Psychic Physical Empath
Medical Medium & Intuitive
"I feel YOU & your PAIN. I can HELP!"
"The painful, dense, negative energy trapped
in your body feels HOT to me,
like a heating pad on your skin & in your system.
I don't need to be told what the
problem is-I'll find it and fix it."
New! The Key Is To Art & Creator Portal-Join Today!
One of the laws and keys to the #universe and to living and #elevating your experience here in this reality, and something to think about and put serious #energy into, is #creating. We are all #creators but most people don’t know the power they have in that and what it means. The more we #create out of the #passion to simply #experience something new, or to #share a new perspective, to #unite with others, to #dive into what is possible, to #inspire.
A long time ago in one of my first and most #powerful channelings I was told this very simple #message : THE KEY IS TO CREATE. And believe it or not it was not one of these until I created it: #thekeyistocreate PLEASE TAG YOUR CREATIONS! INSPIRE OTHERS! I even made a necklace, and I have it somewhere in my storage shed. It is stamped with that message and has a #key charm with it. At the time and for a long time, I must admit, I didn’t understand what that meant. It is very simple, and it makes sense. But it means so much more than the obvious.
As an artist, it is important to remember to just DO IT. CREATE SOMETHING, but as artists, and as an #empath and a sensitive person, I went through long periods where I didn’t and “couldn’t” create anything, despite being given the gift to draw after making a wish to do so in my early 20’s. I’m not kidding, my entire life I wanted to be able to draw, I took classes and all but I was NOT GOOD. I just couldn’t do it. I could see in my mind what I wanted to draw but the translation SUUCKED. I had a conversation with someone and I went on and on about it, wishing I could draw. A few days later I could draw anything I wanted. AND despite that, there’s been long, long periods where I just don’t do it. As I was saying, as an empath it is really hard to force our creativity. And when that happens when we cannot create WE SHOULD KNOW THAT THERE IS A HUUUUGE PROBLEM INSIDE.
The key is to create is a reminder that as humans we are energy and as we put out more of our energy, of our creations, we are adding to the light of our world and the universe.
No matter how much darkness, how much evil, how much corruption, how much torture, how much waste, how much separation, how much imbalance, how much selfishness, greed or apathy, how much of the opposite that we are as light workers and those fighting every single day to live out and be who we came here to be. Light Workers, Light Warriors. Healers in so many ways. I am a #PsychicPhysicalEmpath I can feel other people’s #emotions and #bodies and I was sick for a long time with #fibromyalgia because I didn’t know what I was or was naturally doing, oblivious to everything.
Now I #heal other’s with my natural ability to work with energy and your #spirit #tribes I help #animals and people to #transmute #negative energy and get healthier and live their best lives in their best bodies. And I’m also to help fellow empaths. To identify them, to help them figure out what it’s about. So all of that is major light work and because of that the #darkforces and #energies would like that I would just STOP with all of that Light Working and setting others off to heal and unplug from The Matrix and set of other’s and so on and so on but I WILL NOT STOP. I may get slowed down considerably, I may come up against the nastiest of monsters and role reversals in people but I won’t stop. I just know what’s what. But it can be very difficult, but I’ll leave it at that for now the flip side is that I’m highly guarded and guided and my life is so damn magical and impossibly beautiful despite any darkness that may come my way that there’s no way I could ever STOP.
It’s just a silly thought, plus THEY DON’T SCARE ME. They may piss me off with the time they have me waste, but it’s TIME battle as much as an ENERGY battle. I already know we win this Spiritual War. These little battles are annoyances I’m getting better and better at seeing ahead of time. I’m working on acting on these things and every single day I learn something new about all of this. And how much is involved on so many levels and layers that my mind bends, explodes and implodes and I realize, yeah-I knew that. LOL
If anything my own power takes more getting used than anything. My own abilities, my own connections, my own impossible experiences that I know are just the tip of what’s possible. And what I can do at this point is pretty cool and more than I could ever imagine. What’s so exciting to me is to get other’s on that level of lightness, for what is meant to be for each person at any given time.
At any given moment to elevate and begin to vibe SO HIGH that if they are meant to, if they want to, if it’s in their blueprint to set through into new territory…That they can see through the veils and into the other realms and hear and feel and see what is really there and to end being distracted by what is FALSE, but what seems real. More information on ALL of that on my website about to go LIVE TODAY AT 12:30 PM Pacific. Link on my Profile. Check it out for all sorts of discounts on my services right now to celebrate the launch and information for my ONLINE EVENT FOR THE LIONS GATE on 8.8.18 Registration begins now. It’s a work in progress and it’s been a group effort and a creation in the works for a very, very, very long time.
Information for and during this INTENSE FULL MOON ECLIPSE of 1 HOUR AND 23 MINUTES today, that begins at
Message For The Collective:
Please think about WHAT and HOW you create (artistically and otherwise) or how you don’t or haven’t or want to or WILL START NOW. Our creations are who and what we are, and we create our reality and we create so many, many things. I’m not saying I’m perfect at any off it, but I’m learning and I’m supposed to give messages as I get them too. The Key Is To Create was a message from at least 10 years ago but I didn’t understand how much it meant.
I do now, and on this very important day, when so much energy is going to shift and lift and reset and dissolve and come into existence, it’s SUCH AN AMAZING OPPORTUNITY to BE PRESENT FOR YOURSELF NOW. This is the longest Total Lunar Eclipse of this century. Those of us in The US cannot see it in the sky, unfortunately but we will certainly feel it and hear about what all happens and I’m expecting some really intense shit to go down. Not only is the eclipse happening, but just a couple of days ago, on July 19th we went into what’s called 180 Degrees. Which means that all of the planets are on one side of the Sun. AND Mercury just went Retrograde yesterday, July 26th, 2018.
So we have TWO FORCES GOING ON THROUGH THIS ECLIPSE. Forward and backwards. This is the beginning of the massive tipping points in reality for everyone on the planet whether they are aware of it or not, and the actual take off point will be on and after 8.8.18. Reality will shift fast, but it’ll take a few more weeks for certain things to be seen completely or to completely begin. But A LOT is shifting and changing for most everyone on different levels in their reality. So, the energy and force of that is big. Not everyone is ready to go forward and through this portal and to collapse in the higher frequency through 8.8.18. Not judgement, it’s vibrational. It’s energetic. And it’s not something that can just be flipped TODAY.
There’s no question that if you are reading this, you are in some forward motion and there’s a level of detachment to what has been. There’s going to be a partition and then a convergence (8.8.18). This one will have loud and what some will perceive as catastrophic consequences but this is a major detox/cleansing through the shift. GAIA’s energy is changing, there’s no doubt about it. Maybe more acuity in the Poles Shifting, Volcanic activity, earthquakes, heat, etc.
And it’s necessary, and unavoidable, unfortunately not all can come or survive but that’s only a human perspective, if you choose to see it that way. As some stay and some go, we need to remember that their Missions and Journeys were set and they came and worked through a set of circumstances that is what it is. There are those that decided prior to their incarnations that they will be part of larger events and points in history. They are creating as well. A new existence and reality for themselves as a collective and for us as a collective and for those yet to join us. I don’t know specifics of what will happen but I expect some instruments and electricity, electronics etc to also act up today.
So aside from the dense energy and the shifts and who’s knows what’s that will transpire…Don’t get anxious more than the natural energies will throw you around. Control what you can control, which is your energy. Do what your body would like it to do if that is possible for you. Just avoid negative exchanges and try to stay as calm and watch your breathing and do not create drama in yourself or others. FLOW. RISE. And EMPATHS: REMEMBER we FEEL for other’s and days like today are MUCH MORE INTENSE FOR US. Especially PHYSICAL EMPATHS. SO Ground, center and then put your energies into sending love to the collective, for any people who may be affected by any events happening today, natural or otherwise and meditate on sending out your energy to assist in the elevation of the consciousness of every beautiful Soul on this beloved planet, our Mother Gaia.
CREATE SOMETHING TODAY. ANYTHING. We inspire other people and things into being created and WE ALSO #MANIFEST FASTER and faster when we practice creating. what of those things GET YOU EXCITED AND JUICY AND IN A TIME WARP? When time stands still and you are in THE ZONE. What and when does that happen for you? THAT is the KEY. The ooey gooey middle. Do it or visualize doing it and then fucking DO IT.
Infinite Blessings,