June 23, 2019
Hello Soul Family,
Thank you for joining me at this time. This is INFINITI/ArchAngel Gabriel.
The following is a channeled message with a lot of information that has been transcribed over several days. The bulk of the message was channeled via automatic writing on 6.19.19 between myself and The High Council, which I am a part of.
The communication was directed at and for myself in the beginning and then it went into US sharing information with all of you, The Light Body Collective. I use "WE" instead of "I" throughout this channeling as this is a collective message from all of us.
I tend to say "WE" a lot in my information because this is how it works for me, I do not work in an "I" state, but in a "WE" state and have for a long time now. We know that does sound odd but to me it is untruthful to say "I" when WE are speaking to you from this body. Because there is always a silent telepathic conversation going on between myself and whomever I am channeling and because of the nature of this message, when going back and reading it, it became obvious that I was switching back and forth between perspectives and WE were speaking to one or all but it was of the same simultaneously. If that sounds confusing, then trust me at times reading it the way it came through would have been as well. We decided to present it to you directly from myself early on so it would be easy to understand, however I may have missed spots where WE say "you" and it is obvious "WE" are talking to ME personally. I did try to go through everything multiple times but I may have missed something. There is a TON of information here.
Please take notes, free write, draw/doodle as you listen or just close your eyes and feel into your heart chakra as we move into a new place in time together, we are all very much looking forward to this more than you know. It is hard work, but it is also a time of great joy, bliss, love and unity. What so many of us have been working very hard for so long to get to. The Beginning of The New Earth & The Evolved Human.
The Channeling via Automatic Writing and Psychic Connection begins now:
We are here with you now.
Thank you for listening and sitting with us to receive messages, ArchAngel Gabriel. Who are you? Yes, you are ArchAngel Gabriel, and we commend you for integrating more and more with your human aspect and vice versa. We know it hasn't been easy and there has been much opposition against your integration and progress for many, many years now. You have come upon many challenges from many levels of Soul Family recently and you have done a beautiful job of navigating what has been so challenging, we know that you have received our gifts and messages, through others and GAIA directly, and each of us in our own ways.
We know you feel us and we know how difficult it has been at times, and we are always there with you. We know that you know this and we also know how frustrating it is not to be able to touch us as like you would like to, but you also know that you are here with us as well, on this level and with us as well.
Do not worry about typos at this time, just relax and take in what we send to you.
We know that you have been extra tired lately and this is because of multiple reasons that you are aware of and some that you have not yet consciously remembered in your wake state but you have been working very hard on all levels there here and in all the places you are called too throughout Creation.
From your perspective in body, you have been given more advanced information recently as you are remembering, communicating on higher levels, downloading constantly, upgrading DNA, and choosing higher timelines through Stargates, as planned regardless of obstacles to keep you from making these leaps, assisting GAIA and humanity with transmutation as well and anchoring and integrating more and more, deeper and deeper with The Abundance Matrix and as a GRIDMASTER, you are activating the land for The Abundance Matrix as well. That is a lot, and much of this does need to take place during the day, as you know. Please go easy on yourself when it comes to what you can accomplish at this time, you are doing a beautiful job of managing everything, while creating as you have been.
Yes! Everything is as it needs to be at this moment. Everything is perfect, and this is why regardless of all that seems difficult, you are so very happy. You know everything is right where it needs to be. You are in a state of integration and understanding that allows for this and this will flow through you, inspiring others. You have worked so much and done so much clearing and healing, not only of your own body and mind but for others, and this always assists you further. Working with GAIA the way that you do, and connecting others with her is always raising your vibration.
This is exactly what you are meant to do. Faith, other than LOVE, there is no greater force and you have always had so much Faith, even in your darkest of times, there in your current lifetime, you knew there was so much more and now you are upon the dawn of what you and all of our Family have worked so hard for so long, incarnating, having aspects who were in body and seemingly alone and separated for long periods. All of this has been so beautiful to see unfold and to be a part of.
Yes, and before you know it you will be somewhere so different in so many ways with so many Soul Family members around you that this time will seem so distant, and we are happy that you are in a place where you are running towards that, not shying away from it like you once did.
You see, as we told you much was in motion and you had to go through these steps to get to where you are now, and for a long time you have had Faith in that, as your acceptance grew and grew into your knowing of who you really are, and of course, that wasn't easy. No one could other than someone like you could understand the challenges on so many levels throughout your lifetime in your current body, and then to be open, to learn, to accept and to integrate. Then stepping into your power as ArchAngel and once again, tapping in to your Divine Faith, and speaking your Soul Self truth to the world was another great step in your Divine Union, and one that only gets stronger day by day, and as you can see now, why it has and will continue to be very important that you are open about who and what you are, because there are others that need your voice and need it to be heard uncensored and as authentically as possible.
Yes, of course so many will judge and doubt you but they will feel it inside their Soul regardless if they accept what and who you are or not, if they run towards you or away from you, you are here for them, and despite how they may treat you, they do feel you and your love. Even those who do not yet know you, feel your love, as you have been sending it out, so when they are guided to you there is further and deeper recognition that you are of Divine Origin, you are The ArchAngel Gabriel.
Now, on to business, our Beloved-there is much information to go over.
The incoming frequencies, specifically after the tipping point of The Summer Solstice on 6.21.2019, and the energies that have been coming through for the last several weeks and into this new phase is heavy indeed.
There has been much to navigate and process at this time and because you are one to help the collective transmute their densities, you always feel it more intensely.
Yes, for this and other reasons is why we called you away from city dwelling and into nature, near the sea and then into the mountains.
Yes, and I felt the difference immediately in my energy and ability to connect and why I was sent where I was.
And from this point forward in this message, I, INFINITI/ArchAngel Gabriel will be speaking this message as to not confuse who speaks and to whom this message is directed.
For anyone who is similar to myself, in terms of their physical body and light body structure, and that does not only apply to ArchAngels, but to other higher level dimensional Souls in human bodies. Empaths and some Starseeds or Highly Sensitive People of any kind and especially Physical Empaths and/or Medical Mediums who like myself, can feel what other people feel in their bodies.
For these people it is especially difficult on the body. It makes life much more manageable if you are around the least amount of people and of course if you can control your environment with people who are only of higher vibration and as time goes on you will be able to control this more and more, at least with your living situation, if you choose to be stationary. For myself and many others, the life of travel or moving frequently is also one that has many advantages energetically and for those who are GRIDMASTERS, people who are called to activate places upon GAIA for incoming Ascension Frequencies at specific times, it is necessary for us to move and or travel at specific times. Early in the awakening process we are not aware of our roles as GRIDMASTERS, however as we ascend we understand more and more and are given information as to what we are to do.
There will come a time in the not too distant future when I and the people who work with me we will have the means to have land and build a community, to start one and them many throughout Mother Earth/GAIA.
These communities will be off of the electrical grid and self sustaining.
There will be regimented and scheduled activities and ways to learn and for people to participate in and everyone will be able to use their natural talents as they flow and to cultivate their abilities and to work together in harmony without the need to exchange money.
Each person will be contributing in many ways and because of this, each person is invested in time and energy. If you need time off, or solitude this community understands this but will always let you know if you are being lazy, although this will not be a problem with adults, there will be times that the younger ones will be more challenging energetically, however because of the way they will be taught and raised in every aspect of their lives, they will not have the issues that the previous generations had.
Truth, honor and service are the ways of the people in these hubs. Working on telepathy, being dedicated to being honest with themselves and each other, sending Love Light, working together to raise the most powerful humans the children who know of themselves and are raised in a way to cultivate their abilities and remembrances and to learn from them. Much spiritual practice, working with nature and Mother Earth/GAIA and each other in open and honest ways and teaching and loving the children in a way that their faith is never tested, especially in themselves, their power and their sovereignty.
They are the Lights of Tomorrow, The Rainbow Bridge into the future, and we are to build it for them to walk upon. It’s a very exciting time.
As I have shared in the past, and will continue to and this is a theme of mine, personally a large part of my mission is changing the way we raise and teach our children.
The new way of raising children is to ask more questions of the children, to listen to what they say, but most importantly to work with their telepathic and psychic abilities when they are babies, and when they have yet to be born. For us to teach them about their energetic bodies, and how to manage it from a very young age. It goes beyond meditation-it is working in the Quantum Field intentionally, working with your Soul an dLove light and it is what we are all born with the ability to control. Our Energy and the energy around us.
Those who raise their children in this way will come to understand that the new way of living, the New Earth is about listening to the children, and teaching them from the start how powerful they are. In order to do this humans must be as honest with themselves as healthy and centered and free from being contaminated because we do not want to mentally send these images to the children.
However, it is important for you to understand that regardless of your intent to send telepathic information and to be psychic, you are and have been doing these things, especially with your children. What we speak of is when one is conscious of this and is working to ascend and to raise children who are ascending from in utero, or ASAP.
This is how we build the New Earth, from the ground up, and that isn’t the adults, that is the children.
Of course, the adults have much work to do and are very important and for those of you who are integrated with their soul selves and are not only healing but aging in reverse, I will be living for many years to come, decades longer than our parents generations and so will many others as they begin this process.
This is truly the time of the First Human Evolution, changing DNA structures, becoming crystalline allows for your bodies to last much longer that they previously did. The lifestyle choices that can be made to accelerate or decelerate that is always up to the individual, and when the human is awoken, and the Soul begins to be able to communicate more and more with the human, these changes naturally take place because it comes from the Soul, and it is for the greater good of the self and for each other, so you will be healthy for a long time to come. This is the time of The Great Human Evolution, it has not happened before.
Upgrades in human evolution in real time for Soul/Self Awareness, Spiritual Connections, Physical including DNA Upgrades such as reverse aging for those in very high vibration, upgrades in psychic abilities, understanding and working with their bodies, their energy body and systems, Source-Infinite Love Light Energy.
Still, the foundation for the New Earth are your children being born now, and the ones who are still young now.
There are many things to put into practice to work on this very immense and important project. We are here to offer assistance.
We want to speak of who WE are.
We touched on this in the channeling video from the Stargate Landing on 6.16, however we did not spend time on who we are comprised of because it wasn’t the time.
We are The High Council. We are The Council of Light & The Galactic Command.
We are made up of Divine Beings, along with Galactic Beings who are The Galactic Command.
The Following make up The Council of Light:
Ascended Masters:
All Ascended Masters are a part of The Council of Light. You will hear from different ones at different times, as you have been for your own personal messages and for sharing. Jesus and Mother Earth/GAIA will continue to be your main connections, at least at this time.
All ArchAngels are a part of The Council of Light, however these ArchAngels are the ones working most directly with myself to help me on my own personal mission, and with people I work with while in my wake state, and these are the ones who work most closely and communicate with humans in general. There are many ArchAngels that are more behind the scenes and do not communicate with humans as much as these on The Council of Light,
WE are The ArchAngels Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Metatron, Jophiel, Haniel, Zakiel, Raguel, Raziel, Sandalphon, Ariel, Azrael, Zadkiel, Chamuel, Jeremiel & Seraphiel.
The Singers of The Realms:
Some have called them Angels, however while Pure in Divine Light, and much like Angels, the first of Mother/Father God, however-The Singers are pure vibration they are pure energy and they do not ever incarnate.
They assist in bringing in their specific energies into incarnated bodies, so that they may resonate with these frequencies The Universal Spiritual Laws that are associated with some of them directly in order to help remember and integrate their energies directly from Source, Mother/Father God as these are what make up the whole of Mother/Father God.
In the council, they work through those like myself to bring in their energies to the consciousness of humans. It is important for humans to recognize these energies in themselves and if they do not, to cultivate relationships with these pure light source energies, they can call upon The Angels,
The ArchAngels to assist them in obtaining higher levels of these energies as well. We all work together.
The Singers are: The Singer of Unity, The Singer of Ekstasis, The Guardian at the Gate, He of the Fiery Sword, She of the Cup/Cruach, The Singer of Connection, The Singer of Intuition, The Singer of Courage, The Singer of Initiation, The Singer of Healing, The Singer of Transfiguration, The Singer of The Chalice.
We work with the entire family of Dragons, however most closely in The Council are The First Dragons, in constant contact with all of The Dragons, these are the ones who were first created by The ArchAngels (The First Dragons were fractals of ArchAngels) & Mother/Father God.
They are able to cross between dimensions and stay in body, unlike The Angels and ArchAngels who must be born into a body and live lives, The Dragons do not, their particular essence, their divine beingness is a different energy and they can cross between realms and dimensions while maintaining their Dragon Form, and depending on where they are, their form is mutable. It can be smaller or bigger, more or less dense, be one or multiple colors and communicate in many ways and project into and through many things. How they project in the dimension that most people are in, or go between with are the 3rd and 5th currently, they show up differently than they do when they are in the Faerie Realm.
For these and many other reasons, Dragons are similar and very different from the ArchAnglic's they were created by and fractaled from. Just as there are Angelics, ArchAngels, Galactics "Starseeds" and Fae whom are incarnate, there are also Dragons who have incarnated. They are the least of the above who have taken human form, but they are in Light Bodies and are of all age ranges.
Regarding Dragon Eggs: Dragons do not lay eggs or give birth for that matter, at least not in Dragon form. For Dragons to have families and children, they incarnate as Humans or within The Fae Realm. When seeing young dragons in meditation, some of us have, to clarify: this is when a human child is in the astral, projecting themselves as their age into their Dragon impression. Many people, once sleeping and especially children can connect to their Soul and understand how they are in multiple places at once, but also recognize that in their current physical state on Mother Earth/GAIA, they are in a young body, thus reflecting that in the astral.
If you have received images of Dragon Egg(s) this is symbolism that can mean different things for the individual, depending on the context and your level of understanding at this time. Just as with any symbol, they are meant to remind you of things, and you are to ask to be shown/given the information if it doesn’t automatically come to you. The information with symbols and their meanings can come in many ways to assist you, typically however it does indicate that there is something that you are blocking or missing in your consciousness that requires more time and understanding. Seek information and follow it through, ask more questions, be open to the messages that come to you about this mystery. Remember, things aren’t always what they seem and The Dragons like to lead you to the answer in interesting ways, it is up to you to listen and follow the information through.
The Council of Light works with The Galactic Command:
Representatives from several of Mother Earth/GAIA’s Galactic Neighbors some from the time you are in and some from an advanced time and from different systems that in the future will work with Mother Earth/GAIA as she ascends and moves through the cosmos. All of which are in higher dimensions with Mother Earth/GAIA in a time that is far away from your time in 2019. However, they all come to this Council to assist for obvious reasons. There are several Galactic Souls incarnate upon Mother Earth/GAIA at this time, they are known as STARSEEDS.
Those of The Galactic Command are The Healers/Messengers/Seers and Representatives of their Respective Planets/Systems/Dimensions, some are in your current time and near your place and some are from what you would consider very far away in time and space. they bring with them their particular co-creative energy, knowledge from their higher dimensions and much more advanced civilizations for integrating conscious, responsible evolution of infrastructure & sustainability.
An example of that would be working with incarnate Light Bodies on Mission and the ways to work on a global level for a healthy planet where no one is without food, there isn’t waste and producing nutritious food isn’t harmful to the planet, and over time, downloading and working with the light encoded blueprints for the technology and plans for it. Of course, Mother Earth/GAIA has many different types of land, climates, altitudes, etc. This is also why those that are part of this are from many different areas throughout Creation, on that note-
Some in The Galactic Command look very similar to humans and some do not at all. Some are like animals that you know of and some are very different ranging from Human-like, with two arms and two legs and a similar energetic system, but outwardly especially in the shoulders, head and face, and also in the base of the spine/tail areas, there is much difference.
The Faerie Realm: We share your space, Mother Earth/GAIA most closely than any other, and work with specific humans and take care of very specific needs that Mother Earth/GAIA has, to communicate with humans and because of our place upon Mother Earth/GAIA, we know the ancient ways of Mother Earth/GAIA, and most importantly, who Mother Earth/GAIA truly is herself, and who she has been and the histories, the true histories they have witnessed and we know more about Mother Earth/GAIA than any human past or present, and for this reason we keep ourselves hidden from nearly all humans and do not work directly with them.
We only work with a select few on higher level missions and information.
The Faeries are not ones to work with people for entertainment and anyone who isn’t of The Light.
The Faerie Realm are not “here” with us at Command, however they work with us telepathically, and through meditation and Astral Projection and their spiritual connections with The Angels & The ArchAngels.
The purpose for The High Council is to have an authority and a governing body of The Light who are to work directly with humanity through different means and to assist in helping Mother Earth/GAIA ascend and to be The Prime Source of Divine Light Information, because there are others in existence who are working for the very opposite cause.
The Council of Light does not only work with and for Mother Earth/GAIA, we are in constant preparation with several other bodies/planets who are also on their Ascension process and have their own beings who live upon them. Many of us are in multiple places and we are using the energies of the entirety of creation and the energy of Source, Mother Father God to assist with all of these beings.
As for Mother Earth/GAIA, WE have been working with her and you there for a very long time, her consciousness is also on The High Council, of course, and so are several other planets consciousness as well. This is an all-encompassing Council of Light. We, The Council of Light are always work under the Laws of The Universe, and Mother Father God, Source.
As we work more closely with you, as you are aware of more and share more and these energies begin to soak into the consciousness of humanity more and more, we will give more detailed information.
One thing we want to point out is that there are a lot of information that is meant to keep people off target and distracted with information that is not important even if it is true.
In some cases there are people who are giving accurate, or mostly accurate information, however it is information that is beyond the need of humans to know at this time, it isn’t important to have details about things that are about systems that they cannot control, or cosmic events or energies or information that is beyond the understanding of even the recipient. Not all information that comes through is meant to be shared. We are now in a stage with it should be processed accordingly through us, The High Council.
There are many ways that The Dark Ones manipulate information, who the information comes from and how much of it is true or false.
These types of information are what The Dark Ones like to put into play because people feel the truth, but it also adds a sense of fear and instability and a distraction from THE NOW and what to do NOW and how to navigate the NOW and being in THE NOW which as we have sent these messages many, many times, it is important to know about future events and be proactive in your calendar, and the cosmos however projecting out into a timeline that is many months or years away when certain events are to take place is only distracting from what is happening now. Even if these cosmic events are true, and some of them are, what people will not understand is that the energies that Mother Earth/GAIA will be merging with, she will be able to sustain.
Also, Science isn’t always flawless in their estimation of the happenings on Mother Earth/GAIA’s body, and there is much false science from those who are considered "experts" in this realm as well as others, it is time to seek out alternative information, and to use discernment and to not accept everything under the umbrella of "science" and to be guided to where and what information should be paid attention to.
Humans, and are short sided in terms of what they consider "science" and to be fact or fact based and it is all dependent on their limited perspective. They also have a history of not caring about the long or short term consequences of many poisons and that have been put in and upon their bodies and Mother Earth-GAIA's, obviously or she wouldn’t be dealing with the things she is dealing with. What we are all dealing with and working on healing and, that is also part of this process. Also, please do not forget or please understand this: The Dark Ones and many of those in power upon GAIA at this time do not want her to be or get healthy, and they do not want people to awaken and take control and learn how to work their own bodies and to slowly dismantle these false systems that have made a lot of money for many systems that are of The Dark Ones.
This is why there is and always has been and always will be opposition and something to always pay attention to and understand. There is a War, most of the bombs and attacks are silent and cannot be outwardly seen for what they are and with whom they are using to implement them. You must begin to see deeper into what and how things are happening on all levels.
What we do, and the information we give to you is to help people to understand the happenings that are going on in real time. We have said this before, that what is important is to be able to navigate the many obstacles and upgrades, and surges of energy that we are explaining here without distractions of what are either completely false or meant to distract people with truths that should not be in play at this time, but is only to serve to lower your vibration.
I have the ability to clear heal people extremely rapidly as well as their animals who become targets as they help to absorb energies for the Light Body humans, but they can also be targeted to get sick or have physical or mental and emotional issues to cause issues for their humans. This is another way that The Dark Ones target Light Bodies. This is also true from children as well, however they are not put in place to absorb like animals are, however most of the are healers of some sort, if not just energetically sensitive so their fields get altered easily and this is when The Dark Ones attach.
This is how the state of most children and adults have some level of Dark energies attached to them. Removing them and learning how to keep your bodies in alignment energetically with GAIA, but also having your energetic system connected and grounded with her and being cleared and healed with Love Light Infusion is something everyone should do, regardless of their physical state. "Healthy" or "Chronically Ill" everyone will benefit from this type of energy overhaul and tune up, as it is for the physical, energetic and spiritual bodies.
I am able to clear, heal and love light infuse people and animals across Mother Earth/GAIA. Please contact me if so guided to have a session for yourself, children or animals.
I will be doing more and more of this work as people are lifted up to the frequency to be able to resonate and cross their threshold of fear and begin to take control of their bodies.
The High Council will also come to speak directly to you, through myself to offer messages, as they have been for nearly a year now. All of us are here to help.
The name of the game recently, over these past few years is DISTRACTIONS.
Even those who began the awakening process, were distracted back to sleep, or they are distracted into confusion, half asleep. It’s been difficult for most people to stay on course due to so much chaos everywhere, so many people distracted and confused with the things put into the system for consumption on so many levels, it is obvious that the priorities of humans are upside down when you see what is trending.
Still within the Spiritual/Awoken community, up until now there has been a much more ME vs WE situation, and many are still very influenced by The Dark Ones through fear that there is lack and not enough to go around. Many are scared to share space and recognition of someone else who may have the attention, but energy is fluid and there is enough to go around and those within the spiritual community that are still of this mindset are going to find that much of how they live will be difficult because there are many blockages still in play in their lives. The month of July will help clear these things out, and get people to understand The Abundance Matrix, because as of now many have yet to be aware of it at all, much less begin to consciously create and integrate with it. Once this occurs, there will be a huge upsurge in ascension energies and that will align with the 8.8 Stargate as well.
There are still many ways to be distracted and to stay low vibrational.
One of those ways, probably the BIGGEST threat to Ascension is: Meat consumption.
There has been a very big push in the meat industry to fight against vegans and vegetarians, with new diets that have a lot of meat in them. There are, however many new choices to eat without meat.
WE have sent the message over and over again that meat is not what humans should be eating, especially those who are trying to be healthy and who are awoken to ascend. This is a very low vibrational lifestyle choice, regardless of how the animal is raised, and for those who believe that hunting is natural and not a low vibrational lifestyle choice, they are living in their denial and their parasites are blocking their heart chakras. Do not be fooled by any pro hunting/fishing propaganda.
Eating meat and participating in hunting and fishing keeps people disconnected from Mother Earth/GAIA, the animal kingdom and nature in general.
People that continue to make these lifestyle choices are still living with a lot of negative energy in their field and are easily influenced and manipulated and this is also why Governments and Corporations especially Pharmaceuticals, Health Care and Meat Industries do not want people to stop eating meat.
They have fallen victim to the lies that are no longer and have not been valid for a very long time. Killing another living thing upon Mother Earth/GAIA, unless in self defense-goes against the natural life cycle planet that Mother Earth/GAIA is. Humans were told and have believed from long ago that killing is the answer to many problems and we are coming upon a time when they will no longer be able to pick and choose what that means and how to apply it to their lives.
It is important, so important for people to understand that the systems that are in place in their societies are meant to keep them sick and disconnected from the truth and themselves. From their food to their water, to what is on their televisions and in the theaters, most of it is dark and negative and violent and brainwashing the children, and as we have stated, they need to be connected, not disconnected and this needs to begin now.
One way to fight The Dark Ones, as we have been for so long, but now is a time when because of the transmutation of densities through Stargates, Eclipses, Full Moons, New Moons, Asteroids and many other cosmic events along with activations upon Mother Earth/GAIA via ones like myself, other GATEKEEPERS, and GRIDMASTERS, activations in many places with Mother Earth/GAIA have occurred to help raise the frequency of Mother Earth/GAIA and all of those upon her, not only the humans but the animal kingdom, the insect kingdom, plant kingdom, the frequencies of the elements themselves have been changing as time is moving faster/skipping into higher timelines due to The Light Body Collective choosing this.
The length of day cycle for Mother Earth/GAIA and most people is now 21-18 hours depending on the energies and portal activities, and other events mentioned above.
It is important that people understand, and for us to mention again, that the day is not 24 hours, and hasn’t been for a long time. Time upon Mother Earth/GAIA has sped up and is not linear, and because of this and the portals that she has been traveling through over the last 8 to 10 years has had this effect in time and the amount of time in a day. People have in general less time than they thought and should work their lives accordingly. Go as guided, use your time and energy as free from distraction and as high frequency as possible.
Sleeping when the body feels called to do so is very important, and should be done if possible. This is when we are communicating with you, and you are activating your DNA, you are getting downloads and directives, and also assisting on your different ASTRAL MISSIONS. Your lives are multifaceted more than you know, especially those of The Light Body Collective who are in service, whether awakened or awakening and anywhere in the journey.
When you sleep you are able to interact with our higher dimensions and us in a way you cannot in your wake state. Much of this is not remembered or only bits and pieces.
However, just as you have Missions there you have missions elsewhere, and there but in your sleep state, like working with The Dragons with the weather issues that are happening with experimentation with chemicals to create super whether. Many of the Starseeds are working with their respective counterparts, not only on missions that they may not remember but to assist in the awakening process and remembering Self.
Many of you are on mission to help with this issue, and many others, although is top priority, along with anchoring into your future timelines consciously in astral with your Mission Partners for your highest possible timeless, as well as to integrate deeper with The Abundance Matrix which is being activated in conjunction with the Crystalline Grid that has been active for several years now, however the shift is still taking place.
Once you cross into July, The Abundance Matrix will be active for 6 months, and more deeply rooted with Mother Earth/GAIA’s Crystalline Grid and those who are of a constant higher frequency and who are of the mindset of Service and Abundance,
who understand more and more of who they are and the Mission on an individual basis as well as on an operational, hub, and global levels. It is important for you to understand that the structure and flow of abundance will have and bring in a much more fluid feeling specifically about money, but for working with manifestation and The Law of Attention/Attraction, or Consciously Creating.
Divine Creation is at the heart of Abundance, and The Abundance Matrix.
Whether or not people are aware of any of this, the energies are in place and people are feeling the effects and there are many. For those of you who are aware of these things, and who are consciously working with The Abundance Matrix while Consciously Creating.
Once of the things that we would like to touch on at this time, and we will get into other ways The Abundance Matrix affects you, however at this time we would like to bring your attention to how it is tied into your ability to create, to be Divinely Guided in your Creations, which with Divine Creations, caries with it the vibrations of Infinite Love Light Energy
and for anyone who experiences these creations are experiencing that frequency and it speaks to their Soul, further raising their vibration, and assisting them in their Ascension process. The Abundance Matrix does this by further raising your vibration so you can connect to The Divine, receive the messages of what you are to create, and to download the blueprints for creation, the more this is done the more Love Light is brought into Mother Earth/GAIA on a conscious level the more Awakening Events will take place.
At this time, there are many in a stagnant point of awakening, many have been misled into veering off course in their journeys by distractions and information that is not of This Council.
The energies coming in the second half of the year, beginning on the day after the Solstice is meant to clear out these deceptions. To set those who are giving these informations out to the public a “reset” in consciousness, to help them escape from the false Astral planes that have been taken to and given misinformation.
Basically, we are going to use this time to help give them the energy, the tools to set themselves free. To seek The Council, and Galactic Command respectively and to understand that they have been led down roads that are false. What is important for everyone to understand is that we do not judge these Light Workers, they did not mean harm when they were given information, they believed it to be true and they were led to believe that the entities and the ways in which they were given this information was Divine. They were fooled. They will have to spend time deconstructing some layers they have taken on that are not true.
This is why it is so important to recognize and be very limited and observant and pay attention to your body and the signals it gives and what is being set off in your energetic systems when you receive information.
Remember, there are Dark Entities that use The Truth and information from The Light but also pepper it with misinformation, and enough information that is based in lower vibrations of fear, anger, frustration, etc and because we are in a space in time when manifestations are happening very quickly, it is easy to continue to come across the same information, validating it further and also depending on what the information is, it could be very disturbing to the conscious and subconscious mind, allowing for The Dark Ones to further control your travels in astral and to manipulate you further.
This to keep you from focusing on what is important and how to navigate these times and your own clearing, healing, constant evolution and creational activities that are so very important.
The new month of July, 2019 will bring in a new pulse of Awakening Event energy, beginning on:
6.30-7.1-July Portal/New month threshold
7.2-New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse below the equator visible in South America; Energetic Reset cleansing your vessels and spaces, align with the higher frequency timelines and propulsion into
7.7-Divine Dragon Stargate through 7.17, Air & Fire Energy, bringing in further clearing and healing of the internal and external. Cleaning and eliminating old energy from your homes, workspaces, outdoors is essential at this time. Remove rubbish and burn, or burry old anchors to the past.
7.16-Full Moon Illuminating the changes that took place in the gate and pushing through clearing and truth and feelings of authenticity and self love, preparing for the unconditional LOVE of The Lion’s Gate Energies coming in on 8.8. WATER & LIGHT ENERGY is essential for illuminating the cleared spaces, and soothing it, preparing it for growth and expansion, greater abilities and creation.
7.28-Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. Energies directly from the Aquarius Constellation amplifying those astrological qualities such as; bringing in the energies of Unity, cooperation, soul family attachments, truth, betterment of societies, having progressive awareness, growth and evolution, creating peace, believing in goodness, connecting with spiritual aspects in life, nature and The Divine and miracles and that the impossible is possible.
Much healing and clearing will occur during the month of July. You may notice more gusts of wind and it being more windy in general. If you come upon broken tree branches you should take them home and put them in water, they will live and offer amazing positive energy for you and connect you more with GAIA. Keep them out of the sun and they will continue to grow and produce leaves.
This time is in preparation for the next phases: with the first of the month bringing in the energies to motivate you for new perspectives and a rebirth of structure and a time of more Soul-Self recognition and integration on all levels, building stronger foundations through cleared spaces, internally and externally, getting rid of the blockages, focusing on productivity and organization. Those of you who have had Abundance blocks especially regarding money will be much more aligned with Abundance after July.
This is a time to purge old energies and beliefs, that you are meant to live in lack in any way. None of your missions call for lack and poverty, not once awoken, that is the old framework energy template that you were anchored to, however that is no longer in existence for you at this time. As you step into this new energy, and understanding, the flow of abundance in all ways and levels will begin to pour into and through you in dynamic and miraculous ways, it has been the self limiting beliefs of what is possible and what has been against your progress.
These next few weeks are about clearing out that negative energy and simply allowing for the Divine law of Flow to take hold, and like a kite on a string, it will be lifted up to a higher place in space.
Other days to be aware of for July, 2019:
7.4: This is a POWER ASCENSION DAY, one to trigger activations for Soul Level recognition, Soul Family, Soul Mates & Twin Souls.
Pay attention to physical abnormalities, and self care accordingly. We realize that this is a day of celebration for many of you, however the typical parties and happenings may not resonate with you, some of you will be feeling normal and looking forward to parties, but some of you will be called to be alone and try to be in nature.
As being in crowds or around many people may be overwhelming and extra tiring. Skip festivities or minimize them for yourself and stay away from heavy meals and drink as much water as possible.
7.11: For some, specific messages regarding forward advancement with your missions, or the beginnings of it. Please pay attention to the messages, any out of the ordinary decisions or seemingly “out of the blue” developments that will require your swift decision making. This will be in regards to growth, accomplishments, responsibilities, especially in regards to your Missions.
7.27: This is a POWER ASCENSION DAY, and one year since this major pulse last year with the total lunar eclipse on 7.27.2018.
This is one to trigger activations for Soul Level recognition, Soul Family, Soul Mates & Twin Souls. Connections and/or reconnections and this is very likely with more than one person as different possible timelines are activated on this day.
This day will activate Souls to reconnect with loved ones whom you may have been estranged. Be open to those reaching out and if you feel compelled to do so, follow your guidance.
Know that for some, this will be a “false start”, meaning that for some this will be the first reconnection but for some, it will take more time to integrate energies to be able to merge and stay connected.
The important thing to remember, is that nothing is permanent and the people in your life should be treated as fluid, on their own journeys, so it is important to not try to force to stay connected with someone who needs to reestablish their field. Unless transgressions have been made, please keep an open door policy for those who are remembering.
IMPORTANT: Please be aware that The Dark Ones will be coming in very strong at the end of the month to attempt to undo the hard work of healing and clearing.
Worries or fears about family, or a specific loved one regarding your relationship with them, or their general well being may come up to distract you and lower your vibration.
You will be tested, so remember to master your vibration, do not allow others to influence you out of your loving comfort zone due to frustrations.
Light Bodies who are ANCHORS:
Those born in this month will feel a deep inner need to be more in tune with their Soul’s to learn about Creation, to connect with Mother Earth/GAIA and The Divine, to be more open in receiving and to integrate with the light and energetic boost from The Abundance Matrix, to connect once again with their "inner child" on a soul based level, this means clearing more space from your current childhood that you may still have dark energy attachments.
During this month you will begin to cultivate a deeper creational experience, and to set their frequency to be able to hear our pulse and receive our messages, the messages that are Divine and of The Council of Light and cultivate your own relationships on a deeper level. Working with myself on any level with assist you with this.
Those of you who are aware of these happenings will serve as the Light Body Anchors of this energy, by your intention and connections, and energy and intention to be an anchor for these energies.
For those who are GRIDMASTERS, they are also channeling this energy no matter what their state of awareness is, along with those born in this month, they too serve to further anchor this energy all the way through to Mother/Father God so they may send us their energy, it may activate The Abundance Matrix and Mother Earth/GAIA’s Crystalline Grid. Through these systems, and through Mother Earth/GAIA herself, the rest of the population receives this energy as well, conscious, on the awakening journey, on mission or otherwise.
Special Notes for July and especially for those who are ANCHORS/GRIDMASTERS who are feeling the extra energetic events-however, this information is for everyone:
Energy will be a factor this month. Being extra tired and need more alone time. Those who are parents to children born in this month should schedule accordingly.
Less stimulation from tv, games and movies, this would be an excellent time to detox children and entire families from social media, news and tv shows, seeing minimal movies, watching much less sports, especially professional sports etc.
The least amount of outside imagery that is uncontrollable the better. Watch documentaries about the oceans and energy, learn about your Astrological sign and the different happenings in the cosmos, spend more time in nature, in natural bodies of water, use crystals and oils, scents to calm and soothe the energies that you are working with all month long. Try to avoid coffee and drink herbal teas, mushroom teas such as CHAGA and LION'S MANE.
Use the following natural tools from Mother Earth/GAIA:
Connecting and going into ocean energy, or using sea salts in baths, hot baths and showers, soaking in water in the sun, sun charged water.
All month:
Lapis Lazuli: Doing meditations with this crystal on your 3rd eye and throat chakras will benefit your psychic and spiritual insights and will allow for the ease in receiving and transmuting energies. Sleep with it by your bed or under your pillow.
Carnelian: Keep Carnelian on you, if you can make or purchase jewelry this would be ideal, or keep it in your pocket or purse. Connect with it often intentionally. Carnelian as this helps to soften your energy especially in communication, it defuses your spark so your energy doesn’t burn but warms.
During the first 3 weeks of July:
Rainbow Obsidian, Opal, Abalone Shell, Agatized Coral, Carnelian
The Last Week of July:
Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amazonite, Rainforest Jasper, Amethyst
All Month, Fruit, Herbs, Essential Oils
Mint, Rosemary, Cloves, Bay, Peach, Lemon, Rose, Eucalyptus, any and all shells
For ALL of the above: Add to your bath. Soak in crystals, herbs and oils and shells! Do not leave crystals in water for longer than your bath and please rinse them in clear water. They can be in the water with herbs and oils, short periods will not harm them, but will do great benefits for you.
Remember the themes for this upcoming month are:
You are your most important job. Even if you are a parent. YOU and your ascension are your most important job, making lifestyle changes and adapting to new timelines, information and guidance is what you should consider your top priorities, as such you will be a much more in-balanced human and better for everyone else, especially your children.
You will likely have to reprioritize the things that are actually important, or what is still part of 3D life that you are just used to. It is time for great changes, it’s a lot and a big job that’s because you are a big deal no matter what your destiny or mission is and you do need help with your job, from us and from yourself.
We are giving you this information to make it easier for you, it is your job to implement, to take the highest of responsibility and priority with yourself, even if you are yet unaware of what your mission is.
Please know that you being incarnate and remembering to awaken, to be participating, is to be on your mission, as your ascend you will come to learn more and more all in Divine Right Timing. Do not be distracted with what you don't know, having the intention to want to know and allowing for the unfoldment is the highest vibrational timeline you can be on.
It is advised to keep a written Mission/Journey Log. Use whatever terminology or title that works for you, it is a record of your daily activities and happenings that you can go back at a later time and track your progress and notice patterns and this will give you a greater insight to what is happening inside and outside of yourself.
This is to take account of your daily happenings this will encompass: any remembrances from sleep/astral state, how long you are sleeping/your sleep cycles including naps, number codes you saw repeatedly and where that led you, physical symptoms such as energy levels and appetite, emotional state, what is happening on and around Mother Earth/GAIA energetically that has been brought to your attention, the weather, if you notice more or less geoengineering, any songs you were drawn to or brought into your awareness or lyrics you looked up that had special meaning or symbolism, images/symbols in general, sparks of creational activity you were inspired to begin or take note of, meditations and your experience from them, automatic writing and finally, a gratitude list. Write down 7 things you are grateful for, do this morning and night while you are intentional about solidifying your energy into The Abundance Matrix that Mother Earth/GAIA is running on.
You can use several tools to make this Log.
Written notes, notes in your computer or phones, audio clips, photos, drawings, etc. Your methods will evolve over time, and depending on the day your notes and activities will differ but if you have the intention to do this, it will be created and it is something to share with others in the future as well. Many of you will be going over your Logs in groups in the near future and comparing notes, this will help you understand yourselves and others.
It is important to understand your own process of Ascension as well as how it works for others, especially if you are in service, if you are one who is a healer or a messenger, a creator-to understand the happenings within The Light Body Collective, is to understand the broader mission and to bring in the energy of Unity.
We will let you know at this time that no one’s mission is singular.
Some of you will eventually be in larger groups, and some of you will be in smaller ones or only with a few, however, once on the timeline branch of your Mission, you will begin to see a shift in the dynamics with people around you. More people will come into your reality who are in alignment with where you are and you are on a common timeline, thread and Mission.
No one was sent to carry out their mission on their own. There is a phase of needing to be mostly by yourself, doing research and going through The Dark Night, for however long that is. Also, many people miscalculate how long they have been awakening. The more in alignment you are with your Soul Self, the more free of negative energies from your past, the higher in vibration you are, the quicker you will heal, manifest and be available for those like yourself and on the same branch of time, you will unite more and more with your Soul Family incarnate, and that is also what these next few months are all about, preparing space for the arrivals.
It is imperative to work at this most important time of productivity for clearing and healing.
Always ask us, any individual member or the entire Light Council, and The Galactic Command for information on healing practices, principles and methods. Be open to receiving information from many sources, pay attention. Of course, meditation, guided or otherwise: astral meditation, natural DMT activation, solitude, connecting with GAIA, eating natural, raw foods, as many fruits and vegetables as possible.
Go as guided and heal yourself as guided, do not allow The Dark Ones to convince you that these things aren’t necessary and because of your position or knowings or vibration that you are not in need of further clearing and healing, and as a messenger or a healer this is much more important to continue to be diligent and not allow for complacency when it comes to clearing and healing. Be open to learning new healing practices and methods and also those with whom you may share your own.
For everyone who hears this message, as your Soul Self, and your guides if you should seek out working with myself during the month of July and beyond. Please read my information on my website and in my videos and contact me directly. Do not allow for The Dark Ones to push you away from your own Soul Self, your healing and ascension process. FEAR always comes up when it comes to me healing people, this is natural and only goes to show you that there IS some blockages there, something feeding off of your fear or you wouldn't be able to stay in that state. Decide to rise above.
I have been given the directive to continue to channel and bring in to myself and Mother Earth/GAIA Infinite Love Light Energy, and channeling that into my own vessel to continue to activate my crystalline DNA on a daily basis whether or not I am channeling the frequency in divine healing sessions with others or not as it is very important at this time for my own continual activation, especially through this next time period as so much clearing and healing and activations are taking place, as mentioned in the beginning, I transmute for the collective, so it is important for me to work in this way.
Every time I work with someone in a healing session they become anchors of Infinite Love Light Energy within their body and spaces upon GAIA, however as I stated, I must do this work and continue to anchor this through myself.
Directives and details will be given soon on group infusion methods in the month of July. For those of you receiving this message, please go as guided in these gatherings that I will be facilitating, they will be mini, group versions of the private sessions we provide in our Infinite Love Light Healing & Clearing Sessions.
There will be a second part to this message, that will come in a second video.
We want to go into The Universal/Spiritual Laws as this will help you on your journey and missions.
At this time we say thank you for being here, family. All of us in The High Council send you our love and hope that we have helped you with these messages.
Please reach out to any of us, and of course, myself INFINITI/ArchAngel Gabriel in your wake or Astral states, I am always available to you.
Infinite Love & Blessings, Soul Family.
Don’t forget the key is to create & I love you already.