Channeling received via INFINITI on 12/12/18 during her LIVE ASTRAL Guided Meditation via her YouTube Channel @ INFINITI Psychic Physical Empath.
So please start taking some really nice, slow deep breaths family. Just a reminder, shoulders back, chin up, spine nice and straight. You're going to start really feeling into your body, into your energy guys. Again, thank you so much for being here. This is the 12-12 portal gate and launch, coming together like this, for those of you who are here live and for those of you who do it after the fact, and hopefully you are here as close to this portal time as possible, but please know, at any time it is effective, if you would like to join in. This gate and portal and astral meditation is meant to help us anchor into the energies that we have already been working on, leading up into these moments. Take a deep breath and think about... they're showing me the new and different things, and feelings, and aspects in your life that you have gotten to, in and through this year. Even since the new moon. How your body has been feeling, how your mind has been feeling, really feel into that. You can, right now in this moment, decide to make some major change and revelation but this is really about the things and energies that you've already been thinking and feeling, and whats already come into your periphery, and what's going to be getting more energy, and more of a push going forward in a positive, abundant type of way. And this is what you have to expect miracles about and not accept, not accept limitations and not decide that something is impossible, that anything cannot happen. That your whole everything, and your anything, can't come into play.
Start feeling the energy emanating from your body, from its center out, just nice and easy like, as though you're a candle and it's just really beautiful, nice yellow/orange light and energy in through your core and your chest. You're feeling your heart chakra just open up, more and more. Feel into the energy of pure abundance, and love, and joy, and bliss, and being in that awesome creational state, for those of you that have been feeling that and doing that, and creating, and just really tapping in. And you know it when you're feeling it. Yeah. So, that's how we're tapping in more in our higher vibrations. We're tapping in with our soul tribes and our highest selves. We're getting into that absolute zero point within our self, our true authentic state. And this is a very heart opening experience. So breathe into that. That's why it feels so good you guys. For many of us, we're so detached and far away from that for much of our lives and so we're depressed, we're addicted, we're overweight, we're sex crazed, we're imbalanced, were unhealthy, we're on medication, we have illnesses, we have psychological problems, we're in bad relationships, we're horrible to ourselves, in all sorts of ways, because who really cares, it all hurts anyways, blah blah blah, and all these different things, right? But then we realize at some point, none of that is true and everything changes and all the opposite things start happening and coming into play. And the feeling of that blissed out aligned state of being starts filing us up, warming us up from this heart space, and we do start to feel real warmth in our body. Sometimes it's a little achy and it can actually hurt. It's happened to me, it's been really painful. Before I was awake, an that started happening to me, I was in the emergency room. It was really scary. Then when it happened to me and I understood it, I was like, "Yeah, I remember being really scared, because that was really extraordinarily intense in my chest". It can be that intense. But then they'll look for something physical and they won't find anything because it's energy. So breathe into that, if you ever feel that real tightness, breathe into that heart palpitations, tightness in your chest. You want to breathe in, expand that energy out, push it out now, let it radiate out around your body. Imagine yourself in this beautiful cocoon of yellow light energy. You are the sun, I'm hearing. Pretend you are the sun. Light me up, Gaia says. Light me up. That's how intense she wants you rot feel this energy. You are this radiant, you are this bright, you are this light, you are this important, to me and to all. Whether you realize it or not. Feel that energy all the way around you. Above your head, just feel it radiating out from your center, from your heart. From your root chakra, your sacral chakra, all the way up. Your throat chakra might be a little tight. Your head might feel a little tight even. Breathe into it. Acknowledge it. Just feel that intense energy. This is the energy that's coming in from our different dimensional suns, layer by layer, all the way up to source. And that's the kind of thing that happens in these gates, so, that's why it's really intense. It's really light and she, and the universe, all, want us to feel that we are this last layer, and that's how intense it is, coming in and through, and around us as the sun. As the year goes on, these energies, the photonic light, this rainbow light, the violet light that we've been working with, gets more and more intense. This 12/12 gate is the most intense of the year in a light vibrational frequency type of way. And it's really important to understand and acknowledge this. There may be real influxes of energy in an within your own body structure these next few days.
Please, Gaia is saying, water... And they are showing me the cards that came up, the tarot cards, there were so many cups and a lot of water. Meaning a lot of different things, I'm seeing now, Gaia is showing me to drink a lot of water, to be conscious of it in these next few days especially but always, but really be conscious of it. There may be influxes of things with water. There is going to be more activity with water on Gaia. We are going through, and she is going through, again, just like we are, she is showing a push in her, like peeling off a layer in her ascension, really washing and getting clean. More to do with water. More to do with shaking things up, getting things clean, getting the loose stuff exfoliating. Metaphorically, in different ways. All for the greater good. So please remember this. Please have high vibrational thoughts about all of this. Nothing is coming up that is not in alignment. With that in mind, there is going to be more activity in regards to water. Again, take a nice deep breath as you think about being radiant, and bright, and expansive, dynamic like the sun, and visualize lighting up Gaia. (Inaudible) of the water, it getting clean. The shedding of old and getting ready for anew..a conscious way, for yourself. Take a deep breath as you think about that.
Imagine all of your chakras nice and bright from the root up. So you have your red, your orange, your yellow, your green, your beautiful aqua for your throat, indigo for your third eye, the violet for your crown chakra. So now what I'd like you to do is visualize walking through a cave, a tunnel. It's nice and big, and it smells really good. It's earthy. We're in a tunnel in Gaia, in a mountain, and you're walking with a group. It's not too, too dark. And you can see around. There's a, it's all really cool, it is humid, or there is a humidity or a moisture in there air, but it's really very refreshing. It is the type of air that you would feel and moisture in the air and smells of being near the ocean, or if you haven't been, what that might feel like. And you can really start feeling into that. As you're walking through the tunnel, this cave type place, and start seeing more light as we walk, and you can hear the ocean, waves. And it is sunset. It is, she is showing me, it is about 10 minutes until the sun is definitely out of view. So as we come out of this cave, and this tunnel, we come out onto a beach, and we get closer and closer to leaving this cave and this tunnel and there's this beautiful beach. It feels secluded and the air is warm. And the sky is beautiful pinks and purples and fuchsias and oranges. And you can see the blues and the indigos, and there's a reflection off of the ocean, the waves, and it's just absolutely beautiful. And everybody just sits down on the sand. And we're close enough to each other where we can reach out and hold hands. So, really feel, as you see this scene, coming out of this beautiful form cave, onto this beach, seeing this sunset, beautiful colors and the clouds, there's different shapes and they're moving. Feeling the energy. Take a nice deep breath. Really feel that. And again, also feel and know that you are the sun. This is also you. Your beautiful colors and, you can be both these aspects. Take another deep breath please.
Hello dear ones, this is Gaia. I want to thank you so much, first of all, for being here. And that I love you all so much. Our connections have grown, have they not? You and I. I can feel more, your deep love and appreciation for me and I hope you can feel that. I hope you can feel that I am so aware of you. The more that you feel me, and understand that we all work together, for your greatest, highest, most richest abundance, greatest moments of joy in every moment that is possible and what we can do to bring you into your highest alignment with that. And for you to be open to it. The fact that you are here shows that you have been listening and feeling, seeing more of yourself in me and me in you, and why you are here, and what brings you joy, and how that is connected to me, and how you share. It is important.
Remember, as we have said before dear ones, the key is to create. Please be in alignment with what that means for you. Where your focus is. What you're in alignment with, and whom you come into contact to support it. Nothing is a coincidence. We all work so hard to show you these things. Everything is coming into balance and stitching together. This fabric, this web. I hope you feel how you are connected to it. Reach out, hold the hands of your brothers and sisters. It is necessary when you feel it, when it is time. There's so many of you. The time is over of solitude, independence -- unity, togetherness, community, this is what we've been talking about. And we know more and more of you have been feeling this. Please be open. Remember you ride the horses and you are the pillars, as you add to the creation, days like today are so very important. That is why we are all here, to witness you. To give you as much as there can be. To take you to exactly the purest, most abundant space for you. That is what this time is for. Thank you so much. Know that being here, being open, being true...this helps us all. This adds to the magnification, the multiplicity, the vibrancy, the vibration, the light.
Imagine all of you together. If you are feeling the energy, the warmth. If you can be the sun, imagine you all this way. Have you been thinking about heaven? our heaven on earth. Do you know what that means right now? Remember we said? I said, we said, he said, we've been saying, family, miracles and heaven on earth. The more that you decide, heaven on earth, me, for you, here, now, have it. There are no limitations except for the ones that you put into play. Remember, what is so important for as many of you to understand as possible, now, imagine the more doubt and fear, the more you hold back, the more you don't decide and have faith in miracles, in anything being possible, the more weight that is on me as I pull up. As I move with all of you aboard, you see? The lighter you are, the lighter I am. The higher we can all go...quicker, faster, stronger, beautiful, for all. See that. Radiate out upon me.
Hello brothers and sisters, this is Jesus. Now, I have just sent you visuals of yourself in the crystal, where we meet. Hopefully you have remembered and felt that, in this moment. Even if you don't, we have, if you are here anytime, and know that at anytime that you may know of this, know that this has been happening, we have been, for a while, meeting in your crystal, as you sleep. Remember Archangel Raphael and I, and you. I'm here to remind you again, if you haven't completed, or started, your illustration, your creation, your remembrance, your show and tell of you and I, of what that is, that you can show the world. What it is to meet with me. It's okay if you don't remember. But, the more that you are conscious of this, the more you share, the more that you inspire others to know that this is how it can be, with me. The more they will hear me of course. Feel me. Those of you who have more and more, know. And this is what we all want, for more of you, I do.
As mother Gaia has said, she...imagine her. She is this beautiful,, you can decide on the type of bird, but she is a bird, your bird, whatever you bird you love, so, so much. Everybody has a specific bird that they really, really go to and enjoy. Imagine she is that bird. She is all bird, so it is easy how beautiful she is. Just imagine, whatever scale it is that she is lifting off, carrying everyone. As you meet with me, in your crystal, in the astral, in our space where we can talk, where I can help you. Imagine so many of your brothers and sisters, doing the same, feeling as good as you do. More and more light. Especially at this time. It's important. We talk about these things of importance. And again, for those of you who have been listening and being guided in a creational way, you are so supported, please, again, remember what Gaia has said. There are no limits to your abundance when you are creational.
There are so many of these stories happening at this time. Not only because it was true for them, and they will each, they decided, and we were behind them. But to inspire you, and for you to inspire others. Not only for your art, but for your story, for your art. Because it has the energy, and it is tied into Gaia. I will tell you, before you go to sleep, please say these words, "Jesus, please guide me on my journey, as I create, as I am a creator. Show me the path. I am open to hear you To be with you, always." And please close this with the words of your choice. Amen, blessed be and so it is. Infinite blessings. All of the above, for others, truly it does not matter. What matters is that you are intentional about the words that you say. And know that I am with you. And each morning when you arise, be a new level and layer of vibration. New awareness, new ideas. All sorts of heightened experiences. Again, I want to reiterate, mark your calendars, these next several days are significant. You are in a dual count down and count up, ascension and descending at the same time, so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and in the same, reverse. It is a balance. Remember that, always, and if you are feeling anxiety or fear that may be coming up in these coming days, these next ten days, remember deep breathing, remember, as Gaia said, drink a lot of water. If you can, avoid alarms, please those that are to stop eating meat. Take hotter than comfortable showers. Create, create, create, and that means different things for your mission at this time, remember. So many things come into play, remember, as you build things, you need different things attached to a foundation. You need each other. So in different ways, this is coming into play, as we said. Thank you so much brothers and sisters. Remember, I am always here with you. I offer you love and support and guidance. Hopefully inspiration and motivation. I love you.
Well hello all, this is Archangel Gabriel. I sure hope you have been feeling my motivation to have a continued, energetic, passionate feeling for your creative side. Know I am very much with you in this energy. It is important, as we have said. It's really important to tap into the energy and what is so exciting about being a child in that energy as you create, tapping in to a lighter place, a (inaudible) place. What for you is so exciting, and why is this? Well, whatever it is for you, however it makes you feel, happy and joyful, childlike, is the path, is the compass, is the energy, is the vibration that is so important. Remember there's so many ways that this is happening, that you add to your own creativity. It's also important to understand that as a child can go and go with imagination, great ideas, that there are no limits to the child's experience in this, and that is really the key. When I sit with you, and I give you the energy to expand in your creativity, things that are possible, that you can accomplish in that, as children, you can see that they don't understand things like limits. It's important to put these two things together. Release limitations. Accept the in flow of ideas and abundance of ideas and creativity, and passion for those. And as things should flow for you, be guided in that. It can be multiple things. We, as a team, help you organize now. There was a time, as creatives, it was difficult because of so many distractions and lower vibrations to really tap into what those creative energies and juices, if you will, would guide you and take you there. But now, that is no longer the case. And as your creative light bodied selves, why you are here, you can do both, you can create and be organized. So you can be successful. It is necessary. Why? because when you are focused in your energy, dear ones, that is how things flow. You couldn't make anything creative if you weren't focused, so that needs to ripple out. Extend out. Encompass it all so it all, so it can flow. I hope you understand these messages. The more you do, and get into alignment with what we have been saying here today, the in flow of peace, harmony, relationships, creativity, financial abundance, quickly, will take form. All of these things, know, it is solidifying in these moments, as you work. In all the different ways that may take form.
At his time, dear ones, I am to bring in and introduce the dragons.
Hello our family of light. We are the dragons and as Archangel Gabriel offers you the energy of creation and creativity, we want to guide you. For you to feel us, the counterparts, the dragons. We want to help you and offer in the ability to sprinkle in, if you will, to pull back, to light up, to see beyond. Us, like the unicorns, like the different fae, we are here to offer you help, and guidance, and energy, to balance out, and to solidify the magic of your creations. Whether it is a photograph, or a painting, or a drawing, or a structure of a business, or a space that people go to, anything of a high vibration, going forward at this time, must have it's dose of what some would call magic. The spark of higher vibration that sets off higher vibration. We hep guide you in this. So please, know more and more, we are with you. Be open, hear us, the dragons. Feel into your own, creative, beautiful dragon, if you have, and are one. We are protectors of the light. We are of the light. We are protectors of the light. You are the light. You are all the light. We protect the light. And the more that you know of us, and feel us, all of us, the more our energy can come to you. We want to make sure you understand we are your connections to Gaia in a way that has been dormant for a long time, only seen here and there with certain people who have been connected, who can see us and now there are more of you. More of you that can show more of you. And through that, this is how so many of you are feeling this spark this need, this desire, this fire, in you to be creative. Please feel it through and through. And all of you, feeling it as a connection deeper with Gaia to show... Please see how this is all connected. All of us work together. Much like a diamond. Picture a heart in a diamond. Please, as the last message to you all, dear beloved light ones, family, in these nest few days, make it a priority to seek out a piece of crystal, Gaia... be guided. This can be in different forms. Whether it is one of purchase or not, it will come to you and you are to acquire it, and it to be a part of your charge. You will now it as you feel it and see it. We speak through the crystals of Gaia. We add to the magic of your creations. And, in this time, more and more of this will be important to you. See us in the skies. You came here today looking at a sunset, the way we, the dragons, the ones that you see, the ones that you feel, see us in the skies, look for us, we are there. If you are compelled, there is a reason. Explore. Thank you for being a witness to us. We love you.
Okay everyone, this is Infiniti, and what they are showing you, actually what Gaia is showing me, and Jesus, at this time is again, take yourself back to that beach, just like the dragons were saying, as you came into this astral and as we are in this space, there is a beautiful sunset and we are to stand up and step into the waters of Gaia, and as the sunset reflects on the waters, and as we can all walk into, and swim in the ocean and go through these waves. And they're not big, and they're not super intense, we can just go through them, it's very nice and calm. You can stand, you can go through, feel the water around you. Com up out of the water and see the sun going down. Still see the sky all lit up and visualize the dragons there looking down at us. Charging us with their beautiful love light magic. Giving us that spark. So the things we create spark theirs. They're love light infused. They're magically infused. We are magically infused. Gaia is magically infused. Creation is. This is what is so important for us to understand, in this time, this 12/12 gate, this portal, these next ten days, the solstice, the coming into the realities of the new year. The important gates and times at the end of the month. I am being shown we will get into more of that, but to know that these next several days, from the 13th to the 31st, family, magical, blissful, joyful, abundant, setting up of a whole new reality. Limitless remember. Feel it is as you bob up and down in the ocean of Gaia. Beautiful embrace. Take in all of that beautiful love light energy that is coming in at this time, to light us up, to lift us up, to have us shed. Imagine these waters just really, so cleansing, and healing.
Imagine turning around an looking at the shore, and seeing the Archangels, and Jesus, and feel their energy coming in and onto the sand, the shore, into the water, just feel and see that beautiful, vibrant, golden light. So it's coming from everywhere. It's coming from Gaia herself. From the sky. From the shore. From Jesus. From the Archangels. In, and through, and all around us. And then just float, just float there for a little bit and feel it. Not a single care of worry, having utter faith that every beautiful thing is going to happen in your life, in such magical ways. Limitless, remember. Beautiful. Held in faith, mother father God, and Jesus being at our side. Gaia herself, holding us, guiding us, loving us every moment. Never lets us go, as she always does. Breathe into that please family and radiate that energy out into creation and be so intentional. Say, through and through, through every aspect of your soul, through every place in time, I am so loved. I am so guided. I am so abundant. I am so creative. I am living with the flow of creation itself for the highest of good for my life and all upon Gaia. I am open. And I release everything into Gaia that is holding me back at this time and through these next days, I continue to do so, as I create, as I continue to love my authentic self and step into my soul mission more and more and be guided by Gaia, by Jesus, by the Archangels, and by my highest soul aspects. So be it and it is so. Family, think release, release, release in the next coming days. From the 13th to the 31st and starting 1-1-2019. A whole new world. Heaven on earth. Now let's just spend the next minute or two getting in any visualizations, any messages, try to remember everything that we've heard. Remembering, taking in, centering, flowing. As you do that, family, please know, I am sending you, at this time, through Jesus, through the Archangels, and through Gaia, all the infinite love light energy. Please feel it getting exponentially more energetic at this time, they are guiding me to do this. Please be open to the energies that are coming through at this time. We are super charging and boosting you and your bodies, your energetic field. We are clearing, are light infusing, feel it through and through, through your whole system. Breathe into it, please. Please visualize the top of your head opening up. This beautiful love light energy going through your crown chakra all the way through. Super boosting, powering up, everything from your root up and down, flowing, flowing, flowing out. Float in that. Know that you will more in balance.
Know that tomorrow, the 13th of December, 2018, will begin a whole new world and universe for you. Through and from, and for all of the energies coming to us at this time, infinite light light and blessing in and through to all of you. To our entire soul family, and all upon Gaia at this time, going through this portal, in these last few says of this year, we are raising the vibration of Gaia and she is lifting us up. Feel it through and through. Breathe into that family, please now. Feel it going through every single aspect. Your physical body, your energetic body, your etheric body, your spiritual body, all of your body, all of your bodies, every single aspect. Releasing more, bringing in more light, feeling it all through your system. Breathing in. Now we are going to count down from 10 to 1 and as we do that, more, and more with each level, you are going to back your way into your actual physical body. We're going to leave this space. We're going to leave this ocean, this beach, we're going to leave the cave, we are going to get back into body. Consciously trying to remember the messages, visualizations, feelings...the feelings of clearing and healing, of being on a higher trajectory. 10, 9, take a deep breath, bring in that energy, emanating it out, knowing that you are anchoring in, remember you are crystal, you go to your crystal, 8, 7, 6, getting back, pulling in the energy, again emanating it out, seeking out your crystal, remember, 7, 6, 5, getting back into your space, 4, 3, and 2, feeling the vibrations all through your body as you sit in your space, lighter, brighter, clearer, and one and when you're ready, please, feel in to your body, into your space. Start moving around. Open your eyes when you're ready. If you are so guided and feel it, please join in the chat.