I want you to take some nice, long, deep, centering breaths for me. Close your eyes. So first thing's first, we're going to clear some space and then I'm going to take you in to some relaxation and connecting. So we're going to connect together I'm being told. So that'll be fun! So first things first, we are going to connect with the space around us and our tribe.
Hello family this is Infiniti. As you know we are here with our brothers and sisters across the globe. We are coming here today, together to help our Mother Gaia diffuse energy for this storm called Hurricane Florence. In this process we are going to be pushing our energy in a loving way to help diffuse that energy. We're working with all of you, our angelics, and your Mother Gaia herself. I thank you for calling us all here. We are in this divine sacred moment together. And at this time, any negative entities, energies, are asked to leave all of us collectively now.
Nice deep breaths for me guys. Again. Any negative energies that are in or within, loose or stuck onto the bodies of all of those participating now or in the future are asked to leave, lovingly return back to source and our loving and divine angels and Archangels are here to assist. Thank you. Breathe into it for me guys. Nice, long, Deep, cleansing breaths. If you see this light behind your eyes, that is what I am talking about. That is dense, negative, loose energies that are just ready to go.
I do a lot of movement in my meditations, so please don't feel like you have to stay still. If you get tingly and need to clap your hands, I do that, stroke, kind of run your arms...whatever feels good. We're going to get really tingly in here and sometimes that negative energy is just kind of on the surface and physically you doing things like this helps it to go. Also in your mind or out loud you can say, 'thank you for being here energy, I love you, please let go and release. I like my body vehicle to be as free and clean and light as possible in this divine now moment as we are doing this work.
Nice, long, deep breaths for me guys. I want you to start thinking of your body whether you are laying or sitting. The center of your body being the center of your infinity symbol. The top and crown of your head being the outer top of it and below your body, your seat or your feet, is the other side of the infinity symbol okay? So what we are going to do is start breathing in that shape, taking your air, your breath, your energy, your life, force, see it as a ball of light. Nice deep breath for me guys. Breathe right into your center, to your solar plexus. See that sun light up. Feel it nice and warm there in your center and we're going to move it as we breathe.
So nice long deep breath in and were going to move it up and around our right shoulder, up over our head and back down on the down breath and you're just going to follow that up and down. And visualize the sun moving in it's own orbit around your body in the infinity symbol and we're going to do that a couple of times okay? On a count of three we're going to send it going. Were going to take a nice, deep breath. Watch that ball of light go. One, two, three... Up around your shoulder, let it peak at the top of your head, back down around your shoulder, all the way down to your center.
When you breathe again, you're going to send it down. Send it down. Watch it go. Bring it up. Find your own orbit. Find your own center. Find your own rhythm. Remember that you are infinite. You are divine. You are energy and we are very powerful individually and together. Feel that energy.
Okay the next time we get it up at the top, let's everybody meet there. Nice deep breath up. Suspend it. And then we're going to blow all the air out through your mouth. Nice and hard. Get all that air out. Push it. Nice deep breath in. We're going to center back again. Okay, so we've diffused some energy. We've gotten centered. Really feeling into your energy, your core. You're probably tingling now a little bit more.
At this point we're going to get very intentional about connecting. I want you guys to visualize as if we're all there together, in a room, and in this room, I'm being told, it's kind of like going into some type of...well this is interesting...going into some type of like electronic kind of chamber thing, or one of those, if you've ever been to the carnival and you go into those suspension rides where you're up against the wall and it's kind of like that, but it's more electronic in nature. Kind of like a spaceship, yes.
You can imagine we're just going and sitting down, but we can sit and we can look around at each other, kind of like that one ride where you're up against the wall and you can see everybody. If you've been in that kind of ride, or even if you can kind of imagine that kind of table. So we don't need to know who is all here or even see or know our faces, but we can visualize the people that are here just coming in and sitting down, being present. And in the center, up pops this visual, this graphic, this radar...this radar thing pops up and we can see this humongous storm. It's really, really big. So his is like a hologram of a radar picture moving in real time and we can see this and how big it is. So please see that.
You're sitting there, you're really visualizing. This is what we're focusing on, I'm being told. This is how we are to see it. So very real in the way that we're used to looking at storms. However, because we're in this craft, I guess you could say, and you can just imagine it being round, not a whole lot of flair to it. Just disk like and that's it. Like a hockey puck that you're sitting inside of. Okay it is really basic and...interesting, so imagine yourself in something like that okay?
Oh I'm getting super tingly. And more energies are diffusing, so if you see more light just going, just breathe into that. We're really getting into this now, getting juicy, good visuals going. Thank you guys for joining. This is pretty awesome. Okay so, because we're in this, we can be cloaked I'm hearing. We can be invisible. We can get up into the atmosphere without being seen and we can actually get ourselves into the system of the storm. So let that sink in here for a second. (laughs) So that is pretty neat. I'm feeling a lot of excited energy. I'm excited. I didn't imagine this. This is really cool.
So they're saying, yeah you know, we're very intentionally...we're thinking...if you're putting yourself, your energy, your body, your astrally projecting into this craft, this is where we are people okay? So get there. Imagine it. Look around. And from the inside, this is what I see. It's opaque, we can look outside. We can see the sky. We can see all around us. If you are to look at it from the outside, it mirrors what it's around, so you can't see it. So it's really invisible and where we are is like on this launching thing. And we're actually not on land, we're in an orbit, around Gaia. So as we're pulling back and we can kind of satellite out is actually where we are. We're already out, and we're going to be like going from top down, instead of from up in, from down up into the system, we're going to be going from the top. We're going to be able to see that I'm being told. And to do this, and we're doing this...you can visualize that for now. So we're just telling you what's going to happen. It's going to be..it's not going to be/being any type of disruption to your body or anything like that. It's super, super smooth. Barely an inconvenience. It's going to feel really good.
First thing we're going to do though is again, we're going to visualize we are sitting there and kind of to power up. Oh this is so freaken cool. Okay, to power up our craft, to get it to launch from this dock...I don't even know. It is interesting, just kind of where it's at. It's kind of waiting to go, kind of just slip down. So as we're all sitting there, we are going to connect energetically with each other and with the craft itself. It is conscious and it uses our intention to move and so we're using our energy and life force and chakral system.
So if you could please turn on your root chakra everybody. Let's visualize that. It's nice and red. There we go. Let's get tingly and warm there. Breathe into it. Turn it on. Turn it on. Watch it go. Okay very good. We're really turning on now. Watch it get brighter. It's in your seat, it is that base of your spine, getting everything nice and tingly and then we're going to work our way up into our sacral.
Imagine that bright and orange. Light it up for me please now. And as these light up, we're getting warmer all the way though and it's actually also connecting and going down into the craft, so if you can imagine that. And just the whole thing is going to start to buzz and get bright on the inside of the craft and we're just going to kind of see everybody. The silhouettes of everybody. We are getting...just opening up our eyes and visualizing that, just everybody kind of lighting up from the inside out. Lighting up the craft from the inside out. Oh my God. This is s cool.
Let's bring it up into our solar. Light it up for me people, intentionally. We are lighting up with the energy of our bodies into the craft. And please be intentional. We're going to go into this system to diffuse energy in a very loving way.
Let's go up, up, up into our heart chakra. So let's breathe into this, it's usually a little tight. Let's turn it on now. Thank you. Breathe into it. My head is starting to get even tingly now because the energy is already flowing nice and smooth up because we're all connected. So things are moving fast ok. We don't have to spend a lot of time turning on, turning up. You know, we're just going boom, boom, boom.
So next, our throat. Let's turn it on. Nice blue color. Just imagine that blue color going up. If you need to clear your throat or cough, if your ears start really getting tight now, very common, just kind of breathe into it. You can try to unplug your ears, but it's kind of from the inside out.
Our spirit tribe are with us. They're facilitating. Please witness our Archangels all stepping forward next to us. All of them together with us. So we're in this big circle. We have Michael, we have Raphael, we have Gabriel, Uriel, Haniel, Raguel, Sandalphon, Metatron is in the center. Hi Metatron! Look at you. Metatron is in the center. He is going to bring us all in. He's going to show us within the center, we're seeing his cube. Please visualize that. That is why he is there in our center. You can feel Michael with his hand on your back, activating from the back, turning you on, brighter.
As we can look and see Metatron there int eh center and he is holding up his cube. You could see it light up. It's electric, it's alive. Take a look. He's stepping down. He's going to walk in front of each one of us. As Gabriel is giving us infinite blessings, thanking us for being here. Metatron is walking around and showing you the cube. Take a look. You're going to be drawing this later, at some point in the near future if he says, to connect deeper. Oooh that's cool. Ever drawn the cube? It's not easy people! So let's...Oh we should make that a challenge! Oh yes Metatron! He says, let's make it a challenge on Instagram. Oh we're going to do that. Let's play he says. This is the way to do it.
More dense negative energies are leaving. They want no part of this. We're having too much fun. Bye! Okay everybody, did you take a nice good look at that? That was awesome. He's going to go back in the center. He's going to kind of like drop it down to the center of the craft, activating more. We can feel.. WOAH feel that energy activate. Holy moly. Breathe into it for me people. Releasing more dense negative energy. You are being healed through this as well.
Jesus steps in and puts the hand on the top of your head. Just take a moment. Be with him please. Okay let's not fight about how amazing you are or how amazing he is. We're all amazing, is what I'm hearing. 'No you're amazing, no you're amazing, no you're amazing. We're all amazing. We thank you so much all for being here. You are amazing. Thank you for guiding us. We're all amazing, being here together in this moment.
I want you to visualize at this time everybody kind of sitting back. You can still feel their presences but we're going to get really intentional about taking off and they're saying just now we know where we are all at. Let's just breathe into this a little bit more. You can still feel that presence on the top if your head, on your back, still see that cube in front of your eyes. You can still see it kind of superimposed and falling down into the storm, into the storm. Watch it go. And then what we're going to do is visualize the craft, that I'm being shown, kind of taking off from...we're up and then we're going down so it's like one of those visuals that you see from NASA, from Discovery, where we're looking down onto the planet. I know you guys can see this now and we're just going to slip down and very nice and easy go down and we can just kind of see it from outside and everywhere as we look around, all around.
So we're in this disk and we can see the atmosphere. It's almost like the craft itself just falls away. It's there but it's not there as we go down further into the atmosphere. Things are getting brighter. It is the middle of the day over the Atlantic. Well it's not the middle of the day but it is daytime. We are going to meet up with the storm, see it from the top. It is very, very big. Holy moly. It's also moving fast. It has a huge center. Th center of the storm, I'm being told, is about the size of Rhode Island. I'm not exactly sure how big that is, but it's a state, that's pretty big. And as we can go down into it we're seeing just the top of it. We're just kind of hovered above it. We could just see how freaken humongous this thing is. It's so big. But it's really cool looking too, it's just wide and a lot of energy in there.
So we are just going to follow down in there. Don't be nervous. Nothing bad is going to happen. We're just going to take our energy and just drop down in there and visualize what this may look like in there. We're taking our consciousness into the storm. Perfectly safe, perfectly guided and guarded. We're just taking our energy, infusing it with the energy of the storm. So it's just a lot of movement. A lot of moisture. A lot of air. And breathe into that.
Gaia says again, this is not me. I'm here with you now, thank you. You can visualize her coming, smiling at you, thanking you for being here. And she says please offer your love and guidance to the storm, to the elements of water and air, together working but being manipulated, being pushed in a way that is unnatural and we are here altogether, family divine beings, we are natural and we're going to offer our natural love to the elements of air and water. To please diffuse in your energy. Please separate. And please slow your speed. Please be very intentional family when thinking about this, when offering your energy and your intention to the storm, as we are in it now.
And we can just push your energy out, just feel it. You can use your hands. Feel it. Channel it all up and down your chakra system. How you're all connected, you're in this craft. Focus it around your body. Push it out, up, and in, around your body. Feel the energy within yourself. And then you're going to see as a stream of light when you take your right hand, you push it out in front of you, your light wil go to the center of the craft now. Visualize that please family. Watch your energy, your light come from your right hand to the center. Everybody's connected together int he center. And then pulling down into the cube. Down into the superimposed vision of what we can see on the outside. And so you can see it as it goes out into the storm, this energy that we're all pulling in together, sending out our infinite love light. Thank you. Do that now please.
See your energy flow in, your love energy, your intentional loving, divine energy to diffuse this air and this water. To have it slow down, to have it change course. Visualize this for me family. Drive this nice loving energy into the storm, soothe it. Get the air to slow down. Get the moisture to dissipate. Get the energy to diffuse. Get it to move. Watch it go. Watch it move. Keep doing that. Breathe in, breathe out, real, real natural okay. You don't have to do this for very long today, this first time.
Now we know what to expect the next time we come. This is what I'm being told. Same type of procedure. This is what we're gong to be doing over the course of the week, whenever we come. I'm being told by Gaia, you can also come and do this on your own, you don't need to be with Infiniti, now that you know how to come here. You can do this when you feel the pull, the urge to send your loving, diffused, intentionally, beautiful energy to this area, to the storm. Give it your love. You can do this anytime. but we are going to do them together too. Okay. So I'm being told to tell you that.
So as we're just moving around we're moving with the storm. We're watching it move around us, we're moving with it, but we're completely fine. Everything is going on. We're seeing our energy going down into the cube diffusing out. you can see that radiate light just coming out of the craft and just dissipating and just sending...just visualize it as a wall coming out of the craft all the way around us. So if you look it's going out from every single angle and that's why we're in a circle because it's all of our energy pulling, going through the cube and out into the system. Watch it go. Beautiful love light energy into the system. Diffusing more energy, we are, this is working you guys. Do it please for me again, Just watch it go very intentionally. Just keep pushing it out. Feel your own body get more centered, more nice and light and loose in there. Feel the vibrations from the top of our head all the way down to your crown chakra and back up. Feel it flow as this is all happening at once. This is once big nice flow okay.
We're just sending all of our energy out and through the system and all the way down as it goes through the system. Visualize it just raining down, all of our energy, our beautiful love light energy. See it from the top perspective. So please take your consciousness satellite outside of the system, of the storm system and visualize the system from up high again now. And watch that nice beautiful umbrella of infinite love light, start from the top, mushroom down around the system and go down, fall down upon Gaia on the water in the Atlantic and into the ocean and infuse with her. Ah that feels so nice, just feel that please. Into the ocean, infusing with the lives and everything...all the wildlife that's in the ocean okay? Feel it kind of just permeating through there, going through, all through Gaia. It's raining down. It is so pretty. And visualize this from different perspectives.
Okay so now family, let's take our consciousness back into the craft and were going to pull out now and just gently rise up out of there. Altogether, we're still lit up. We're going to remain lit up. We're going to have a wonderful rest of our day as we come back up. And we can see we're going back where we started, up above. And even though we are lit up, we can see our connection. We can take our, pull our energy back in. Get back into center with ourselves. Feel..you just kind of sit there. Everybody's energy kind of gets pulled in, back in, nice and tight around us. Let's visualize this beautiful energy, about 3-4 inches outside of your body. And it's staying there. There, you're just brighter now, more lit up. And just take your time here for a second. You can revisit those visuals anytime again. We're going to get back in. Our Archangels and angels are saying thank you so much. .Everybody was amazing and that was really effective, Gaia thanks you. Thank you so much she says. Thank you so, so much. Jesus says thank you. Thank you, thank you. Thank you for being here. Feel his nice warm touch on your head one more time, giving you love, unconditional love. Thank you all so much. Long, nice, deep breath and then we can slowly come out of this. Open up your eyes. Get back into your space. Oh goodness gracious.