Empaths! Psychic Empaths & Physical Empaths! You need to understand how different you truly are on a biological level, and how to work with your ultra complex system.
For way too long Empaths have been led to believe that they are delicate, overly sensitive and weak. THAT IS A LIE! Completely. What is the truth is that we are SuperHuman. We are able to connect with the energies of the universe-including everything in our world-other people & even animals-WAY better than non-Empaths. Why? Human 2.0 that’s why! Now is the first time in human evolution that are we actually evolving! Empaths are the first wave of this evolution. We are made this way so we can feel and understand each other, and for some of us-we have the ability to heal each other energetically-in person & over distance when we learn to work in the Quantum Field. Imagine going to your doctor and they say, "I know exactly how you feel AND I can fix it." It's not science fiction-that's real-I'm living proof. Our FAT neurotransmitters allow for us to KNOW what’s going on outside of ourselves. To FEEL into the ether and extrapolate information to help ourselves & others. Psychic & Biological transmissions that happen instantly-without us trying. Empaths will have emotional and/or physical issues because of all of the energy they are feeling from outside of them and do not understand this because it has ALWAYS been this way in their bodies and minds. It’s up to us to take responsibility for ourselves & to discover who we are & why we are here. And trust me-it wasn’t to suffer needlessly or to stay isolated & away from the world! NO! From Social Anxiety to Fibromyalgia-conditions we don’t actually have-but it feels like it because we absorb negative energy so we can avoid it or transmute it. But you have to know how & that starts with knowing your own body in a neutral state-without the influences of others. The only way to get there is by clearing yourself out from lifelong stuck energy & starting from a neutral state so you can know what it feels like to be you. JUST YOU. I can help you get there. Visit my website & YouTube, link in bio. Infinite LOVE & Blessings,
Visit my website, https://www.infinitelovelightenergy.com/ to learn about me, my story and how I finally realized I was an Empath, and then a Physical Empath and how I rid myself from decades of debilitating Fibromyalgia in only minutes by working with my energy under the direction of my Guides, using the ability to move energy intentionally.
A few Services: Connecting with me via phone or video for Spiritual Guidance/Psychic Advice, global distance Infinite Love Light Energy Healing, Connecting with your Spirit Tribe via my Divine Psychic Channel and Soul Guidance via Tarot & Oracle, Couples Love Infusion, Healing Reproductive Issues, Domestic or Wild Animal Healing, and Strategic Parenting for Light Body Children and several other services.
Also on my website are several transcriptions of my Channeling's that I have done from my Guided Astral Meditations-most of them are done LIVE on my Youtube Channel.