November 21, 2018 3:23:16
INFINITI: Ok family, let's get nice and centered in our space. Get grounded please. Take a nice deep breath. Hello family this is Infiniti. Thank you so much for being here. Please get nice and cozy in your seat. Balanced. Engage your stomach muscles. Hold your chest nice and straight and up and lifted. Feel into your power, into your confidence. For those of you who have had healings with me, will tap into these places and really feel the energy, nice and pure and centered with your chakras. Shoulders back. Just feel really nice and energized and healthy and balanced in your structure in your core, your muscles, nice and firm, like seriously, someone could punch you right in the gut and you'd be like 'yeah, I don't think so, it doesn't bother me', like that. Nice and tight in there, but loose at the same time. You want balance in your body.
3:30:08 Hold on, I'm getting somebody coming in. 3:30:53
JESUS: Hello family, this is Jesus. Have you been seeing a lot of my threes? Infiniti has. Hopefully you have. I've been showing you my threes, my love. Guiding you also, to remember that I am there often, so very often and to pay attention and 5, 5, 5, 5's, 5, this way, on this type of day, 1-1-2-1-2-0-1-8. I am three you know. Most of you know. If you did not know, then you do now. Also, representing others that have ascended, projections of the same throughout time (inaudible). Three is me, Jesus, when you see a 3, it does not take anymore than an upside down pyramid to create a heart. I truly do love hearts. I love everything about any type of heart. And I mean that organically and in an illustrative type of way. Creational. It's all the same to me. It's beauty. It's poetic. Anyway, I give you hearts because I love hearts. They also mean things with other things as well. I am three. Other aspects of myself in different times, same thing. And then other ascended ones, same thing, the heart. So it really would depend on who you associate with. Other ones do come. How should I put...are present, are part of what that means and, at times you will know if you see combinations of threes, is it me, is it Jesus, is it my Mother, is it my beloved? My most sacred twin. The other Mary. Does it mean all three of us?
At times it means these different things, but, again, for the sake of what I am talking about in this moment, I am the three. Especially when you see it in the combination with the eight. Another way to connect three. These are fluid looking, roundish numbers. Sure you can make them blocky, and they fit together that way too.
I would like you to do something for me now. Hopefully you will remember this, and hopefully you will remember this and hopefully this is something that will stick. If not now, then later, when you hear this again or see it written. And I hope you feel it. When she began witnessing and seeing the three and the eight together she didn't quite associate it. I had to tell her what it meant. I want you to understand, brothers and sisters, and family, that to truly speak for me, there needs to be an association with me. I don't go to anybody (inaudible) and she even fights this now. But it is important for the progress of all of you, to step in and through this gate. It is tomorrow. It is approaching soon. It is now in parts of time on Gaia. We are in and stepping through but where she is there are still a few hours. I am the 3 and she is the 8. Correct. Infiniti. So whether or not this has been something you have been seeing, a number combination you have noticed, also, 1, 3, 8. We guided her to charge on the service she was accepting calls from but, $1.38 for her services. So the reason for me telling you this now is for you to accept and understand if you feel that truly with me now, and I talk and spend time with you and these are places in your wake or your dream state.
You would be the one, present, the pillar, the piece, connected.. to me and what I represent...your spirit, your soul, your, hopefully, inspiration for extremely high vibration. Connected. As we move through this time and place and gates and portals, there is no doubt that things change. They have to. You are all on mission. You already know this, and if you didn't know this, know this now. And it's not just to live a happy life, as Michael has told you, that is true, of course, but it is to create and inspire, as you do this, to make things as wonderful as they can be upon Gaia. We were showing Infiniti today how things really were not supposed to happen this way for Gaia. Upon Gaia. The evolutionary process of how things were to go upon Gaia was much more different than how they did. Humans are not (inaudible) to Gaia and those who created humans upon Gaia and so, things upon Gaia changed, and...I would like to speak with you all about this in the future. I don't want to leave you hanging in this way family. So let me say this, and have being a soul and having certain places and anchoring upon Gaia...from the beginning of humanity, it has been a collaborative effort while observing, also having the say in things and also not. Us divine beings, we are getting to a point here family, where things that have been strung together, to be in play, very deliberately, by us, divine beings, other realms that, other realms and the realm you are in, the dimension you are in, those in and between these places, there are slices upon Gaia. It is a little bit more complicated than most of you can perceive. Fact of the matter is that we are getting to a point, family, and brothers and sisters, where, like magnets coming together, and like seeing the numbers race by, if you are looking at milliseconds, and like a zipper, in so many things that come together, imagine, going to these times and these portals is like pulling on that zipper more. Bringing in more of where we have been planning to go, to meet, and how we can come to you to help you in different ways. I want to say it plainly for you now, the soul of Inifinti and I, Jesus, have been working together for a very long time. The reason why I am telling you this now, today, is because it is important for those of you who are meant to, in these next few months, be on more of a straight trajectory, or meant to be, really feel into the guidance of myself and her, and all of us who work with her. Listen to those who have been here to guide her, and if you have been here by her, please do your best to share your feelings with others. The reason why we are here, is to help you. There is a purpose to this and if you can imagine the way the sun comes over the horizon in the dawn, lighting up more and more as it goes, less and less of a shadow. This is the collective mission of the light body collective. There are many ways for this to happen. And many ways it is happening. It does take the commitment that you have been told you've already committed to, it's remembering. It does take commitment to live in your full, blissful abundance and take others with you. And it is not always what you may feel like doing. She speaks of this often. It is to inspire you. Me speaking with you, hopefully you will be hearing me. Those of you who are meant to will. As I told her in recent days, it was not easy for me either. I am meant to be heard again, and so she, in her own right, and so are all of you in your own right, and you can only get there, and be in your true authenticity, being as in alignment with your higher aspects, as high vibration, as ready to step up as possible in any given moment. There is a balance, it's not all play in your abundance heaven there on Gaia in the future. It is also passion work, and passion play, and all of that together. Letting go and being vulnerable. Saying, yes, I will let go of things that no longer truly serve me. I will stop having people in my life who distract me. I will not do things that plug me into seeing things or being a part of a vibration that holds me under. I will speak my truth. I will own who I truly am and each and every day come into that more and more. That is my job.
I want to make sure I am clear that not everyone is meant to live the mystic life, the hundred percent. Infiniti is. I was. Some people, they want that, and it happens in steps. It's a process. And please remember, don't put yourself in a lane you do not belong in. Know where you are, if you step and live in ego, because you are not where somebody else is and decide that you are, just because you want that too, or you shut yourself down. You will never truly get there. There will always be so many issues, distractions, people. And not the right people family. Certain people are made for certain unions. Loving romantic unions. Soulmate unions. The twinship union. If that frightens you, you've got work to do. If you are indifferent, you have work to do. It's not just about you. Please know that, as you have been told here before by several of us, there are much more soulmate union and possibilities for the light bodies and humanity in general than the twinship union.
And truly, most do not fully understand what that is. It just sounds really good and it is a really great distraction to keep people from where they really need to get to, so it's time, brothers and sisters, to stop playing into manipulations that are all over Gaia to keep you from where and whom you are meant to be with. I'm telling you all of this today because it is 11-21 an as I have said, tomorrow is 11-22 and we have been as you know, through the 11-11 gate, as you've been told, the pillars of creation date, and tomorrow is a settling into that energy and within a few hours after that we have the (inaudible) again here, it is also a solidifying, an (inaudible), a magnification. Imagine when you pull back on a sling shot or a pinball machine, you can pull all the way back and feel the full force of that ball going up the channel and around the bend and seeing where it ends up, or you can pull a little bit if you're trying to go somewhere, maybe not so full force, this full moon coming up, at this time, in its position, in this sign, in this month, on this day, at the time that it will be... If you're curious look it up. It's like pulling back all the way. Our job is to pull you back all the way, as much as possible too, so you are feeling this energy as much as possible. As many as can be. In this moment, in the moments to come. Each of the next five full moons will be this way and we have more activations and more dates and portals that are very important and I implore you to pay attention. We do not waste Infiniti's time.
Brothers and sisters, family, I am Jesus and I am with you always. Please talk to me. Know that you can also come here and hear me in this way. Please understand though family, you will feel me with you. You will get my messages. I will send you threes and hearts. You will get symbols and understandings and whisperings. You may talk to me. I am there. Please know that I speak to you in a way that is very subtle. It is truly me. As the talk has been recently, please be discerning with who you listen to, where you spend your time, through these transitions in places and spaces where you seek knowledge and where you go with friends to family, new acquaintances, where you may work, and who you connect to in astral, in meditation. Stay, please, open, authentic, discerning, in balance. Strive to be as healthy as you can . Make choices that feel good. Allow yourselves space. Know, and want to know, who you truly are. It is important. As we have been saying. The more you know these things, truly, the easier it becomes, the closer you get. We see this, we know this. You are not random. Your missions, your soul family, your dreams, your heavens, they are connected. I, we, are here to help you connect more and more to us and to each other as you know. Tthere is so much to come.
Please be joyful and blissful and giddy in this knowledge. Know in any moment, you are where you are meant to be. Live and love. Listen and learn. Teach and give and receive. Be a truth seeker. And commit, dear family, brothers and sisters, to do work, however you are guided, to fully love your story. To not be pulled down or tied to the past, to love you, to be free. Be a butterfly. Cut the tether and cord to the rock that holds you down. Fiber by fiber. Snip by snip. You are meant to fly in so many ways. Different ways. I love you. Thank you for being here and for listening. I am your brother Jesus. Please remember. Meet me in your crystal. Talk to me. Feel me, psychically. See the visions . Go where you are meant to go.
If I am talking to you that is where you can truly hear me. And remember in your wake state I am subtle, I am there. Please talk to me. Think of how difficult it is to remember me here in these moments. Know that hearing me as a voice in your mind, this is how I come to you in astral. In your wake state it may be difficult to perceive me this way, and, for the most part, I don't try. I come to you in subtle ways. So, be intentional family. Before you go to sleep, please speak. Breathe in, and take in, and talk to Archangel Raphael. Slip into, intentionally, your crystal and meet me there. Thank you and I love you so very much. I will see you soon.
4:12:47 GAIA: Hello family, this is Gaia. It is beautiful to be with you tonight. I love you my beautiful babies. We hope you feel the bliss, the joy, the energy, all through you. Taking yourself to different places, seeing what we are showing you, feeling the words, feeling the vibrations, all through your soul and your heart. I want you to know now, we are lifting and landing a higher place in time, for all of you. There is no way not to. You are ere, are you not? Know your abundance, the life, the unity, the joy. Your brothers and sisters, soul families, coming together in so many ways. Things happening, forming, shifting, changes in ways that you cannot possibly understand. So many, many, many, forces of light in play, working on this with you, at all times, with me in every single moment.
Once again family, feel into truth of things becoming crystal in a way like, truly, never before. More and more we will tell you and you will all come to an understand the importance of it, more and more. For now, please feel into this, especially at this time. Next few days be inspired by your body, be the crystal, align, (inaudible) the crystal. Perceive as you are in your crystal and as you see me, again, the violet light, that flame, the rainbows. Layer by layer, forming. Hold these visions, please family, become more and more into alignment. Higher and higher and higher. The quotient of peace, and bliss, and happiness, and unity, and purpose, and mission, and love, and healing, and light, and beauty, and creation...experience and possibilities. And yes, of course, travel upon me and meeting each other, doing miraculous, beautiful things. It is to come. You know this deep within your hearts dear ones. Feel it solidify. Be guided. I love you so very much. Thank you dear ones for being here, Your light amplifies through and through, You anchor. You send your love. Commit to remember what you already know. Shed the grogginess again, like I said. Thank you. I love you.
4:19:31 INFINITI: Hello family. I just spontaneously (inaudible) Sorry, I don't even remember what I saw. This is Infiniti, and that was, again, another kind of odd, spontaneous, not what we have been used to. It feels like, the kind of thing... Jesus spoke a lot. It was 6:44:44 i think, or something like that. And then Gaia, anyways. those of you that are still with me...get back into your body [join group chat]
4:21:32 End of Transcription.
This is a screenshot photo taken on 11.21.18. The background is an image of Jesus. This is one of a series of photos taken on 5.8.18 by my home. Jesus came to me in the sky, lit up by The Sun and clouds and making the rest of the sky around him appear very dark. All I felt was pure love.
Thanks again to Leslie for being the amazing Soul Sister that she is and for transcribing these messages. Mission Control truly appreciates your effort, may it be contagious...
If there is anyone else who would like to help with transcription, please let me know.
Thank you Infiniti for channeling Jesus and Gaia. I constantly talk to Jesus and Gaia about my being strong during this time with my Son in the hospital and my Nephew in jail. I have not been seeing the number sequences that Jesus talks about but I am listening and receiving any messages that come through