works of The Dark, how they (and the things they love) are being used.
Even that won't be as affective as it has been because
more and more people will know and take control back.
However, there are two schools of thought when it goes to
The Spiritual War:
Do not give any negative thought or IDEA
that there is anything that is working against you,
or that there are any dark forces in your life. There is NOT a Spiritual War.
You are TOTALLY in control of your energy and the energy around you.
So if you DO NOT THINK about it, it won't be in your world.
There is a Spiritual War. Light Warriors and Light Workers are targeted
and hunted and played with in order to ULTIMATELY stop, or at least seriously
slow down, using ANY available means necessary to keep the Light Body
off course of their Light Mission(s). Light workers know this and acknowledge
The Dark Forces and those who play apart in helping and giving
energy to them, whether they are aware or not.
This means to be ULTRA aware of your energy how and waht is affecting it
and those around you.
I believe that the first way to approach this is very irresponsible.
It really bothers me to hear Spiritual Teachers talk about
ignoring Dark Energies and pretending they don't exist
so they (the dark)will not have any power.
and that's just THE DARK SPREADING RUMORS that they
HOPE people will believe.
I refuse to debate this issue with anyone.
I've come face to face with several people and
animals who were NOT in control-something(s) ELSE was.
I know what is out there and I also know that I am only
fully aware of a small amount
of what is out there, and I know a lot.
We cannot live closed off to what is possible, and that
is that ANYTHING. is possible
I personally am HIGHLY protected even though I still have to deal with
energies coming at me for who and what I am and what I am here to do.
I accept that.
And...Because I know that
it is easy to shed these energetic dark bonds,
and that's one of the things I do in my healing sessions.
Among other things, I detach dark energies
that push buttons of innocent people.
And if I can't DO it, at least I let people know about the phenomenon,
and to The Dark, that's bad enough.
It can tend to do one of two things depending on where people are in their
vibration. Either way...
Knowledge is POWER.
The more people we heal and help to remember,
the more those people come online with who THEY are,
and THEY create the LIGHT LIFE they were meant to,
THEY live their most authentic Soul selves,
THEY stop being in pain and confused,
THEY tap into their own Creator Energies and
bring new light into the world and the universe.
No way can The Dark catch up and overtake the tidal wave of light that
all of us Light Bodies are and fuel.
I am beyond passionate, and have been working on this for many lifetimes,
along with many other Light Bodies, to help get us here, to this place and point in time.
So I can be sick, heal, get myself AWAKE and online,
understand that I was the one healing my animals
& wild animals from many issues and injuries,
and one day I eventually tried it on a person.
To hear My Guides say and PUSH me,
End this pain, and both of your suffering
I was feeling her lower back pain in my
lower back, and it was really, really bad.
Like a huge nail hammered in between
L3 & 6 in her spine.
But ONCE AGAIN, thinking it was my own pain,
since I have an old injury there too.
I did not make the connection, but assumed it was a coincidence
that we were both in back pain. Forgetting the fact that I didn't have
that issue until getting into close proximity to her.
Even a couple of years after understanding,
it wasn't obvious to me in those moments
with my friend at a party, where neither of us could dance we
were in so much pain.
That it was her pain in both of us,
and I could do something about it.
I asked her, "Can I do something to try to help you? So we BOTH aren't in so much pain?"
She laughed and said "YES!"
And right there, outside on that summer night, with Fire Spinners and
drumming all around us, with many people present,
I turned her around and I felt her shoulders and her down her spine,
and when I got to her lower back, I felt the heat, the hot, the pain.
"This isn't your old injury, this is negative energy using
your old injury as a place to sit. Let's get rid of it."
I just knew.
And then I went to work with her untangling the energy,
working with it to release, pulling it up and out,
like I did to myself many years before.
And...Within a minute or two-
I watched her go from agony to being pain free,
to feel her pain in my body release when hers did,
to see her face light up and say,
"It's Gone!"
This 21 year old person who went from hardly being able to stand
she was in so much pain, to BOUNCING around and able to dance, to look into
those eyes and see the relief....
To feel that hug.
It makes me emotional thinking about it.
Everything changed in that those moments.
It was beyond amazing.
When someone who was watching said,
"What did you do!?! That was OH MY GOD!!!!"
I said,
"I helped her."
She was the first person and since then there's been
many more people and animals I've helped in many ways.
Every single thing I've intended to help/cure/get rid of has worked.
I hope to help you too, if you're so guided-please reach out.
Infinite LOVE Light & Blessings,