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1.20.2019 INFINITI/Archangel Gabriel Channeling: Jesus & GAIA, Transcription from Meditation

Writer's picture:  INFINITI INFINITI

Channeling received via INFINITI on 1/20/2019 during her LIVE ASTRAL Guided Meditation via her YouTube Channel @ INFINITI Psychic Physical Empath.


Okay so, if you need to lay down, lay down, but if you can try to stay seated that would be great. We're going to start taking these deep breaths. Do me a favor and put your palms together into Namaste. Center and focus. Think about your body. Do me a favor, as you sit there, just kind of sway a little bit, back and forth, to really feel your body. Now take your hands out of namaste and just palms up. So as you're swaying and your palms are up, think about receiving positive love light energy from Gaia, our beautiful Mother Earth, our Star-ship and all of her bounty and beauty. And tonight as she is right in between the sun, that beautiful radiant light that nourishes us, embraces us and warms us up and our moon, the theme of the night, the lunar eclipse. And just taking in these energies, just be really really intentional you guys right now. So right now I want you to focus on the sun. Just imagine you're sitting outside and your;e feeling the sun, on our face, on your shoulders, on your neck. You can imagine yourself sitting there naked or in loose clothing, whatever feels comfortable to you. In your bathing suit as you;re sitting on the beach and watching the waves, the tide, hearing the birds, feeling the air, the beautiful sun on your skin. And with your palms up receiving. You can put your palms on your knees. Or have them up, whatever is comfortable to you. Just make sure that you're sitting nice and straight, shoulders back. Abs are firm and tight, holding you up so you're not slouching over onto your hips or over your knees or too far back. You want to be nice and comfy in your seat. If sitting on a bolster helps, so your hips are higher than your knees. If you have a lower back injury or a tailbone, or anything like that, sometimes that helps. If you need to lay down, go ahead and lay down. But if you are seated please be nice and straight in your seat, shoulders back, palms up in your lap.

So again, imagine yourself, feel what it would feel like to sit on the beach. If it feels good to you to imagine being there alone, or you can imagine being there with others, sitting nearby, sharing the energy. We want to have the energy, the feel, the frequency of receiving... having your palms uP helps to receive energies.. having your spine nice and straight, head up, chin up, also helps you receive energies. Whenever I channel my left hand is always up. A lot of times my right hand is pointed an antennae. I have my palm, the left one, up receiving. And a lot of times it does feel good to have my right have up to broadcast, especially if i'm channeling. So usually when I get into these moments, this is a position I will take..So for you, you can just have your palms up to receive and be very intentional about that. As you're sitting upon Gaia, being open to receive the energies that are coming and flowing through her as we're sitting on her, as she's sitting in between the sun and the moon. Just think of yourself as open. Just like all of the cups that we saw in the tarot tonight. That beautiful ten of cups, the energy flowing back and forth and back and forth. And just imagine Gaia being right in between that, the energies from our beautiful moon and our sun. We know how the position of the moon effects our tides, affects the energies upon everything on Gaia, the pull, and especially tonight because she is closest to us in her orbit, or as close as she can be. So she's this super full moon tonight. Also, let's be very intentional about bringing in our spirit tribe, our guides, the angelics. They're going to come into our space, be around us as we sit in the sun on the beach. Imagine hearing the waves, hearing the birds, feeling the air, feeling the sun on our skin. It's not too hot, it's perfect, it's comfortable.

And again, take a nice deep breath. Start feeling your chakras activating more and more. Starting with your root chakra, that nice bright red color. Feeling Gaia's energy coming up through the sand on the beach. Feels like the entire beach is vibrating. It's nice and warm. And you can just feel it starting to activate your other chakras. Going up nice and slow, all the way up to your can put your right hand on your forehead. Be really intentional about activating an opening up your third eye, your pineal gland. And know if you have been feeling or experiencing headaches, pressure, sinus draining, sneezing, and of course that sudden tiredness and more numerical sequences and syncronicities, that your pineal gland is opening up, decalcifying, getting more and more healthy an ready to receive. And this is just your on switch, your power to connect with Gaia, with each other, with your soul self, with your spirit tribe, everything. And if you can imagine just letting that energy rise up through the top of your head, just filling up your entire scalp..or skull, I'm sorry, and feeling it on your scalp. If you have your hair pulled back at all, or if you have a hat on, any kind of clips in your hair, please let your hair go nice and loose. It feels good to scratch your scalp because it's starting to tingle anyway. I always get very itchy in the back of my head with my third eye, so not only the front, like with my forehead, but the back of my head will be really really itchy. So if you feel that and that happens to you, then that's also your pineal gland. So breathe all the way up and down and just feel that flow. Just do like two nice deep breaths for me okay? Count of three, one, two, three... in through your nose, all the way. Feel it cycle all the way down and up, just feel this energy.

And if it starts to feel more dense in your field, just know that that's your guides coming in, nice and tight around you they're saying. And sending out love light all the way around you and just shining it out. 360 out out out, all the way out. Out from your body all the way out, just feel that go out. And just welcome that in. If your ears start to pop or get plugged, that is the angelics nice and near you. You might even feel them like actually pressure up around your body. They are sending a message that they are here with us at this time. Surrounding your body as closely as possible. This does a couple of things. One, it acts as a nice buffer and shield of protection and love light and healing, so please start to feel that as this beautiful cocoon of energy, nice and dense around you, it's healing, it's cleansing. It's also a repellent from negative dense energy and it starts to diffuse that because these two things cannot occupy the same space. The love light energy is a much higher frequency and it'll push out any denser energy. So if you start to twitch or feel different things in your body at this time, it is the denser energies releasing and leaving. So just relax and breathe into it. The second thing that this does is help you receive the energies that are coming in from both the sun and the moon at this time. And as Gaia is absorbing both of these energies at the same time, it is extra intense for a full moon as we know. That is already an energetic and charged time, but now it's even more intense. And for those of us that have been paying attention, who have been working on ourselves and our journey's and our missions and healing and rising, creating, manifesting, following our path, trying our best to stay in high vibe and frequency. Feeling and listening to our guides. We know how important this time is for our journey. We've done a lot of work. We've come a long, long way and it's time to recognize that. To give ourselves the love and excitement for coming through where we've been in these last few months, in our entire lives, and to know that we have now, at this time, so much positive energy and abundance coming our way, to take us to this new place in time and our guides with us at this time and us bringing them in, inviting them in asking them to be here with us. Amplifying and solidifying and pushing through and around our entire field, activating our crystalline DNA and frequencies higher and higher through our field right now. Feel that in your entire body nice and smooth and easy and high vibe.

Feel the density in and around your head. Your palms are up and open, you can feel the energy right in the palms of your hands, very easy. This high vibe frequency. Enlightenment energies coming through. Ready to take us through this portal and into a new place in time. Less dense, less heavy with any negative emotions that are ready to let go and release, take us into this new place and space. And again, remember and imagine yourself sitting on the beach, it's a little later in the day. Watch as the sun starts to set. See the shadows on the ocean, the colors, bright and beautiful. The clouds in the sky. See the sun going slowly down in the horizon, lighting up the sky. You can look all around and up and see how beautiful it is. Purples and reds, pinks, fuchsia. And the sun is huge in the horizon, gold, beautiful. Take a nice deep breath family and just take that in...beautiful scene, sitting there on the beach, watching the sunset. If you're getting any imaginings of this or visions of what this might look like, please take note. So you can draw it or paint it, watercolor it, remember it in some way that we can see. This beautiful sunset. It could be one you remember or one that is just forming and you are creating right now. And again have the awareness of a certain type of death and rebirth. And that's what we are going through, a death and rebirth. And to be balanced and to welcome in balance. And to welcome in soul family. And healing. And then watch the sun set. And just see the sun get smaller and smaller. Until there's just a little sliver and then t's gone. And then transition into focusing on the beautiful moon rising in the sky, nice and big and lit up. Huge. Just imagine it super super big, over the ocean. But it definitely is a redder color as it rises. So we want you to imagine from wherever you are that you are sitting on a beach and you watch the sun set and you're seeing the moon rise and it's super super big. Its that beautiful red color, shadowy, and it's just getting more so as the eclipse begins to form. Getting into alignment, getting into that balance. The sun and the moon and Gaia, and you and me, and all of creation at the same time.

There's two words I want you to repeat to yourself, out loud, release and receive. Release and receive. If you get emotional, it's okay to cry. Whatever comes up, just release and receive. That's what I want you to think about. Release and receive. Release and receive. We're releasing anything that's holding us back, any fears, especially any fears of being authentic ourselves, coning out about who we are in any way, our abilities, we can't hold back with our superhuman abilities that are starting to activate more and more. Our creativity, our passion, our desires, our journeys, our missions all rely on this. Releasing what is holding us back, any fears, and receiving so we may go forward with as much abundance as possible to do the missions and have the journeys we are meant to have. And to take each other there. To inspire, to motivate, to empower each other. To rise, to unite, to be together. Soul family. Just send out the call that we are open to receive, not only the abundance and beauty that Gaia has to offer, financially, in our worlds, whatever that may be, but also the people and places and circumstances that are important for us to receive as well. So release and receive. Pushing out the old dense negative energies, anything residual from any past traumas, abuses, transgressions, arguments, fights within ourselves, our families, our friends, situations that were uncomfortable, unhealthy, dysfunctional, painful, abusive. We're going to let go of all of that. We're going to send all of it, and them, collectively, love. Send love to the wisdom that you got from each person and circumstance, situation. Send love to each individual soul. Maybe not the person, the human, the personality, but the soul. Also send them healing and love and light. And may they feel this incredible energy. And again, feel the love, the density of warmth of beauty and love light of your guides that are with you, wanting you to know more and more of their role in your life, how important it is to connect, to get their messages, to feel them with you all the time. To ask for help and assistance. To be conscious in being guided and to do that as much as you can.



Hello family, this is Gaia. Thank you all, family, so much for being here. It is a very important time for us. We are all rising together, you and me. I hope you feel the love more than ever. Yes there has been an imbalance. But we are all working so hard, are we not dear ones? To be more in balance and I am here today with you and where I stand in the sky, to empower us all. To be more in balance. Dear ones it is so important for you upon me to be as healthy, as happy, as productive,day to day, to be in balance. This is something that I have been talking about with you for quite some time. We all have. And in so many ways, things in your own lives, in the structures upon this world, this time, some things need to fracture. They can't sustain or maintain how we are to live from this point forward. The same goes for you and your life and your bodies. Many of you have already made major, major changes in your life. I have witnessed this and been here with you through it. It's a beautiful thing. You see how far you have come. I, too have been with you, and you with me. I have been changing as well, as you have seen. More and more activity. More of the water, the deep blues will be happening. Adding balance. Be and connect with the water. If you feel a calling, go. Remember, in any way, you can be and feel water. You are connecting to the element that is bringing balance now. Washing away the densities. Please think about this. The second fleet of dragons came in at the beginning of the year, as we have said before, and they have been offering and giving more balance to each and every one of you, and to myself, to the elementals, helping maintain and bring in the new balance, with the water, with the deep roots. And in and within deep inside.

I ask you now, dear ones, my children, please make time and space in your days to connect. To connect with me. Sit quietly. Call to me, Gaia, Mother Earth, nature, the divine feminine aspect in all, ask to connect. Breathe deep. Connect. Connect with the energy. Ask to connect with all of the elements and the elementals, and especially the water. The water from the deep blues and all the oceans. To all the streams and lakes and creeks. Ask that all the water that comes down onto me, in all of its forms, from mist and dew, to ice and sleet, and everything in between, that in its right time, it offers healing to me and all upon me. So please spend time each day with me in this way. You'll see yourself healing, being led and guided. Feeling your beautiful angelics with you. All of your soul family. Your guides. And yes, as you do this more and more, pure clean, clear frequencies you will feel in your life. And of course more abundance. More love, joy, bliss. Those with you and around you that lift you up, empower you. Naturally the abundance will flow into your life and you will be taken to places that are meant for you and you are meant for it. To light up, to experience. Be open to receive. Remember no limits. Remember you are to create, to paint, your heaven here upon me, now. Not in some future time. Remember dear ones, you are the event. You are what happens, individually, and together. Always as it has been. Set and meant to be, like pieces of a puzzle coming together. Imagine as you all come together and form this beautiful tapestry, this puzzle. And in the end, it's a beautiful picture of me holding all of you. Coming together.

So again, I ask you, spend time with me and in between these times, work on letting go of anything with negativity, resentments, fears, judgments, shame for yourself or for others. Send love and light, peace and bliss and joy. Feelings of togetherness, of unity, of rising together, working together, collaborating together in the best ways possible. For one, for all. Remember, create as you see me creating in every moment, everywhere. Am I ever not creating family? Think. I've said that before, but think of it again. Am I ever not creating? No. And neither are you. Please know this. But the more intention, the more love and joy and focus you have on your creations and sending them out into the world. And as family would do, they would shout out for each other. Look, look at my brother and my sister. Look at what they've done and how beautiful it is. Like a proud brother or sister showing off the creations of the little ones. You have to do this for each other. Please. It's the only way. It is so very important. I will inspire you to do this like the prod mother that I am. For all of you being who and what you are. For being here, for listening, for joining together, for opening up. I can feel all of you loving yourselves more and more everyday. It's so beautiful. Thank you. Thank you for hearing me, for listening, for being here. I am always with you, as you know. Please speak to me. Be inspired by me. I love you.



Hello family, this is Jesus and I just want to say a few words. Yes, it is true that much work has been going on with you and for you as you sleep and join me, with you, in your crystal. Especially one these days, these days in which you wake up and you feel so motivated. As we are together, in your crystal, you are so receptive and you work with me. I give you ideas and motivations and tell you stories and we share. And more and more of you are inspired, creating. Yes it is so important. And sometimes you wake up and you're very tired. These are also times in which you have been very busy and for this reason, we have you sleep during the day. You need this balance. It is very intentional with your energy to have it in your different astral states. And we do different things in these times. Sometimes we are together in groups when we are meeting, and discussing, and planning, and showing you pictures, and visions of the future for you to understand and recognize as you go on your way in your journey like thumbnails on your map of your life, so in your wake state you can feel comfort, less fear, as you move forward, especially into the unknown as we've been saying from the beginning of this evening with our dear Infiniti. There is a rebirth taking place as we have known. A coming together, a unifying. A making space and becoming something new and you have been preparing for this. Every single day. Every single night. I would like you to be more and more mindful and to prioritize. Take notes, listen, receive. If there are times when you feel overwhelmed with tasks of things to do, as many of you do at this time, and will in the future, due to the surge and high vIbrational energies coming in to fuel your creativity and your passion and the need to have this movement and flow in your life, sometimes it can feel clogged and dense and impossible to move forward you see. So I ask you that you sit quietly with a piece of paper and a pencil or a pen, a marker or a crayon, does not matter, and simply ask. Ask for what your energies need to know about now,your focus, and wait and simply start to write, and write whatever comes. This will help the flow, the energy, this will help any anxiety and this will give you ideas. And very soon and quickly, you will have choices and decisions made and you will be on your way. This will help in wasting time and help in prioritizing. This will help in guiding you and what you should do from day to day or moment to moment. How you prioritize your time and what you do, of course, is paramount to your overall life, but now more than ever. And because of sometimes being very tired or very charged with energy, a lot of information, a lot of creativity, you need guidance. This is a way to get it, in the now moment. Of course, having a broader stroke set of information or parameters is always nice and there's ways to get that too, as we have told you. My few words have turned into more, but I have seen and felt from you, hearing me now, questions arise and I don't want to make you wait. Please know that at any time you can call on me. I am with you always. Ask me your questions. See the answers and be guided. Know again we are always sending you messages with the universal language of numbers and to please put forth energy and effort into seeking and learning those more as well. And teaching others. Thank you brothers and sisters for being here. I love you so very very much. Please feel me in your heart, in your soul. Feel guided by me, loved by me, and know that I am always with you. Please talk to me, always.



Hello family, this is Infiniti. It's always such a pleasure and a blessing to be the channel for Gaia and Jesus and all the others. I want you to know that the Dragon Fae are here very, very densely. This is a reason, if you're feeling extra warm, not only did we just have Jesus and Gaia speak, and with us so lovingly, but yes, the Dragon, the Dragon Faes, they are definitely with us, helping activate our receiving and our releasing more, as we were told before. Yes, the Dragon Fae of rebirth are definitely here and with us. Feeling our energies and offering theirs. Cradling us. And they want you to know for sure. Please remember them. Again, family, please visualize sitting on your beach and seeing the lunar eclipse, bright, beautiful, red moon in the sky. And know what that means for Gaia and for ourselves. Remember the water. Remember the messages that she gave us about coming together and also Jesus and the work that we do in our sleep and with him in the crystal. Again, please make time to do what Gaia said, sit with her, meditate, talk with her, connect. Do what Jesus said and sit with paper and pen and get direction. Again, thank you all for being here. Take a few more minutes to really feel all these energies and the information that came. Listen to this again when you are not meditating so you can really take in all the messages. And I ask you to please take a few minutes, call n your guides, feel the Dragon Fae, feel the Angelics, feel Jesus, feel Gaia, feel yourself lit up and less dense and more clear and balanced and in flow and in better alignment and frequency to receive these energies that are coming in today, tonight, and in these days to come. And may you be as high vibe in frequency and affixed and grounded into the new frequencies of the abundance matrix from this moment forward, so be it. When you go to sleep tonight family, if you're not already there, please spend a few moments to be very conscious, mindful, and intentional about how you want to be and live, and what you want to do and send out into the world, and the type of energies that you're receiving back. Remember to consciously meet with Jesus in your sleep, in your crystal, an things will be more clear for you, always. If you're still awake and after you spend a few minutes, here in this space, please slowly come out and meet with us in chat. Otherwise, please leave your messages and comments for the rest of us, if you are so guided, and know that I love you. Thank you for being here. Infinite love light blessings. Namaste. Don't forget, the key is to create.


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