I am INFINITI/ARCHANGEL GABRIEL, a Psychic Physical Empath and a CHANNEL and A VOICE FOR GAIA, as well as other Divine Beings that have messaged to give, such as Jesus, The Archangels, The Dragons, The Faeries, Galactics, Elementals, etc.
I am trusted with these messages as I am a Messenger, an incarnated Angelic, as well as being a naturally gifted healer. I heal animals and people globally.
The fact that I can receive messages from GAIA, the fact that she speaks through me will never ever get old and I am so honored and blessed to be able to share messages like these with you. Know and feel how genuine they are...
GAIA SPEAKS: “Look at how not only my beloved, the sun warms, guides and protects ME, but see how I honor HIM. Do you see the gold of the sun in these leaves? Do you feel the warmth of the sun when you look upon my tree? Yes! Of course you do, how is this? The sun's light within this tree, all of the leaves and down to the roots are connected to me, The Mother, YOUR Mother and, I am connected to YOU. See how my beloved, The Sun has given light and love to our child, the tree.
As I hold him in my arms, his father shines light from above and no matter if our beloved Moon is your illumination or The Sun, you can still feel the radiance of the Light of Day. This is because I hold you too in you arms, and my beloved shines down upon you so you are also illuminated day or night.
So you may also recognize in others, like this tree-the love we, Your Mother GAIA and your FATHER, THE SUN all the way up to OUR Mother and Father-GREAT GALACTIC CENTRAL SUN, that we feel this infinite love light for you.
So you may know with each golden leaf that you see, and feel deep within you-how infinitely loved you are. So you may be guided by the light of The Sun to come home, to me, to you, to us...Your Family. To continue to be illuminated, to be guided in discovering the greatest mysteries of life itself...
Your life, this life, your purpose, your destiny, and for that illumination to light the way for you to discover your truths, your knowings from within and know I am here, always, with you always to guide you to your sisters and brothers and places and spaces upon my body and in the Spirits Realms where you may feel the comfort, the light and the connection to all, and with that, your connection to your infinite Soul. I love you.”