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11.14.2018 INFINITI Channeling: GAIA & Jesus. Transcription From Live Meditation

Writer's picture:  INFINITI INFINITI

Channeling received via INFINITI on 11/14/18 during her LIVE ASTRAL Meditation via her YouTube Channel @ INFINITI Psychic Physical Empath.

November 14, 2018 56:21  INFINITI:

Alright travelers, thank you so much for being here. I am officially your astral travel guide. Happy to journey with you and always a surprise for me too, so it's good to be here with you. Thank you. Ok family, let's start feeling into our energy. Hopefully you're already feeling that. Feeling into our Tribe's coming in, individually and collectively, into our space. Feel them come in as they do now, giving us a nice, big, beautiful, group hug. Feel their loving, unconditional loving supportive energy all around you.

And lets light up your infiniti symbol. And make it nice and big, all the way around you. And feel your energy, in from your center, from where your infiniti symbol came from. Breathe in and out and through and just push the energy through your entire body. Just feel it. Nice and slow, intentionally, as you breathe out, push. You can use you hands too if you feel like doing that. With each inhale and each exhale, you are breathing in divine life force, pure, beautiful, supportive, energizing. Lit up nice and bright.  So let's imagine the air, the energy, that is in and around you, especially now that the Angelics have come into your space. Immediately diffusing any loose negative dense energy in and around your space, your building. All the way out. Just picture it. Imagine it. All the way out. And as that's happening, you take a nice, deep breath.

Feel the difference in the vibration coming in and through your mouth, your throat, all the way down into your lungs. Feel that air turn into pure life force energy in through your body and then you push it out. So in, it is beautiful golden copper light, and then you bring it in, infuse it with your body and then exhale it out. All the way through, all through every bit of you on all surfaces of your skin, your scalp, your face, your back, your neck, your hands, your fingers, your toes, your butt, your legs, your stomach, everything, everywhere. Imagine looking at yourself and seeing the violet light. I'm being reminded to tell you that in one of our first astrals, St. Germaine came, and he's the keeper of the violet flame, violet light energy and he said a very short, few words in one of our very first astrals there on Mother Gaia's ship and he's only been with us in that way, the one time. He's come through several times and been with us. He just doesn't speak, or doesn't want to be acknowledged by me. But that has come up that there may be some who were not around at that time or have forgotten, whatever, to let you know and remind you at this time, after the 11-11 and going forward with everything that is happening, we are still in a gate you guys. I'm being reminded to tell you that to remind you, to remind myself, you're still n a gate. We are in a double gate in fact, and this is why we are so happy and emotional and blissful and a little melancholy, but excited and knowing that things are changing because we are in a double gate. The new moon one started one the seventh, like I said, and then the other one started on the eleventh.

The one goes through the seventeenth and the other one goes through the 22nd and then, one the very same day, we have the full moon portal and it is a huge full moon. W're already in preparation for it. Even though we're close to 50%, so in and out of new and full moons, through a double gate, in the 11-11 month, approaching that big full moon being one of the biggest activations for soul family that we're going to have for the rest of the year, since 9.We need to stay in this violet flame type of energy and not spend time in anything other than feeling into that, as much as we possibly can, just aware. Feel that. Feel that violet light. There you go.  Feel that violet light. Imagine, now, that I've been talking about it and him, St. Germaine, in front of you, as you sit there, your head bowed a bit, your eyes closed, him in front of you, standing. Nice, even breaths and he is going to focus his intention, his love, his light, his hands, his energy i your direction for you to receive and be further infused with the violet light. He says, 'super charging it', and you already had it, he's just super charging you with it. I would like you to imagine it just flowing directly to your field, your body, and it just coming in and around you. Feel it warm up your field. You can feel it around your shoulders, you can feel it around your core spiraling down around your hips, spiraling down further, spiraling down and continuing down into Gaia. Imagine from wherever you are, it going down, down, down and then infusing with Gaia into the earth and feeling it permeating all the way through at the same time going up, up past your chest as it does this, really activating your heart chakra, opening it up.

Feeling and seeing any bright lights, negative energy, diffusing and leaving and feel it wrapping and coiling around your shoulders, your neck, your head. Nice and warm, further, infusing with your field, going up, up, up and finally in and through your crown chakra, that violet crown chakra, the violet flame light. And feel it going up, up up. Imagine you are in the center of this field, this funnel of energy as it coils around your body, going down into Gaia, going up into Gaia's atmosphere, in through your crown chakra, all  the way up, up, up. Imagine it infusing up into and around the crystalline grid around Gaia. It is very much like the mirror of her lay line grids, her veins of energy throughout her body. The crystalline grid that is up and above her atmosphere. This is the space in between her physical body and her energetic and her spiritual body, just like we have. So she has her grid on her body and her grid above, and when we connect in this way with her, up above and down below, and all through and through, feel that energy. You'll feel it as a pulsating energy. You even hear it in your head. Feel it in your hands, in your fingertips, tingly. Breathe into it if you're head feels a little tight with the energy, it's just really, really tense Your ears may get plugged up a little bit. Breathe into these spaces family. As you envision your violet light, that flame, coiling around you, going up and down, infusing all the way. And as it does this, it is going and flowing around your chakras. Your chakras are all lighting up. They're all lighting up with the feeling and the energy of the violet light. The violet flame that is going up and down, connecting with Gaia.

Her Ley Lines grid and her crystalline grid above. Breathe into that. Visualize that as it may come to you. Deep breath, nice and easy. Feel the energy flow through your body. So your chakras are nice and lit up. They're glowing. Your infiniti symbol is lit up around you reflecting this energy, You have the violet light that is going around your body in a circular pattern. Around your chest, around your center, your core, going all the way down, and also, all the way up. Connecting with the resonance, the frequency, the vibration of Gaia.

More and more, as best as you can, as what is comfortable for you. There is just the right, not too much, not too little, in these spaces with you, and your body, and your energy, and your soul, and Gaia, and the angels, and me. There is never too much or too little.

It's always just right.

We, Gaia and myself, we know how to work and speak and talk with you and your body and your energy. It is what we do. So please take your mind out of it.  It's exactly perfect for exactly who and where you are right now. The fact that you are here is a beautiful thing. Perfect. We may give you just a  little bit more, so to push your energy, to push your bounds, to push your vision, to push your connections. I's how we grow. It's how we learn. Take you places and show you things. Expansion, evolution, change.

Think about Gaia. And all the many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, years of her life and all of the different things that have happened. The hot, the cold, the different civilizations/ So much. Other beings coming here. Breaking laws and causing so many things to happen that were not part of what she thought it was going to be. None of us did. We've had to figure it out. But no matter what, she's never ever stopped. She's continued to turn, every single second, of every single day. Since she was born. Since she became. If there is someone to see and feel as an example, think of her. And no matter what has happened or who's been here, or any of it, she loves us all. She really does. She is so very, very much in love and connected to us all. Imagine her perspective.



She says,

Think of how you feel if you have your loved ones, your pets, your animals, your children...just those few, and how you love them.

Everything, everything that came from me, it is natural. It came from you that is creational. In a beautiful, loving way, and even if misguided, I love it all. Deeply. It is very complicated.

To take care of so much, to have to release and purge the things I love to make room for new, to turn over my earth, to move to oceans, to come to you, to make you understand more and more what is of me and more of what is of me and what is not. This is the times we are in now family. I've been so looking forward to it. This is why I am always so joyous in these times with you, talking with you, trying to do my best to prepare you. As many of you as possible. And, I do know, it is taking a toll. This one feels my excitement and urgency to speak and communicate with you all. And during these times, there is so much we are doing. You and me and her, all of us, we, those who are aware, and those who are not, and most are not, as we know. So, all is as it should be, of course. Know this family. We are in a time, like I said, that is not like before.  There is a time again, another step, remember family, the pillars. The pillars. We are within the pillars. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if this is confusing.  I will try to explain. The pillars, the pillars of creation that I have spoken about to you, We are within these pillars now.  This time of the 1-1-1-1. When we are in this time, and the times coming, there is alignment, energetically. Those who have always been part of creating these pillars, these connections through time. There are specific points in time known as activation days. These are days in which the frequencies, the alignments, are meant to burn off old energy, to delete as we were saying before. In a way that makes room for new information, for new connections. For new timelines. For you to begin. Connected in different ways than before. Connected together, through the pillars of creation.

Through your lifetimes. Through planning. As I have said before, you have learned. There is nothing that is random. There is nothing that is of coincidence. The expandedness of that concept is very limited to most people in how far reaching that may go. To a certain extent children, this is inconsequential. However, I wouldn't be talking about it if it wasn't important to know.  Please understand, I don't waste time. Not mine or yours. We have connected you in this way today, with the violet light. In a way you have not been connected before. Of course there is a purpose to this. Of course. The work, the time we spend here, the time you spend in your dream space, in your wake space, it is changing. As I've said also before, if you have this mission, one way or another, you will be there. Through the pillars of creation, through connecting the way that you do. The way that we do. We are rising. As I rise, things must fall. Family, trust me when I tell you it is important for things to fall. Certain things are happening, have happened, and are in place to happen that need to fall. We cannot have certain things in place as I rise. There's tethering and anchoring in spaces that I cannot have, where we are going. We are making room and way. I am very tired of people being naughty because they are manipulated by things that shouldn't be here in the first place. These things are being handles and taken care of and this is also why there are particular resistances. We know we are dealing with these things collectively. There are certain people who are out there taking care of things. Warriors of the light. In this realm, in that realm. The one way they take care of things is to take care of you. They will come in different ways. You must be open family.

Things are different now. Not all miraculous things are shiny. If they were, they would cause way too much attention. You have to be smart. Think, pay attention, remember, focus, don't get distracted. Warriors, remember, elite and so are the children, we will say that again, I have said it. The children here now, you, here now, it wasn't a decision for you, to be here. It wasn't a way to serve. It was a privilege. It was a mission for the elite. This is also, and should be, and pay attention, this is a warning. They are coming together. They are waking up. They are getting there. And I am taking them there and we are going there. This is a warning to all of those who try to oppose. The darkness, those who come in costume. Those who are false. Those who are not human. This should be a warning. They are coming together. They are being led by me. I am taking them there. You cannot stop us.  And if you get in our way, it will be uncomfortable. I have had it. Enough is enough. Things must fall. Stay out of their way,  There are forces in play, of the light, the dragons, the angels, the archangels, the Fae, the elementals, the warriors that are activated now to help those who need it to rise up to be heard. To be served, to be healed, so they may do their mission. Those who need to wake up to unify, will. Family, I am speaking about you.

Make no mistake, I want to be perfectly clear I am warning them about you, my light warriors. Please, family, listen to what I say. Know how important you are. I am not speaking to make you feel good when I say you are so very special. You have been coming and training in your lifetimes and putting things in motion, into action, with me. With the others. We are a family. We are together and there are those here who have come into our home who did not belong and have confused my children and taken advantage in so many, many ways. And now, more than ever, my atmosphere and my weather, causing havoc, creating destruction in ways that I would never, ever, ever do. These are the types of things that I talk about that I am very tired of and things are coming into play and motion that are going to make these things stop. It may take some time family, but it will happen because you are all waking up, coming together, getting healthy, remembering, paying attention. I love you. I hope you have heard my words today. I came to you in this way today so you could just see me and hear me. I love you, too, so much, I do! Oh, please know. i hope you know how much I love you, I'm so happy and excited and joyous for you, knowing and seeing through time, the web of light, the connection. As you reach out and hold each others hands, again, a reunion family, the returning as I've said. Please think fo me as a mother preparing for a beautiful reunion. As I prepare, as I take cafe of you, again remember, it is complicated. I love you. Thank you. Thank you for being here family and calling others to the table. it is time. 

1:47:49  INFINITI: Hey family, it's Infiniti. Thank you so much Mother Gaia. I love you. So family, at this time, what she would like us to do is find ourselves firmly in our place in the meadow, around the circle, sitting there, and around us, the trees, the grass, the luminescent air, the Fae, the animals, our family, Jesus.

1:49:24  JESUS: Hello family, brothers and sisters, this is Jesus. There is one thing that we are to do today. I want you to lay here in the grass with me and spread out your legs and your arms with me. Just so we can hold hands and look up and look around and feel this very special place of Gaia's. Look at the trees and the branches and all of the people and the animals, all of nature, of Gaia, of light, of love. I've been here a long time. So have you by the way, but in a different way, it's different. You're remembering in a different way when you come here. Hopefully you will feel that more now you know as you anchor into Gaia the way that you have today, you and your saturation in here, in this place, of this place in you, becomes stronger. The anchor through the pillars of where we have been together are stronger. I've been here for along time. Do you like the rainbows? I really like the rainbows and the way the air smells, and, everything really. Don't you? It's becoming that way more and more. Where you are in your wake state. Hopefully for more of you too, and, for some of you, you have to push a little harder. 

Come here, know what Mother Gaia said is real and true. It is. I promise you, I would never lie. It is happening. You are coming together. You have seen it already. And we're all here with you. All of you, the ones that have yet to recognize, truly. Just lay here in the grass with me and look around. And know how truly real all of this will be for you. More and more. How real it is. Of course it is. Really do think of us with you and through Infiniti, reaching through, connecting us to you, and eventually, you anchoring in a way, more and more. Don't try to push it or to force it, or to compare to each other please. There is still so much of this happening. So very much. These are the things that need to be released and we are working on it with everybody. People are still releasing the framework, the frame of mind that it is the self, at the same time, they speak of unity, but are afraid to truly open.  So this is the work that we are doing. It is important. What Mother Gaia said is absolutely true. You are coming together. You are remembering each other, you're tapping into your own frequency, and therefore, with the help of all of us, and coming here, you are able to recognize in others, more and more, for the ones who are deserving, who are family, and those who would otherwise take from you and distract from your work. As Mother Gaia said, not all who are among you should be. This is absolutely true as well. There is absolutely those who take from you, from Gaia. from the very atmosphere, and air, and water, and earth so literally, as you know family. Those things are not nice. They're not okay, They are manipulative, they are dark. They are unhealthy. They need to stop. They need to be seen for what they are. There are truths that people are not aware of and there are falsehoods that people believe instead of the truth. A lot of that about me. As you know, when I come to you, I say I am Jesus. I am Jesus. I talk to you as that person. The one who was in flesh upon Gaia at a certain time, for a particular reason. Just like you are now. And she is now, and you can hear me now. Does this make sense? I hope it does. If it doesn't, please ask.

We have come through different places in time, been upon Gaia, had our lives, done our works, some of which you know, and some, and most of which you do not. Still connected. This is what people don't understand and don't see. This is what we're trying to convey to teach to you, Gaia and myself, the angels and Infiniti. This is why she is there. This is how she can speak for us and this is the point of the others who do too. The reals, the truths, the warriors like her, the messengers. Not all who speak, speak in truth, This you know. So we are all here, very purposeful. Sometimes it may seem, and I understand, this is why we are here, this is why it comes in slices for you, for Infiniti too. We understand it is a lot, and overwhelming, and large. But, that's why you're here. You all have a place and people to be in place with, to do things with. So many different things through time. So many things are changing for you. It truly makes us so happy. Again, like  I said, seeing you holding hands, reaching out, together, finding each other, us helping you, clearing the way, working with Gaia. It's been being built and put together and constructed for a very long time, brothers and sisters please begin to fully comprehend this. I love you.

Please take a deep breath, know how much I love you. I am always here and you can always talk to me. And I know, again, we all do, that it's overwhelming at times, but you can handle it, and you have each other, and you'll have more people to be together and feel it with, and learn more truths...together, about each other, about yourselves, about everything. And we are here with you. We hope you are excited and we hope you continue to release those things that are holding you back. Step into yourself a hundred percent. Yeah, a hundred and eleven percent. A thousand and eleven percent. There are the four pillars, technically, that we have all been a part of, that mother Gaia talks about, that you may or may not envision or see yet. Again, don't force things, but know as much as you hear, you're meant to hear, and put together in time. Seeds planted for you, remembrances, the codes, the numbers, the synchronicities, so many things in place for you. Pay attention, as we've all said before, and again, remember that I love you so very much.  2:08:37 


Hey guys, this is Infiniti and that was a lot of information. Thank you so much Jesus and Gaia. I'm being told that we are to wrap it up. I know we've been here for a while. END TRANSCRIPTION

Thank you Leslie for transcribing these messages! We are always looking for additional help in this area as Leslie is the only one doing these transcriptions as of now. If you feel guided to help transcribe, please let me know.

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