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1.1.2019 INFINITI/ARCHANGEL GABRIEL Channeling: GAIA & Jesus

Writer's picture:  INFINITI INFINITI

Channeling received via INFINITI/Archangel Gabriel on 1/1//2019 during her LIVE ASTRAL Guided Meditation via her YouTube Channel @ INFINITI Psychic Physical Empath.


Hey family, this is Infiniti. It is the new year. So happy new year, Happy 2019. We are going to be doing a meditation, very specifically today. The theme of it anyway, as far as I know-- the specifics of that, to start, is self-love and abundance, and to practice the act of receiving, and to grow into those energies more and more every single day of this year because we have just come out of the setup of 2018. I have never been happier, more excited and ecstatic for my life, in my entire life. Things just in these last 24-hours have been mind blowing and I will write about that in the description if you're interested. But I want that for everyone. I want everyone to step more and more into alignment with their highest selves, with their authenticity, with really what they are here to do, not what they feel they should be doing, and for a while I had been doing that too. So there's been a lot of milestones this last year. A lot of amazing cosmic events. A lot of transmutation. A lot of shifting of energies. A lot of revelations for a lot of people. A lot of coming into their awakening. Just in these last few months and it's been an amazing thing to see, and witness, and feel, and guide, and be a part of, and be in it with you all. And there's just going to be more of that. And with the people that have been on this journey of awakening, of coming into understanding really what life is, and that is an unfoldment that continues and continues and continues. We do, at certain points, certain milestones, come into really big alignments and revelations and understandings about ourselves, and things, and syncronicities and all sorts of things. So it's a constant process, definitely. And to ever think that you are awoken and done is definitely not true- for any of us. And that is definitely myself included.

So at this time we are going to be getting into a meditation. i'm not exactly sure what is going to happen, or where we are going to go, or who we are going to hear from, or who I might channel. I don't set these up, they are not from me, but they are through me, for the most part of that channeling. So I start us off and take us down and get you to a point of being out of body and then we go from there. This isn't necessarily like the type of meditations I do when I do my live meditations. I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen here, who's going to come. I don't know if it's going to be-- if Gaia will show or not, she is always the one, kind of the principle host in all of the other ones that I do, because that is what I've done before. However I will say this to start, that although I am in constant contact with Gaia, she does come to have specific conversations with me, but there are others that I am in really, really constant contact with,. moment to moment, and that would be Jesus and the angels, Archangels.

So today in particular has been a heavy Jesus day, just like Christmas was. It always is but then there's days that are more so and today is definitely one of those days. I was guided outside around 8 o'clock tonight to go to a particular tree and spend time there, where he really really is attached to. So his energy is very much there and present. It was 30 degrees and I was really warm, and I was not that super layered. I just wasn't cold. It was a beautiful interaction there him integrating with Gaia in that way, in that space, and so I do know that that is definitely a possibility, that Jesus will be coming through. So anyway, with that said, please know that I do this in light and love for you to fully open up to the possibilities that this beautiful world and life has to offer. And start to let go of limitations in your mind and start to decide that you can do, and be, and go, and have, and give, and receive as much as you want. It is all up to you. The only limits that are ever imposed on any of us are the ones that we set up for ourselves and it takes time to deconstruct a lifetime of thinking all sorts of different things about our lives. You have to retrain your brain, and your heart, and your mind, and your soul to be able to come in and guide you along with the rest of your spirit tribe and people like me.

So let's take deep breaths please. I apologize for my ultra squeaky couch., It has been engineered and constructed especially for the purposes of me being able to use it, so it is a little noisy. I do apologize. I will try not to squeak too much. So please take a few really nice, slow deep breaths everyone. We want you to do a nice, clean, clearing, detoxifying sweep through your brain. Anything that stands out for you, in your life, in your journey, in your mission, how things have been in these last few months. Anything that is of negative charge. Anything that stands out that was painful or hurtful. We want to-- when I say do a clean sweep, the way that I'm shown this is for anything that comes up, to say thank you for the situation, the person, the feelings involved, and whatever it was, decide, in your body, in your field, in your energy, to let it go, to send it love. To not have negative charge and negative feelings. Anything that's been associated with things that are brought up, uncomfortable feelings, hurtful feelings, anger, resentment, if you felt abused, if you felt depressed about a situation or person, something that happened, something you were a part of. See it as an experience for you to learn, to grow, and let go of the idea that it was anything actually bad. It's just a page in your story, in a chapter, in one volume, of a never ending series of volumes for your soul. Think of it as the tiniest of little blips and then watch it go. For each one that comes. You can make your way through January. Think of it that way...February, all the way through. Through where we are now. We are through December and we are starting the new year, and 2019. So again family, please take a moment to just let your mind wander. Just say it's really okay to think about anything right now that may have come up for me, may have happened, anything that I was a part of that was not positive, that's the way to look at it. And then just to see it from a different perspective - if that's the way you still see these things. Send the situation, the person, the circumstance, whatever, if it is grief over a loss of someone, or for a lot of people, your belongings, your homes, your friends, your relatives, people that you may have lost, your family members that are of the animal kingdom, any kind of loss or grief, realize that everything is impermanent, and everything changes and evolves, and nothing stays the same, and sometimes things need to change in very dramatic ways. But try to see it from a broader approach or a satellite perspective. The more we hold onto these types of feelings, the harder it is to move forward. The harder it is to see and feel and be a part of deeper connections, and syncronicities that are to come, to get you into further alignment, to make you know and feel, within yourself and your soul, and your body, everywhere, from top to bottom, that everything is exactly the way it's supposed to be. This is how I've come to feel now. And for those that are close to me in my life that I have been sharing things with, it is blowing them away just as much as it is blowing me away. And again, this is something I want to share with everybody, having these types of feelings and domino effects, and just the abundance and the wows...lining up, one stacking on top of the other on such a beautiful way. And feeling so utterly supported and guided and loved, taken care of. I want that for you so badly. We all do.

So please decide this for yourself, in 2019, this will be your year to receive. This is a word, a theme that keeps coming up. Receive, receive, receive, receive. Be open to receive. I know we say abundance a lot, but receiving is so intentional. I choose to receive any and everything that Mother Father God, the Universe, my Higher Self, my mission, everything that is meant for me and my life, I choose to receive that without any blockages impeding the way. They do not exist from myself or from anything else. It is a clear and open channel directly to me. There is nothing blocking me. It is bright and light all around me and everything can come to me freely and beautifully. And I receive with happiness and joyfulness and a sense of blissed out, high vibrational feeling through and through. Grateful for everything. Seeing the beauty within and without. All around. Know as you make your choices, things will happen extremely quickly. Breathe into that and know. Say to yourself "I will stay in a loving, giving, receiving, joyful, blissful, grateful frame of mind. Happy, content, child-like. Always." These are the ways to receive so easily. And the more you do, the happier you are and it just perpetuates more and more giddiness, blissfulness, abundance, thrown at you from every direction. Just imagine because you have high and good intentions for everything that you bring in, everything that goes out. To give, give, give, as you receive, receive, receive. Give in love and light. Give in to yourself. Listen to your guides. Be open. Step aside. Step aside and go all in. Another deep, deep breath.

Alright family. What we are going to do at this point is feel into and activate our chakras. Imagine and feel into the vibrations of your root chakra at your feet, at your seat, as you're sitting nice and straight. If you can, sit in the yoga pose, cross-legged, please do so. Please stretch. Snap crackle and pop for yourself. In all of my meditations you are to move freely. Please stay seated, so you can move your legs, you can move your arms, you can feel free to flow and move and almost do a dance as you sit there. Keep your eyes closed. If you're in a space where there's really nothing around you and you can get up and run around or dance as you keep your eyes closed, feel free to do that. I'm seeing a dance studio so that's really cool. But aside from that, or if you're outside, I don't know, but you know, just try to stay seated. You are free to move. Keep your eyes closed. Start feeling into the base of your spine, your seat, right under you. Feel it activating, getting really really tingly now. Take a nice deep breath and breathe all the way down into your root chakra and just light it up. Feel it getting brighter and brighter and see it. You can see it from an outside perceptive as though you are looking at yourself from just a few feet away. And just imagine that you were not solid as you look at yourself. That you are transparent, luminescent, opalescent, shimmery, like a fluid crystal, fiery.

And then feel that energy go up into your sacral chakra, that orange color. And light that up like a nice, bright candle right there, in between your solar plexus, which is at the center, rigt at your naval, so your sacral is in between your root and your solar plexus. So we have red, and orange, and then yellow, right in your center. The sun. The center of the solar system of your body. And with that said, we light up your infiniti symbol. Feel it lighting up and stretching out from the center. From your core, from your foundation. Just feel that energy push out. You're going to breathe in again and breathe out. Take it all the way down to your root chakra and then all the way back up. We're really going to be working in with our heart chakra, that beautiful green energy family, coming straight into our heart, right in the center of our chest. Feel that beautiful energy. You want to open up and tell your body to open up to the energy of your heart chakra expanding. Sometimes it can be very uncomfortable, or even painful. People will end up, sometimes, in the hospital when their heart chakras are expanding and opening up. This happened to me a few years ago. I had no idea what was happening. So sometimes this can be very intense. That is why we do practices like this, to keep our heart chakras open. This is why we take nice, long, deep, controlled breaths all day long. This is why we try to stay in that loving space so we don't shock our chakra, or any of them, but they're in just a constant state of open and expansion. So if you feel any tightness, just breathe into that and imagine that beautiful green energy. It's a like an emerald green, beautiful beautiful, sparkly, bright, shiny.

Breathe in an feel that energy go up into your throat chakra. And we're going to tell our bodies that in and through this year of 2019, we are going to feel empowered to speak our truth, to be as honest as possible with ourselves and others. There's no reason for lies or deceit, to not be authentic, to not be true, and real and honest with yourself and other people. This is how you raise in vibration. If you do other things, lying deceit, avoidance, denial, these things, you are not going to be able to raise your vibration. And this all starts from the root and up. It's about what you're passionate about. If you have and have tapped into your true passion, you don't want anything to impede on that, Like the energy of not being authentic and real. You don't want that burden of that energy and when you feel it in another you do not like it and you can sense it. You will find there will be people who will disappear from your life because they do this and they know that you know. They can feel that you can feel their dishonesty, their lies, their deceit. And they will stay away and drop out of your life and you will make room in your life for people who are like you, honest, real, true, truth-seekers. People not hiding from the truth of who they are, who you are, what is really happening, what you're here for, everything is open and honest, nothing in the way. All you care about is your passions, living in your truth. The true abundance and meeting people that just charge you up and get you passionate and excited, motivate you, and you motivate others, inspire others. And it feels so good. There's so many ways that we heal. All of us in our own right. If we are doing in our mission, in our passion, we are naturally in love light, in creation, which is healing. We are all healers in our own way.

There are so many facets to a crystal. And with that said, I want you to imagine a beautiful, bright, white, quartz crystal. A cluster of points altogether. It can be like the one you saw in the picture with this video, that is my candle quartz. I will write in the description, the story of this crystal and how it came to be mine. But I want you to think about this crystal. It is different than a regular quartz crystal cluster points because it has these minerals on top that make it look like wax and a candle. It's beautiful and luminescent in the sun. It's exceptionally shimmery and shiny. It has a million facets. This crystal, the candle quartz crystal, it's primary function, for you in your life, and I ask that you find one for yourself, may it come to you and you be guided to your own candle quartz crystal. If you would like help, please ask. The primary function of the crystal is to bring abundance into your life. To help bring into your field and energy, and all around you, this vibration of abundance. Of peace and receiving. And let me tell you family, since this crystal has been with me, I have been definitely receiving and feeling it so nicely. Not that I didn't before, it's just a beautiful feeling crystal. So please spend a few moments thinking about this candle quartz and acquiring your own. Ask your guides and angels to bring you yours, to guide you to it and it to you. That you are ready to receive. It's not everything, it's another facet to your abundance matrix.

When you step out of the 3D matrix, you are still in a matrix. You didn't evaporate. Nothing fell away, but you are in an abundance matrix, if that is where you choose to rise to. That is where I choose to rise to. And this is why I am speaking to you now. The abundance matrix, the receiving matrix, it is activated now for those of us who have been in alignment with this. Those of us who have been doing this work. To transmute and let go of dense negative energies in and within us. To let go of anything and anyone and circumstances, regardless of who or what they were about, and send them love. Have faith in all as it was meant to be, and please be open to receiving and to continue to receive guidance and wisdom from these circumstances as you are neutral in sending love to it. As you do that, you receive love back. You want to be firmly rooted and firmly grounded in the abundance matrix. It is 2019. If you have been doing the soul work and journey family, you have been witnessing in your own mind, things coming into alignment more and more. You are getting motivated and excited with the energy, the people around you. There is a charge of beauty in your field and energy and you are excited for the future. You cannot wait to get started. Think about these things for yourself as you open up your throat chakra. All of that energy, how you communicate, how you create is connected with this and it reaches in and up to your third eye chakra. Super important in the creation and receiving and in the abundance matrix. You want to walk trough your journey with light and you have to see your third eye as the flashlight, the bright light that shines from with in you that is open up to receiving and is also sending out, that is just bright and light from your third eye open. You want to tell your body to open up to these more intense energies that are coming in and through you, and Gaia and where you are going on your journey, in the abundance matrix in 2019. It is a three year and one of abundance. If you choose to receive.



Hello family, this is Gaia. Jesus is here with me as well. We came in together. However, I am here to speak first. Thank you for hearing the call and being here in this moment. As you know dear one, my beautiful child, everything is exactly how it should be. You are always in the right space and time. This is how you have constructed your journey. So whenever it is that you are hearing my voice, is the perfect time. I thank you for hearing the call and for being here, as I said. It is so very important for you to receive. Do you see my body? There is so much that I offer you. From top to bottom. From east to west. In the oceans, in the valleys, in the mountains, in the deserts, in the forests, and all in between. Places that are covered in ice or sand, and water, or grass and trees. It would take you an infinite amount of lifetimes to see and feel and experience every single part of me. The more that you are connected with me, with receiving, the more you are able to experience, the more we can show you. The more you can witness, feel, taste, touch, share. Remember what we have said before, all of us, it is important to receive. This is how you build your heaven here upon me now. Begin building your heaven on earth, on Gaia. This is how it was always meant to be. The only way to do this dear ones, is to receive. How else do you have your heaven on earth unless you are abundant in receiving? Anything and everything that is perfect for your heaven, without selfishness, without greediness. So you may receive, so you may give, as has been said, time and time again. But now so many of you are understanding more and more. It isn't only a concept but there is a clear purpose to receiving, to your abundance, and with that, you are charged and high in vibration, and excited, purposeful, knowing it is every changing as am I, as are you. Nothing ever stays the same. You are in the beginning of a journey. Even if you've been on this journey for a long time, now dear ones, if you are here, if you know, if you feel, you are so ready to receive. You will feel the push like a wave. It will rain down upon you. You want to receive. So many of you find so much joy in giving, you are nearly incapable to receive. This can no longer be. You are all part of a construction crew, building upon me heaven on earth. A piece here, a piece there, and you will weave it together. And to do that again dear ones, my beautiful family, you must receive everything that I give you, everything that we all give you.



Hello brothers and sisters, this is Jesus. I cannot tell you how beautiful the energies have been. Thank you all so very much for your love on Christmas. I felt it from all of you who know me, who feel me, who talk to me, who hear me, even if it's only in your dreams, or as a whisper in the wind, beneath a tree as you walk your dog, or as you drive and you let your mind wander. However way you may feel me. I feel you, all of you. I do hope that all of you saw the skies that day-- Paid attention. If you do not remember, if it was not something that you did, please witness what our dear one Infiniti has to show you. I was here with her too, in the skies, we all were. I say hello several times, thank you for coming to my birthday party. It's always such a special day. Myself and Gaia, and all of you, even those who don't believe in me, they are part of me, part of Gaia, and part of that extra special energy that courses through us all. Weaving through and through. So thank you. Since that day we have been working, feeling- all of us, it has been together, me and you pushing through, letting go, I am there by your side helping you. Hopefully you can feel me and hear me motivating you to let go. To go into this next phase in time lighter, happier, healthier, feeling love course through you like never before. Being guided and open to receive like never before. As mother Gaia has said, it is necessary for your missions. No longer something to learn to practice, but something to live in and with. Feel the giddiness of a child at Christmas. Remember yourself as a child at Christmas. Happy to receive, giddy, excited for your surprises, believing in magic and miracles. All of these things are real and true, as I am, as you are. If you have and feel the giddiness of a child, through and through, if you are honest and open and authentic as a child. If you are creational as a child is, without holding back, letting go, knowing there is no right or wrong, all of these things make it easier for you to receive. And I am always by your side to remind you. To show you all the things that we are giving you in every moment so you may receive.

It is true, there is an abundance matrix. As time goes on, we will talk about that more. For now, know that you are in it. You have stepped into it. Think of it as stepping onto solid water, ice, with ice skates on, and learning your footing. See how fast you can go. Look at how you can spin and jump. It's different than walking. You are just as connected to Gaia. But it is a different experience. You need to learn your balance. You need to learn to let go, to receive and to fly on this different solid space. You are still on Gaia, but it is different. Things can be faster and you will receive faster. Be intentional about receiving, about the abundance. Ask for help from me, from Gaia herself, from the angels that are with you all the time. The angels are with you now and always. And more and more, the other realm of angelics, the dragons, here with me, with Gaia, and in 2019, the second fleet arrives. They are magical and help in creation. And help bring you the energies of abundance, of solidifying yourself into the abundance matrix, and we are all here to help you. Remember brothers and sisters, the message is, the key is to create. Be the creator that you are. Be creational. Receive divine knowledge and inspiration and guidance in your creations, in your journey. Be open in your astral and sleep and dream state for guidance. Be open in your wake state. Be discerning. Be true. Be you. Be real. No matter what, know we are with you.

If you have not done so yet, please imagine spending time with me inside of your crystal. This is your abundance crystal. If you feel the energies of the candle quartz, may that be it, but it is up to you. You and I, in your crystal, and every time that you are in dream state, when you are open to receive divine knowledge and spend time with me, you are in your crystal, this is where I choose to be with you. So if you have not done so, please dear ones, draw yourself with me in your crystal. Illustrate it so you may show it to others, inspire them to be with me in their crystal. The more you do this, the more you solidify yourself in the abundance matrix. The more you are open to working with the dragons, consciously, subconsciously, the more you're open to seeing them as they are coming in, reinforcements for the abundance matrix, arriving overnight into the day, 2019. Dear ones family, brothers and sisters, this is a very exciting time. If you feel the need to healing, please seek healing. Go into nature, write, create, draw, paint, swim, climb, seek out those who can help you clear your field and heal you. Our dear one Infiniti does this. Please seek her out to help you if you are so guided, or someone else that you may trust with your energy, but know, know that you are guided to seek the help of Infiniti, it has been proven time and time again that those of us in the higher realms work with her and through her. It has been proven time and time again by those she has worked with how they have been transformed so very quickly. Hearing from Gaia herself, directly to you. Feeling the power of the angelics and knowing that I am there.

It is time for more and more people to shed their old skins and there are few people ready and willing, like her, who can help you so quickly. Solidify yourself, stabilize yourself, clear your field and step into the abundance matrix. As high vibrational and love light infused as possible. Do not fear anything. Truth is not to be feared. The only thing you have to gain is to get into further alignment with your mission and your journey, your highest selves, to hear from me, from Gaia, from your spirit tribe directly to help you in such a way, in such a boost. Do not turn away from something so important and helpful and healing. Do it in your own time, but do not turn away. Step into the light. Decide to be, and feel, and live as high vibrational as possible. To let go of the hurts and pains that you've carried with you that do not serve you. I ask, as your brother, please family, this is all for your own good. Any ailment that you may have, we can help you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for wanting to step into yourself, into the new world that is there for you. Not everyone can let go and free fall, and know, and have faith. You have done the work, you are here now. You will receive. Say it, I will receive. I receive. I receive. I receive. My life is abundant with joy and love and receiving and giving. I step into my highest self, I know I have my brother Jesus and my mother Gaia. I know I am here on a miraculous, beautiful journey and it is only just beginning. I let go of all that doesn't serve me and I step into the light of abundance and receiving, and sharing my gifts of creation, and I will live heaven on earth every single day.



Family, oh my goodness, this is Infiniti and that was amazing. I had a feeling we would be hearing from Gaia and I am being told that is it for now. I am super tingly and super charged and so very excited to share all of that with you. I hope you feel the energy and the truth in that. Know if you are so guided, I am here. Thank you so much. I love you. Please feel free to leave comments, share, like, subscribe, donate if you are so guided, book time with me, send me an email, ask your questions. I love you family, so very very much. Happy New Year. Happy 2019. I am overcome with love for everyone and excitement for my own journey, and to share it with all of you, so thank you for being here with me, with Mother Gaia, with Jesus, with all of the angels the Archangels, the fae, the galactics, the elementals. For the year 2018, thank you so very much for all of your lessons. We send you love and we open up the door to 2019 in the happiest, most receptive way we possibly can. To receive, to receive, to love to give, to feel bliss and joy, to create, to send the message. The key is to create. Thank you all so very much. I love you. Infinite love light and blessings. Namaste.

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