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My Dearest Body, A Letter Of Love

Writer's picture: luvcatsluvcats

Taken from Infiniti's Instagram Post

I love you, I love you, love you. Thank you, my beautiful body for every step, every tear, everything you’ve healed.

You have been so strong, despite what I did to you. Years of smoking, alcohol intake, eating horrible food, constant violent images on the news, TV & Movies, countless negatively charged abusive people, pharmaceuticals, seeking pleasure while being fearful of love, being so far from nature and disconnected from GAIA and your own Soul...I treated you like shit.

I’m sorry. I never appreciated you, I always talked down to you and I was ashamed of you for so any reasons. Stupid reasons that I now don’t even remember where they came from.

I never really wanted pain or to hurt you. I wanted it to go away and I was so confused.

You know this better than anyone, I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to die and I was doing my best to kill myself, even if it was slowly-that is the truth.

I know what you are now. You are my best friend, my partner 24/7 and I know that you were designed for me and it is my job to take care of you so you will be viable, healthy and feel love and live for a very long time.

I know now that it had been my job to figure out this most complex machine there is on this planet, not only for myself but to help others understand their own.

You, beautiful most amazing vessel for my Divine Soul has always known what I did not.

I love you so much. You are so amazing. Thank you for taking over and doing your best to get me through each day when I was in so much pain. I hated you but I didn’t know any better.

These last few years of understanding us had been the very best of my life, as you are well aware. Living with you like we have has been miracles upon miracles and I know that we needed the hard times to get to the good times. You always knew.

I know that I needed to feel what I felt so I could know how to help others one day.

We have come together, the way we were always meant to-to be greater than anything I could have ever have imagined as that confused, sick, tired human who just wanted to go home.

Now, I want nothing more than to be with you for as long as I possibly can, making beautiful creations, inspiring and healing others, loving each other and showing the world what is possible.

I promise to get better and better at treating you the way you deserve to be treated...

With love and gratefulness, kindness and sensitivity.

I love you more than anything.

On 11.11.2018 I was guided to write a love letter to my body. So much had changed, I was not the same as I once was. I thought about it a lot, but I never got around to that letter until today. I’m not sure why, it really doesn’t matter. I was sick for so long, 39 years not knowing that I was a Medical Medium, Natural Energy Healer, Psychic Physical Empath amongst other things... I ended up with a diagnosis of #Fibromyalgia a #chronicillness when I was 25. It only took 20 years... Life was hell, I was always in pain and on medications and unable to work and I felt as though I lived in a prison, I just wanted to escape. So much I didn’t know for so long had me sick and hurting and hating life. Like I know so many other people feel. But I also know that as time goes on, more and more people will break free and become something different than they always thought they were. It’s possible for all of us. I hope this inspires you write a love letter of your own, whether you’ve gone through your metamorphosis already, you’re in the process or you know you will. And, if you want help with your healing-no matter what it is, please reach out-that’s why I’m here. Infinite LOVE & Blessings, INFINITI Divine Soul Guide Healer | Medical Medium Psychic Physical Empath Infinite Love Light Energy


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