This Infiniti, Your Sister, Archangel Gabriel.
At this moment I am doing automatic writing on my computer. This is when I sit with high frequency music playing that I am guided to, and then I simply close my eyes and connect.
It only takes me a moment. Then I begin to connect with the different Divine Beings that may need to send or give messages at this time.
There are a lot of Divine Beings Present. There usually is. So that is not very different. There are more than usual, and it has been getting more and more tight in here with the incoming energies, and Divine Beings.
To recap we had the 10.10 portal a few days ago. Today is 10.16.2019…
We had the Full Moon on 10.13
And we are going to have the landing day to this Stargate on 10.20.
21:16 PM
9:16 PM
Tomorrow, 10.17.2019 is my Gabriel Birthday.
The date when I finally accepted that I am the Incarnation of Gabriel, the ArchAngel.
That was an intense day…Jesus had been working on and with me about this intensely for a very long time, a lot with my brother’s and sisters, several ArchAngels, as well as GAIA, several and many actually over the course of a few months.
It was a steady incline from understanding that I was an Angel incarnate, to then jumping all the way to this ArchAngel thing, and on top of that-being Gabriel.
It was just to off the wall, crazy, insane, comply wild concept that I rejected daily for a long time. It was a constant battle with me to accept this truth. It was too fantastical and I am not one who lived in a fantasy world.
One might say that’s crazy if they don’t understand, and aren’t awake to the real truths of creation and who people are, and what goes on, and what was and are lies and what are truths…Etc.
It’s almost as if you could say everything is the opposite of what you thought. But that’s not accurate either, but it nearly is.
There are so many, many things that aren’t true that people believe and that are that people do not, and have great suspicions about.
We have seen how this has taken form for a very long time. A very, very, very long time.
We witnessed the construction of Humans. The GMO Cro-Magnon, mixed in with a LOT of other worldly tech/science and DNA, and out came humans.
This was not the first time that this had happened in creation, however it was the first time that it had happened in such a way to use technologies from and for other species with something like the to make an unknown species.
It was out of desperation that it was done, and the overwhelming cockiness as well as a disregard for the lives produced fromthose who were running this show here upon Gaia who was not meant to have such technologies and the innovation changed her life forever.
It changed everything.
This is when we began to incarnate here. When it was needed to step in and work with humanity by going into body and being on both sides at the same time, the only way we were going to be able to help the way it was needed, and still it has and will take even longer to get to our desired goal. To help GAIA ascend with humanity, to bring about unity, oneness, universal understanding, peace, harmony and in the truest sense of the understanding, Heaven on Earth. The way it was always meant to be.
Because of who we are, Angelics, ArchAngels and the ones most closely connection to and working in with Mother Father God to oversee Creation for them, and do as they would do, and as they direct us to do.
We are of One Mind. It instant and 100% exactly what we are to do, or what is known to us on the inner circle working directly with Mother Father God.
Only The Angelics do this. And those of us who are ArchAngels are to oversee how things happen, and in many cases do things ourselves and work with the other realms of The Angelics to assist us when we incarnate for specific missions. We also have groups that are assigned to each of us ArchAngels and as we go through our journey, still asleep or after we awaken, we make these points of contact and they are for various reasons. Typically to do the work that we need to do we work with other Angelics or other’s that are incarnate that are also on Mission.
We do have to deal with and work with others when we are incarnate, of course but when it comes to our Missions, either on a inside or outside level, personal or professional-we have specific people who are there for specific reasons and we are all working together for the greater mission that we are all a part of and have been.
AT this time however, things are different.
We are entering a time when more people are going to begin awakening, and those who have been awake will be going through some profound transformations, and really will be seeking ways to get through a lot of the muck of what it’s been like to be an asleep human.
There’s this major dip in energy and motivation, and a real need to be alone and keeping to yourself, going through a depression and what is called, The Dark Night of The Soul. This is the storm that happens when the first realizations hit that not all is as it seems. But you do not know what, or how, you know that your life had a lot of points in time that need deeper understanding and they were connected to something grater but you don’t know what, and a sorting out of ones life needed to happen.
This truly is the first phase of healing, when a person wants to get over their hurts and grief and also want to understand what the point to it all is. They start asking the questions, the big questions and when they really start asking and wanting to know, things begin to shift. They actually want to know the answers, and open themselves up for receiving those answers, bit by bit.
This is why you are here, this is why you went through what you went through, this is why that had to happen, this is so you could understand, this is so you could see it from this new perspective, etc. etc.
Pieces of the puzzle begin to show up that you didn’t have before, and you start to see a picture you never could imagine, let alone be a part of.
It seems all so crazy, and nothing seems right or real anymore as you go through it, and one thing that most people go through is the need to know what they are, who they are and where they originally came from. What is called the “Soul Spark” your beginning. Your first “life”.
We are all Souls, but those Souls came from somewhere to begin with, so what and where is that?
There are many different types of Soul Sparks, just as there are many different planetary bodies in the multiverse.
I happen to be one of the first beings of creation after it began with a consciousness-directly from the consciousness of Mother Father God. Myself, and my 7 Brothers & Sisters were the first born. Octuplets if you will. From us sparked the other Angelic Types/Realms and I always have to say this-including The Dragons, as they are Angelic in origin. We, The ArchAngels created The Dragons.
I go into detail about these and many other things on the video that we did called, Who Am I? And I invite you to watch that if you haven’t yet.
So let’s get back to what’s going on now.
Tomorrow is our birthday. On this day two years ago I accepted the fact that I am the incarnation of Gabriel. The ArchAngel.
I was taken outside and walked around my neighborhood looking at the images displayed in the sky. There were Angels, ArchAngels, Unicorns, Dragons, Faeries, Jesus in Lion form, and Human form as well, there was a smell of Roses in the air and I was an emotional wreck.
I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but I knew it was real. And allI could hear them say was, “Happy Birthday, Gabriel!” And they said things like, “It’s good to have you back again” and “I had to come and see you today.” “Today is your day, and we love you.”
I’ve witnessed many incredible things in my life but that day was definitely one of the ones that will always stand out. Of course, I have many photos of that day, of the sky, of whatever gifts they gave me, and I remember a few. I’ll make a collage and post it for those of you who want to see. It was such a magical day.
Truth be told, I witness magic constantly nowadays and I know it will just be more of that in the days, weeks, months, years and decades ahead.
I find myself always anxious to get on with getting the party started but I also know that once it is uncorked, nothing will even be this still and quiet again. I am mindful to be grateful of this time.
My birthday is a big day not only for myself but for the collective because of what it means energetically. The incoming energies from Mother Father God on my Birthday are very intense and are meant to level up my abilities by a large quotient. I’ll be able to help transmute more dense energies for the collective than ever with it having less of an effect on me will be one of the improvements.
Another will be unlocking more vaults of wisdom that have been still locked from my human consciousness. Although aware that more has been just out of reach, I needed to get to this point to be able to handle the information and know what to do or not to do with it.
Specifically I am going to have more access and a much clearer picture of The Blue Nebula, also known as The Akashic Records, as will those who are ready for deeper access to this most sacred space.
There are people who claim to have this access but they do not, and some that do only have limited access.
It is a misconception that anyone can access all of the records. This is simply not true. There are levels of information, and most people only get their immediate information for what is necessary in their own lives and for the people they are helping access the information.
There is much more information there than that of each individual soul. It is a much deep web of information about Creation that we, as Divine Beings-ArchAngels have access to. Not even all Angels have access to the entire Nebula. And only on specific days and only after specific gates have been past may even someone like myself gain access.
It must be understood that The Blue Nebula is the record of all and everything in all of creation. From the very beginning on outward, the copy of the brain of Mother Father God.
That is not easily accessed.
However, it is necessary for each soul to have grater and grate access to the different parts that they need as they are ready for it. And, 10.17.2019 is one of those days.
The semi-sextile is considered a “minor aspect” and is 30 degrees.
Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto
Periodically throughout your life, you will become involved with influential people and have the opportunity to achieve a greater level of success and influence in your life. If you handle these opportunities well, you can advance in stages to a greater level of social influence and success.
Oct 17
1:44 AM
Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto
20° 41’
20° 41'
144, 41, 41 and semi-sextile is a minor and also in this case, a mirror aspect.
The story of the 144 is well known, of course not entirely true and depending on where you are getting your info there’s a different spin on it, but the bottom line is that there is a large number of Light Bodies who volunteered to come to GAIA over the course of several decades, and 144 also another code for those who are Light Bodies.
Mirrored and repeating numbers are also codes. These codes will activate chambers of awareness, both for the conscious and subconscious, for Soul recognition.
Basically, we are being activated to upgrade.
For those of us who have been preparing for this upgrade, we have been dealing with physical issues mostly since the 10.10 gate and possibly prior.
Our human bodies are doing a lot of work to prepare itself for these upgrades. From the top down.
You have to see this as a birthing. Or a pregnancy of sorts, we must get the body ready for what is going to be integrated into us-or at least the possibility of that integration.
With each one of these steps or levels in our soul connection, in our access points through portals and specific ascension days, birthdays or otherwise-we can always opt out.
We can always turn it all off and just stop. Or slow it way down to the point of nearly stoping it and turning back.
This can even happen to ArchAngels, they can convince themselves of anything anyone else can too, and they can decide anything they want to keep themselves from moving forward, and I’ve seen it happen.
It’s understandable that one would use any reason and anyone to decide they are something they aren’t to avoid taking on the task and ownership of what it is to be an ArchAngel, and most people and even Angels and ArchAngels do not fully understand it because they are not yet aware and connected enough to understand.
These truly are such lonely, solo missions where we “think” that we have no where to go for truth when that is not true at all, we all have it within us, we just need to remember
Therefore it is a big deal, and I don’t think that anyone would disagree that being an ArchAngel is whatever.
The funny thing is that those of the light and the dark know about us before, long before we do ourselves. We were in the center of a battle our entire lives and didn’t know it.
Each ArchAngel has been through some serious shit, and almost nearly didn’t make it-over and over again.
Even after we sort of awaken, we do not understand the implications of what it means to be awoken or to be an incarnated anything, and if we realize we are Angelics, we still don’t quite get it, and it just goes on and on. There’s no point of reference, there’s nothing to compare ourselves to or a place to go or anything really like a central understanding of what it’s like to be an incarnate.
There is information here and there and scattered everywhere and a lot of it is downright BULLSHIT. It’s made up and fantasy shit and not real at all. But it gets consumed-so there you go.
I’m being told to address the Seraphim issue, meaning that there is information about them and that they are “above” ArchAngels. Truth is that they We are one in the same. Seraphim are ArchAngels.
I actually began getting information and hearing the word Seraphim before I was even conscious and I had no idea what it meant.
As I have stated before, I was not brought up with religion and do not know a lot of common knowledge things about the Bible or religions in general and I do not think that that was random when it came to my chosen family.
So I would and still do get information that is not familiar to the human aspect but the soul aspect knows that it is on point and correct and then I will go to the computer and research and find that what I got is true and get the full information about it.
This has happened countless times, as I have not had a person I have worked with to help me through this journey of understanding of what I am and what I’m doing here, and truth be told—I’m still figuring it out. I don’t have all of the answers.
I think that people think that I just know it all or have all of the answers or should-but it doesn’t work that way.
Like I said, there are levels to wisdom, awareness and access and we need to live lives at the same time, we are alive in human bodies and while these lives are ultra complicated and we are in different dimensions at the same time, we are only concsous and can handle so much at any given moment, we strive to have more and more at our disposal and get better and better at getting and understanding all sorts of information that is constantly coming in, yet we can only filter so much. This is why it is important to have the clearest field, to be as quiet, to be as energetically in flow and balanced as possible-so we can filter as much as possible without crap getting in the way.
4:05 AM, 10.17.2019
I had to stop last night and go to sleep, it wasn’t even 10 PM, but the energies were so intense, and it had been a long day. I woke up just before 3:03 AM. Upon seeing 3:04 (7) I was guided to look up the Angel Number and code, 7117.
As I mentioned above, I did not get brought up with the Bible, so even when I see references to it I have no idea what those are about.
Usually I go directly to the Joanne Sacred Scribes website for my Angel Number information, but sometimes I’m led elsewhere.
Today I was sent to three separate sites, Joanne’s was the 2nd, and then the third I have never seen before.
On the page describing the Angel Number 7117, it references a couple of passages in the Bible.
Psalm 91:11 New International Version (NIV)
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
End Quote.
Luke 1:19 New International Version (NIV)
19 The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news.
End quote
No coincidences in this life, and definitely not today…And while I constantly see, 911, 9111, 119, 1119 and have looked up these Angel numbers which are powerful in their own right, I have never seen these numbers in this combination specifically pulled out together like this…Furthermore, this is coming up as I am looking up the messages for the number 7117, and it is my birthday.
Then I was guided to pull from the messages that I was led to and share with the collective the following, and I have also posted this on my Instagram:
You crossed a milestone, a threshold of some kind, most likely this was a big thing but it didn’t get much notice from others.
Do not feel discouraged-remember your Guardian Angels & Tribe walk beside you always.
You are being recognized by your Spirit Tribe at this time for this accomplishment.
Always cheering you on and bringing you the tools, money, people, messages, gifts you need.
Your hard work, faith and constant effort is required to bring your Mission into reality, and the new phase of your path will not be easy but it will be work the effort. You know miracles.
If you get too tied up in the details, ask for guidance-it is always available.
Change is coming. A new beginning is on the way. This is a good thing, even if it may not seem that way. This is part of your destiny. Another step up and forward.
Celebrate your accomplishments, your milestones, your big and important days-the new people and places coming your way.
Your Soul, Angelics & entire Spirit Tribe celebrate you.
End quote.
What is the significance of an ArchAngel incarnate? We, as ArchAngels have specific duties or areas that we are in charge of.
For example, Michael is called upon for courage, strength, and motivation to be focused, to let go of negative attachments and he uses his sword and gives it to you to cary any time you wish. He is with you to protect and guide you toward the light of your own power. He is most charged when he helps you to invoke your warrior spirit and helps you speak and live your truth and to release your fears and live the life you were meant to.
Uriel, helps you to stay open to the information that comes to you, to spiritual understanding, manifestation and to release energy blocks, find inner peace and helping you to find healing, he helps with connecting to spirit in all forms helps you to hear divine guidance and your to connect with your soul.
Raphael oversees all healing, especially helping healers with physical healing and helps you to regulate your body, he teaches about love and loving yourself, letting go of fears of future hurts and other illusions that keep you from love he does this for current and past lives as well. He teaches you to understand that you have the power to heal yourself, through your understanding of how healing energies work, no matter what form they come in, it is your acceptance or resistance to these universal truths that allow for the flow of energy healing to take place, and you can call upon Raphael anytime you are in pain of any kind. He works directly with Light Workers to develop their abilities and practices and he helps to facilitate a positive and successful healing practice, giving healers the necessary tools to accomplish their missions and responsibilities as guides and healers.
I, Gabriel have been known to give messages, to inspire creativity and creation, lending my divine energy to Souls coming into body, charging you and your mother with infinite love light energy for your birth, nurturing you from before you were born, guiding your mother in the best ways to care for you, I was there whispering to you how much we all love you, how your choice to be born and your life are beautiful things and you are to be a creator in so many ways. I was there with you as an infant and small child. Many of you remember me as your imaginary friend, although you didn’t know exactly what I was-I always knew exactly what you were. This is how I have been the one most in charge of messages, and helping people find their purpose and Soul Mission, to find your truths and live them authentically and trust that you will be safe. I have always been one to go to to lift your spirits and help you see a new perspective and find creative solutions to your problems and to show you that you truly do not have any problems only opportunities to learn. You have always been receiving my messages, some of you once able to become seers, are able to hear me and see me and pass on my messages.
It was always to be this way.
This is also the reason why I like to be called and see myself as your sister. It is as though I have always had you in my arms, talking to you as a baby, and throughout your life-this is why when important messages need to be heard I have worked with you again-either from being incarnate or from the other side. Some of these messages were given to people as intended, some were altered or simply misunderstood, as it happens and this is also why we as Angelics, and me especially needed to incarnate, not only in this lifetime but many that came before it.
As it is said, “if you want something done right-you have to do it yourself.” And, in a lot of cases that is true. When it comes to connecting humanity to their Souls, to The Divine, to Universal Understanding, to empowering people to take control and charge of their lives in a way they never could have imagined-we do not leave this to chance-meaning, we do not “hope” that we will be heard from the other side and that messages will be given accurately.
In fact, it happens quite regularly that people who are not ultra connected get and give out information that is not accurate at all, and in many ways manipulated from dark sources.
Therefore, we MUST have those in place that are not able to be misled. This is where I and those like me come in. Of course, don’t take my word for it-it is for anyone to check in with themselves and feel it. Divine Angelic Incarnates who work in service always.
Our only agenda is the truth, to give you the information that is needed to help you remember yourselves, to have the power activated to take control and heal yourselves in the ways you are guided and not hold back because of false limitations.
There are massive and major changes coming for all of us, and it is ultra important that people understand how they can live healthier, happier, more connected lives.
You are meant to be Soul Connected, to have Divine Union with yourself. Back on 1.23.2019 I put out a couple of videos about Divine Union and what that really means, and it is not about any other relationship than the one with your own Soul.
True Divine Union is about knowing your Soul, and being connected.
That doesn’t mean that you must know a specific identity, for most that is not the case so please do not make that your baseline. For most people it is simply getting connected to their soul and as time goes on, more and more information comes in about those lives and any identities you are connected to.
It is a process and no two people have the same experiences within the journey. However there are similar check themes as well as thresholds and checkpoints for us all to pass.
We have been through some trials and tribulations and many revelations and more are to come
These incoming frequencies are meant to burn off a lot of dark energy that is still in and around us, some of it very deep and now we are able to handle their releasement without being manipulated by fears of the unknown or ourselves.
So many people have gone through a push and pull situation with their own sorry and lessons that acceptance is extremely difficult. The weight of the truth can be very overwhelming.
For myself, I have had many moments of revelation along with releasement. There’s no shame in being overcome with emotions when we are getting in alignment with the truth.
You are never alone in this and your Spirit Tribe will do everything to comfort you during these moments.
Know that sometimes the truth is difficult to accept, but always what we need. We are here because we chose to be on a Mission and as we go through it we know more and more, sometimes these revelations are joyful and sometimes they are not.
Sometimes they are cold hard facts that we could never have imagined-but we must be able to accept the ugly realities along with the magical realities as well.
Besides, if it wasn’t for seeing the truth we wouldn’t be able to change things.
We must know what is real and true and decide to accept the truth of life, creation and ourselves so we may live authentically.
At this time I want to discuss things to be aware of in the coming days.
As far as physical/health and energy-please be aware that eye disturbances and headaches, sinus pressure and pineal gland activations will be on a major incline. This will continue through the New Moon and into the new month. The more time you can spend in meditation and activating your third eye the better. Please see my meditations for several options. Any of which you can do at anytime even if they were done for specific days.
Appetite will be very much in flux with none to very specific cravings. Try to eat as much fruit and foods nigh in magnesium and potassium and fiber as you can. Nuts and berries, fried fruit and peanut butter may be something that works for you no matter what.
Drink lots of water and tea, use your essential oils and try to take more baths than usual during this time. It will help acclimate you to the incoming energies and transmute and release negative energies.
When it comes to soul connections with other people, especially the new ones that will be coming and specifically speaking to Soul Mate and twin flame unions.
It is advised for those of you in awareness of coming together to intentionally clear and heal yourselves.
Do not let the people excitement and passion mislead you, and it will be very much a tornado of excitement and energy and for some-a very intense new sexual time for all involved. This may not be happening tomorrow but it is going to happen in the next few months for many people and in order for it to come into fruition in the best way possible, NOW is the time to work on preparing your bodies and energy for a new level of commingling.
You are advised to work on your own healing. To check in with your Soul and see what needs attention.
Chances are there are still past hurts in regards to love and sexual relationships that are still factors in your life.
Take this time to explore this energetic cords and promise yourself to acknowledge, explore and release what is of negative charges. Meditate on this and work with us through meditation and spiritual healing to assist you with this.
Begin by calling forth your Soul and ask to be shown where you are in need to be healed and be open to what comes. Try not to analyze or judge or deny what comes up. Your Soul and Divine Guides will never deceive you or lead you down a path that isn’t needed.
Be open to the different ways you are guided to heal and take the necessary action without delay. Putting these things off only creates a traffic jam of energies trying to manifest and eventually creates different and lower timelines that are more in alignment with what your frequency is.
More to be aware of is Tingling sensations from your wings/Shoulder blades area as energetic activations are coming in and more and more of your system is online.
Humans have energetic wings, that extend out of their bodies as well as energetic tails. I have meditations to activate and work with both of these areas on my YouTube Channel.
Both of these energy centers allow for humans too feel into the energies around them. This will be especially easy for Angelics and Elementals to connect with, and possibly a little bit more difficult for Starseeds depending on their origins.
Nevertheless, most people of The Light Body Collective will feel these energies to some degree.
This will feel like a constant tingle in your Root Chakra and seat area, it quite possibly will affect your sex drive as well, and make you more sexual you can manage and channel this energy as guided, there is no right or wrong when it comes to this, just do not either indulge or neglect your sexual energy with yourself or with others.
When it comes to the wings/shoulders this can get very intense to the point of it being painful and extending throughout your body. Some people may think they are having an allergic reaction to something, or a bite of some sort, this did happen to me and it was extremely intense and very painful but luckily this is not common and not the case for most people as they are not dealing with the intensities of energies that I do, however they will feel it.
Working with your energetic wings and allowing the to expand will help a lot. Using natural, organic topicals like CBD creams and essential oils that are soothing like the following will help balance out your energy system, chose from the following list as guided.
Lavender essential oil (anti-anxiety)
Geranium essential oil (balancing)
Mandarin essential oil (calming)
Bergamot essential oil (relaxing)
Ylang Ylang essential oil (sedative)
Neroli essential oil (anti-depressant)
Jasmine essential oil (sedative)
Lemon essential oil (tonic)
Melissa essential oil (balancing, induces confidence)
Palmarosa essential oil (calming to the mind)
Patchouli essential oil (helps with stress-related issues)
Petitgrain essential oil (nerve tonic)
Sandalwood essential oil (sedative)
As for incarnate unions with Soul Family, please hold a space of understanding for all of your brothers and sisters, know that this is not an easy transition and we have all done and said things and behaved in ways that we wish we did not, and the only way to move forward to to love the Soul of the people in our lives and strive to be less judgmental and more sensitive to the trials that we all have to face.
Be open to forgiveness, to letting go of the need to create division and space and work on loving yourself, understanding your own light and shadow sides, know that we will be spending more time in astral and needing to sleep to help ourselves work these things through.
I was guided to do a quite extensive tarot and oracle reading for the full moon and beyond just a couple of days ago and I go into a lot of detail about what to expect for yourself in the coming days, weeks and months…Much of this is about our LOVE LIVES, not just romantic partners but friends and family as well, and a lot is being worked on even if we don’t fully know it…
So much is being done and worked out when we are not concsious and most of that reading was about what it means to work with our Souls and Missions during this time when a lot of that is being done in Astral. When we are either in meditation, going astral and quantum or we are in our dream state.
When we are making connections with Soul Family, much of the work will be done during these times. This can leave us disoriented and a bit dislocated and confused or irritated and feeling unattached to the “real world” because the astral state is so much more energetically inline with where we are, and at this time we are in regulation and calibration mode, being in the 10.10 Stargate.
The best and easiest way to get through these times of feeling “off” for whatever reason or out of time, or our of this world or of two worlds is to go to nature, go to water, move your body, do yoga, swim, and to create. Be in a creational space and you will find your center much quicker than doing most any other activity.
On that note, please do not neglect your creational side that needs so desperately to come out at this time. As I said, this is how to regulate and connect with your Soul and it always takes you to a zero point. Do this with conscious breaths and ask to receive from your Soul and Spirit Tribe and you will see that these transitions will be easier.
Lastly, I am being guided to bring The Abundance Matrix into your awareness. This is the energetic system of creation that GAIA runs on and is connected to Mother Father God that was suppressed for a very, very long time by the material and lower vibrational Division Matrix in place for so long.
Since 12.31.2018, The Abundance Matrix was activated within and around GAIA once again and we have been working hard to continue to bring it further online.
The Abundance Matrix amplifies creation and works with violet light and creation directly and sends these amplified energies to all of us upon GAIA. The higher in vibration your own frequency, the easier it is to tap in to The Abundance Matrix and use it.
There are several factors that come into play when working and anchoring with and within in The Abundance Matrix and many of these factors I have discussed here today and they are also touched on several times throughout the past year mostly by Jesus in channeled messages during my astral meditations.
It is not necessary to understand more than simply there is this Matrix of light that hovers above her near the layer of near space and is also known as The Vault.
The Abundance Matrix is also within the body of GAIA, land and sea alike and is connected to the leyline matrix as well and anchored at specific points.
Grid Keepers and Gate Masters will know feel into The Abundance Matrix easily and have extremely intense connections to GAIA, Mother Father God and their Soul and if they are Starseeds, will at some point remember this work from past or occurrent lives.
They will usually be led to move around upon GAIA to activate specific Portals of energy at specific times to activate themselves and The Abundance Matrix, in order to allow for more intense energy to come through creation and into GAIA and her The Abundance Matrix.
Work on connecting to these truths and the energies of The Abundance Matrix. Understand that as you do you will be constantly working with intention and alchemy to learn how to manage these new quicker and higher vibrational energies that allow for manifestation of a different level, and this is what is meant when we have had messages of things changing, moving quickly and needing to pay attention.
This last quarter of the year is about balancing out systems out and getting into alignment with where we are stationed in 2020.
We are getting into more and more intense and rapidly moving events on many levels. So be prepared and stay aware and make yourself, your self love, your ascension, your Universal Understanding, your healing, your knowledge and your capacity to receive your greatest priority and remember to be grateful for all of the beauty and all of the things that are right in the world, chose to be aware but not attached to turmoil, chose to be in a state of always sending out deep, true soul love but know that you do not have to be deeply involved, do not allow yourself to be taken under.
Remember, you are here for a purpose and you need to focus on that in the way you are guided and sometimes that means allowing for things to unfold without needing to have any energy attached.
You only have so much time, so much energy so much you can possibly focus on and now is the time to turn the page with less pain, less chaos, less wasted energy and more determination for what is truly important, for yourself and everyone else.
As we heal one, we heal all.
Forever & Always,
Infinite Love & Blessings Family, Don’t forget the key is to create and I love you already…I always have.
Your Sister,
ArchAngel Gabriel
10.17.2019 Power Ascension Day | Energy Update | My Spirt Birthday | INFINITI ArchAngel Gabriel
Updated: Oct 18, 2019