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Writer's picture: luvcatsluvcats

When 1 became 2...Watch the flames dance and spark, their movements in balance and in perfect reflection, attraction and energy. Mesmerizing and it also smells so good. I let this burn longer than usual because it was so beautiful. I’m preparing for a new tarot and oracle reading & video on my YouTube channel, Infinite Love Light Energy. I’m super excited about this one! The format is totally different than anything I’ve done before and of course it was divinely guided while meditating. We will be splitting the astrological signs up and by divine feminine and masculine, and it pertains specifically to the 11.11 Stargate that were already feeling. Coming up with a specific number code sequence for each set and for the entire reading. I’m told it will in itself be an activation for those who see it and symbols that come up with specifically pertain to each incarnate lightworker astro-group for the 11.11 Stargate. We are diving deep on this one. And this doesn’t even include my guided astral meditation that will also be on my YouTube channel. Not only are we in a Mercury retrograde, but it is transiting the sun, meaning that like an eclipse you can see it pass in front of the sun. This happens on 11.11, also The Full Moon and our Stargate. Did I mention what doozy of a Stargate this is? Yes, I definitely have! We’ve been preparing for this one for a while now, in our wake and sleep states and feeling it too. Massive upgrades have begun and are on the way and we are energizing Soul connections that have been sleeping for so long. Us with our own Soul’s-true Divine Union and reconnecting with our Spirit Tribes, our connection to the other side—our Mission Control. With their help we are guided to ourselves and to each other.

Infinite Love & Blessings, ~Infiniti~

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