Channeling received via INFINITI on 11/24/18 during her LIVE ASTRAL Guided Meditation via her YouTube Channel @ INFINITI Psychic Physical Empath.
Start taking some really nice long, deep, slow breaths at your own pace. Shoulders back. Chin up. Eyes relaxed and closed. Face nice and relaxed as well, nothing tight. And start to feel into your energy, just feel it getting more energized, around, on top of your skin, all around your body. Palms on your, palms up. With each breath, I really want you to think about pushing your energy outside of your body. So breathe in energy. Feel it going down, in through your body, and then push it out through your skin and just start to build this warm space of your energy around you, with each breath that you take, just imagine your energy just coming through and pushing out, just more and more and more, creating this space, this pocket around you. And I am going to say a few words.
Hello family, this is Infiniti. Thank you so much for being here tonight. I really appreciate it. Or from anywhere you are in the world, any space in time. It is Saturday the 24th of November. We are still very much in the full moon. Energies are heavy and definitely charged. Ripe, I'm hearing. So, our divine counterparts, our spirit tribe, all of yours and mine, one in all, and all in one. Please, speaking of you earlier, and you all coming to me. Your guardian angels present with you.
They are saying now, 1:08:27 'we are also the relationship to build upon as well. If this connection has not been made for you, when Infiniti was explaining the cards, please understand, this is what we were trying to convey. Not only that you are going to have more people in your life who are human, family, that we are coming into you in a way where you can perceive us, see us, feel us, know of us there and begin to build a relationship with us. Use people like our sister Infiniti and this will help you also, strengthen your connection with us. Like powering a battery, think of it that way. The more effort and energy you put in, the brighter it will be. The more solar light, the more sun it gets, the longer it will last, the brighter it will's like this. It becomes less one way, more two way. This also helps when you raise your vibration, how you spend your time, what you consume, and we try to guide you. There are universal truths but each person has their own way. And it helps if you listen to us, we can help you with your own way, while you learn the way. We're also here to help clear your space whenever you need it. And it would be good if you were more deliberate, cognizant, intentional, aware, how much you actually need it. This means in the form of clearing your space with literal cleaning, with sage, with essential oils, in different ways, candles, with crystals, with calling us in to help you. As you know we do this, we come into your space and we infuse our energy with you and at the same time, we also clean and clear your space. This is energetic, this is spiritual, this is etheric, but in your physical space you have to do your own work as well. And for some of you it is take your own self into your own space and spend more time there than elsewhere. And for some of you it is the opposite. And for each of you, you and your guardians, you know, now the difference is, is that we, your Guardian Angels, and the rest of your Spirit Tribe, of course, all of us, all of the Angelics, whether it be Archangels, Dragons, Fae, we all know different ways, and the best ways, and the easiest ways, and the highest vibrational ways, and we work to, hopefully, show you these ways so you can choose for them to be your ways. But again, like we've said, we will give you exactly where your energy goes because that is what you need at the same.
So sometimes, in order to get more clear about this, it would be really good for you to be on more of a schedule about clearing your space. Pay more attention. Don't forget we do our best to give you symbols and signs, scents, in your dreams, as well as in your wake state. Please sit in silence and also listen to different music, in different ways. We like to communicate with you this way too, through colors, lights, flowers, animals, people, songs, feathers, bells, chimes, people whistling, birds singing...anyway, lots of different ways, so please pay attention. Thank you. We are here to help clear your space. Please take us around.
Think of the different places and spaces in and around your home, your dwelling, where you spend time. Think of yourself also in these spaces, being deliberate, please, about clearing them. It will allow for more of the violet light to permeate through in the different layers and dimensions and spaces and cracks in time. It helps with your intention, create a channel of energy able to come in and filter through. This is also how it works for your intentions to manifest. The more deliberate you are with your channel and clearing it from point A to point B in what you are desiring and what you want in your physical is to create the channel. Again, we have a lot to do with this. We'd like to help you. So, thank you. Of course you know how much we love you. Please feel that. Feel the warmth...the back of your neck, on your shoulders, your back. We are your Guardian Angels and we are always with you, offering guidance and support. We know you, we are with you, we guide you, and we never judge you. We only love you.
Thank you so much beautiful ones, our Guardian Angels for coming in and speaking with us. I love when they come in and speak through me , it's so nice. So, thank you. I hope all of you receive their messages and feel their love and sincerity. Some of you may be receiving downloads from them at this time, high pitched noises in your left ear. This is another way that they communicate with you, high pitched noises. Usually in your left ear but doesn't always have to be. Also, they tend to do these little poky, pricky things, feelings on either our fingertips or the backs of our hands. They'll do that to get you to look at something or just think about something or not think about something, but they'll touch you in these ways. So they're showing me to tell you guys that. I experience this so they're showing me to just tell you guys about it. So some of you, if this sounds familiar, you have questions, please remember you can ask me.
Hello brothers and sisters, this is Jesus and I would like for you to come into the meadow with me. Remember when we were here and you were laying down, we both were. I tend to get excited and sit up when I talk, but, we were both laying down and looking at the trees. The big, big, big trees and feeling the grass. We have been here since, but I want you to remember this time. The thing is that I know how difficult it is to remember what happens here with us. We are all doing our best to help you. All of you. Remember. I would like you to do me a favor, dear sweet one. .We've been talking about it a lot. I would like you to illustrate what you, inside your crystal, looks like. Remember we talked about anchoring, the need to be deliberate, intentional, anchoring. It's not just enough to activate. You can turn on anything, but most things need secondary directive, another action. So, these times, like we've said, they are intentional and well thought out, and planned. It simply cannot be random, coincidence, how things work out. Just astrologically, cosmically. And then you take everything else into account. If you already know that noting is happen chance, nothing is by chance, nothing is random. Now, while you might know that, it becomes difficult to really see how interconnected that is. There are sorts of things put in play and in motion that are, I guess, the best way to describe it to you would be, automatic. If this happens, then there's the connection to the next thing. We don't need to have every single second thought out ahead of time. This is why there are so many possibilities. There are these little bridges in between each and every juncture or junction, if you will. I hope this makes sense. Back to the matter at hand, everything happens for a reason Things are thought out . Things are planned.
Nothing is random. Remember I've talked about, and, we're making it a point again and again for you to understand that remembering these things, remembering who you are, remembering what you already know, yes, is really important. Very, very important for you, individually, collectively. That's why I am here. That's why we're all here. Us here, you here, we here. The problem that we face though, is this lag and amnesia and forgetfulness. So we find that sometimes when the visuals are not so intense, and I and speak with you, and then you can take with you an assignment, something to do. Like I've said, please illustrate you with, or in your crystal with me. Whatever that might look like. Or feel like. Or how you have seen it in astral. And remember, as you are drawing it, and you can do this with pen, or pencil and paper, on your computers, or with paint, with your fingers, with a brush. But please illustrate inside of your crystal. You can do an outside, and an inside, your perspective, what it looks like to be you in the crystal, if you remember these travelings with your crystal. And if you don't, please, spend time with them in those (inaudible) that we have done. It's important to know and to be there first, before you attempt to illustrate it, although, in your astral state, you have already been there, so it could, but consciously it would be good for you to do it as well and hear from Gaia and myself. And again, there are other times and we have heard them before, frustrating Infiniti, but they are important. And still people are not remembering and distracted. Please listen to that, and those, again. Without doing other things while you are listening.
Please just sit there and listen, and try to remember and do it as much as you can and need to. There is a need to do it over and over again. Even for Infiniti, the same thing happens for her. She is getting better, much, much better, however, you are all quantum, going back and forth, things do slip. So, please try to remember. Try to remember, listen. Remember where to find me each night, how to get there easily, to spend as much time with me and other places from that projection. It is up to you. Your guardian angels, speaking with you, they want to help you do this too. Ask them to remind you. Drawing the crystal and having it up in your atmosphere. Please don't just draw it and put it away, draw it and put it up where you can see it before you go to sleep at night, all day, wherever it works for you. Make it on your phones and computers. Feel it. It is alive. It is you. You are the crystal. You go there. It is also someplace else. It is your energy. It is also part of Gaia and she is part of it. Remember. We want to help heal you. When you go inside your crystal and you spend time with me, I give you the motivation to heal yourself. It's not so much that I heal you. I wish I could. From here though, I give you the motivation to heal yourself. There are those there that can help you with this. Always.
You, yourself, that's where it needs to begin. And then follow your guides. There are so many, me included. We want to help heal you. This is how you get to go where you're going. Just like a child needs to be of a certain height to go on the ride, you're growing. As you grow, you do, you elevate. You get higher and higher and brighter, and we are here, helping you. It really is truly (inaudible). How can you ascend and not transmute, and not get healthier, not leave the pain, suffering, the hurts. As I have said before, you must be in love with your story, and see it, that web, the connections, and see it like you do see a beautiful spider web and marvel at how beautiful it is. That is your life. If it wasn't exactly how it was, you wouldn't be here. You have to love that. All of that. We're here to help you. The more you heal, the more you can love that. Until you let go of pains associated with you life and your story, the people in it, the situations and what had happened in the past, since you were born, resentments and angers, and circumstances that left you feeling unwell at the very best, traumatized, abused maybe, in so many different ways. I hate to bring up things that are uncomfortable or painful, but this is how we heal you.
We acknowledge that there is something that needs to be healed. Do you think when I was incarnate that didn't happen? Nothing has changed. You can't deny something and want to to be healed at the same time. And it will never be healed if you don't acknowledge that it is there. Pain, discomfort, disease, dissonance, conditions, disruptions, chronic ailments and issues in body, they're all one thing...messages attached to energy, telling you a story and some people can hear that story and help you fix it. Feeling, perceiving all the way through, this is how to heal. This is when those who understand energy, and transmutation, and going through times, and when I say that, I mean moving through timelines. So, there is a different thing that happens all the way through and through. There's so many different things that the body will do. But now we are in a different time, a different place, all of you, me too, here with you. I really like being here with you and I hope you remember my teachings and rewards more and more. Remember to be in the crystal and be the crystal. Draw, illustrate, paint the crystal.
Look at the crystal, share your crystal, meet me in the crystal. Go to where you are supposed to go, each and every day. Mission control always has messages for you. Your guides and guardians are there to help you, and visibly steer you, to put your eyes, and your hands, and your feet places. Don't spend your time in fear and worry and repeating and thinking about people who upset you, or things that make no sense, who have nothing, and nothing, and nothing to do with who you really are. They are distractions. You must catch yourself and you must be open to hearing us reminding you. You truly are ultimately in control of these things. Yes, you have faith and trust in us, in yourself, but it is you who has to step up and put one foot in front of the other, in your mission. So you can stand firm where your junction is, and how you hold onto the others ones with you, and how it all connected. We can help guide you there and we want to. You have to be, again, deliberate, beyond intentional, deliberate. Have your unwavering faith but be deliberate with your energy, There are very, very, very faithful, extremely lazy people, where nothing changes and they get more and more and more unhealthy. It hurts. And I know you all are thinking of people who you know, you know what I am talking about, on a large scale, on a personal scale. And I don't mean that in anyway but the truth. Even I, Jesus, cannot do it for anyone, yet, they expect that to be so. Even for somebody so extraordinarily faithful, and open, and in tune, and connected as Infiniti, it is constant. A constant flow. You have to be this specific with yourself. And it is still not easy. But, here's the thing, brothers and sister, you can do it. That's what the purpose of all of this is, and these portals, and these moons, the messages we give you, the motivation.
Hopefully you don't just rely on people like Infiniti. Again, don't be lazy. What do you see? What do you hear? What do you feel? As each of these cards came up. As she said what she said. As connections were made. As you looked at them. Were you trying or were you watching? It's ok to watch, but also, if you're trying to listen and perceive, you will. Thank you so much, brothers and sisters, I am Jesus. Thank you for listening to me tonight. I appreciate it. I don't mean to be so serious but it is important that you hear me, you understand me. We know, while in certain aspects, and for certain people, you can see and perceive and then, at the same time, you don't, and it doesn't seem important. That is just a trick. Once you take yourself to the other side and see, like so so many others here have, because there are those who have been right on the edge, but have not crossed over.
Observing, but not doing. Of course we are aware of you, all of us are. It's time for you to step up, more energetically. We would rather you step up. Don't be scared to be healed. It really is good for you. I promise.
INFINITI: Hey guys, it's Infiniti, and I always get really itchy at some point with him, so, hopefully you guys heard him, and that was Jesus, with messages. He brought you into the meadow, for you to sit, where you were before...didn't really spend a lot of time, again, looking around, doing much, but listening to him. He's hoping that this will help your memory stick, as he said. And please try to be deliberate that they will. The more that you decide that they will be, the more that they will be. Maybe that's how it works for me, because all of a sudden they just were...I'm not remembering everything...but a lot more. Decide, as you cross back over you will remember more. So Gaia is here, wait hold on...
Ok, so she just wants me to give you guys a message. She is actually not going to speak tonight. She feels that everybody is really tired and that Jesus took up a lot of energy, and she just wants to send a quick message, which is to, for everybody to spend a little bit of time researching what it means that we have a full moon in zero degrees, for yourself. In general, what a full moon is, what it means to Gaia and her body when there is a full moon, and then astrologically, what it means when it's a zero degree full moon. She wants you to, with the theme of being deliberate, she's saying, to deliberately look into it for yourself. Do the research, educate yourself, see what you find, listen to your guides and see what else may come of it. What other things you may find. And she says I love you, of course.
Okay everybody, let's start getting back into your space. The tribe and your guardians are reminding me to tell you and show you again, look around your space, before you open your eyes, and perceive their energy there, that violet light around your home, around your space, your building, wherever, and again, knowing that Gaia is more and more coming in, layer by layer to that amethyst, that violet light. Also so you can perceive that in your space, as you go back in and you cross over from one place to another. Feel into that violet light and to where your guardian angels are there and holding space for you, that beautiful violet light, you can just step right back in. Feel into your body Take a couple deep breaths.
Again this was a really quick, Jesus coming in type of situation today, it felt like, so hopefully you felt nice and balanced and energized with his energy going through and through and can feel your chakras all lit up from your head to your toes. I surely can. So he tends to kind of do that. So please feel that, breathe into it. Please do what he said. Please come into chat with any comments as you feel comfortable. Take a deep breath.
Thank you inviting me to re-read the 11/24/18 guided astral meditation. Since your healing/clearing on me I feel strange in a good way. I'm continuing to work on my spiritual growth and asking for mt third eye to open wider ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜