THE KEY IS TO CREATE! We are all creators, we all have visions and we are all shaped by our experiences which makes us unique but the human experience and the need to express ourselves lives within us all. It’s when we ignore the call that we become muted.
MANY YEARS AGO, before I was awoken to who I truly am, I received one of my very first and most important messages from my Spirit Tribe:
I didn’t realize how important it truly is until this past year.
When we create, we are adding LIFE FORCE to our word and the universe.
We are building upon and with other creators to awaken our Souls, to connect to the Divine.
And...As we do this we outrun The Darkness, The Dark Forces that aim to hold us all back.
Negativity is always there to pull you down and hold you back from being who you were meant to be & the creator that you are
. GAIA is our Mother and she is always teaching and is always creating and hoping she inspires you to do the same.
She is at your service for a never ending abundance of canvas to create upon and to be inspired by!
You don’t have to know how to draw or paint to be an artist, there are so many ways to create. Are you inspired by this post?
Would you like to know how I created this digital artwork from this photo I took?
I’m seriously considering teaching a class in the merging of photography into digital art and here’s a big secret: it’s all done on your phone using editing applications! Yes!!! No need for a fancy computer and special tools.
It’s easy, fun & the possibilities are endless! Did I mention FUN??? Please comment below & let me know if you would be interested in learning how to create digital artwork
If I get enough interest I’ll put together a LIVE training course on how to create one of a kind digital artwork.
No matter what I hope I inspired you to create! ♥️♾♥️ Infinite LOVE & Blessings.