Hello Dear One this is your Sister, ArchAngel Gabriel. I say it quite often, there is no greater power than knowing yourself. Taking into account all that you have been through and all that you know and what you have learned, having unwavering faith in your own Soul and connection, stepping in to your role-whatever that may be, deciding once and for all, you are no longer afraid of what you don’t know-you’re only anxious to learn more.
You know that being a leader means declaring yourself, stepping out of the shadows and into the light shining bright for all to see and while that may be overwhelming this is what you were always meant to be and do so decide that from this point forward each and every day you will hold back a little bit less of yourself, you will heal those parts of you that keep you afraid. You will be sparked to create.
You will seek out ways in which you can learn more about yourself. Learning about yourself, healing yourself, being yourself-your true authentic self and deciding you are sovereign-you are in control of your body, your spirit, your energy, your focus-what comes and goes. This is in your power, the truth waiting for all of us to rediscover. As each of us crosses into these truths-we are paving the way for those who are right behind us. Making it an easier journey for them and us all-that is how powerful The Truth is. Make it your mission to be a truth seeker about yourself and all of creation.
Infinite LOVE & Blessings Family,