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DMT Activation-Full Moon Guided Astral Meditation 4.19.19

Writer's picture:  INFINITI INFINITI

Updated: May 27, 2019

April 19, 2019


Welcome to the live guided astral meditation. We're going to do a DMT activation. This is for the full moon for April 19, 2019. So we have a double 19.  We are going to be starting standing up.

08:56  Everybody ready? Who's ready to travel with Infiniti? Let's go everybody. I want you in the standing position please.  You're probably not going to see me very well because it is dark in here and I want you to be able to go from standing to sitting in a really comfortable way, as easily as you can. preferably you could just sink right down to sitting. I'm not going to be able to do that. I'm going to get into a chair and sit, but if you guys can do that, that would be great or just back up onto your bed or your whatever so, you know, as long as you're going to be sitting in a nice position, comfortable. Comfort is key people, when it comes to meditation. That goes for when we're standing. Okay, so do me a favor, on your feet, hips width apart (inaudible) ceiling, do so, to the left with your arms up over your head and really bend back and forth at the waist. If you want to open your eyes and look at me. Feel, stretch your ribs out. You want to open up, open up, open up. I feel a lot of tightness with people. Really get in there nice and deep. Nice deep breath, arms down, shake them out. Get back into a firm, grounded standing position. So we want our, we don't want to be leaning way too far forward or way too far back. We want our feet hips width apart or more. So with your eyes closed you can move around at the hips and the waist and you're not going to fall over...hopefully. If you're having a hard time we need to work on transmuting some energy so you're not so off balance. That is the key. The better balanced you are, especially with your eyes closed - a really good indication of where energy is, if it's balanced or imbalanced. So, keeping that in mind, don't move around too much even if I tell you to do so if it's going to cause you to either have to open your eyes or fall over. I don't want either of these things happening. So we're going to keep our eyes closed.

We are going to make sure that we are grounded in the feet, (inaudible) or our feet are hips width apart, we're not leaned too far over or too far back, our shoulders are on top of our hips, so we stay nice and centered and grounded. Deep relaxed breath family. Very good. I would like you to put your hands in Namaste, right at your chest. More deep breaths. I want you to start to feel the energy activating in your surroundings as we bring in our spirit tribe. Hello divine counterparts, one and all, our divine family, incarnate throughout Gaia. I thank you all for being here in this divine now moment on this full moon, 4-19-2019, this is a very important full moon as we are all here together in this divine now moment experiencing this beautiful enlightenment energy that is coming from our galactic center, all the way down, filtering through, coming through our sun and then radiating through our beautiful Luna, our moon and shining down upon us, everywhere that we are in the world at night, during these last 24 hours and leading into tomorrow.

Please start to feel the presence of your spirit tribe, your Angelics, your Guardian Angels, the Archangels. Thank you brothers and sisters for being here with me and helping guide our family. We are also sending throughout Gaia the call to the rest of our tribe. The light warriors who are either awake or awakening, who are seeking us out consciously, today, or it be tomorrow that we are saying we are here, we are open, we are ready to unite, we are ready to open our hearts and love one another unconditionally. Lift each other up. So take a moment, please family, in your own words, speak to your tribe here, incarnate, our soul family.

You know what it feels like to connect. You know what it feels like to be disconnected. We want to send out the call to all. We are here, we are open, we are ready to receive you. Come ready for light, and love, and truth. If you do feel like you have to sit, please do so. For now, keep standing. I'd like for you to put your hands on your chest. One on top of the other is fine. I want you to very consciously family, think about your heart chakra. And tell your bodies, your physical body, your emotional body, your energetic body, your etheric body, your spiritual body, tell your bodies to open up the energetic center that is your heart chakra, to activate the center. Just send out to the entire universe and all of creation your very unique pulse. All the way out, infinitely.

Through all space and time and for all of those that are connected to it will hear you and your very unique Soul Song. This is the time to let go of any fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of the self, fear of your abilities, fear in greatness of life itself. Know that you're put here, meant to be here for a very divine soul purpose. You wouldn't be here if you weren't ready, if you weren't a Love Light Warrior. It is time to further step into that. Knowing that truth, to suit up if you will energetically, and that means to really put yourself, your healing, your spirituality, your connectedness, to your soul self, to your soul family, to our divine counterparts, to Mother Gaia. To tap in, listen, in whatever ways you are to hear messages.

Whether it's the birds chirping, the wind through the trees, the ocean, the river, your own footsteps upon Gaia. That you are open to receive, and as you receive that you heal, and as you heal you do heal others, and Gaia herself and this is reciprocal, it goes back and all through space and time. You are extraordinarily important. Your work, your energy, your life-force, what you do everyday, how you anchor, what you say, what you think, who you are, the pulse in which you send out into the world with every step upon Gaia. Feel as you're standing, grounded, strong, held on by Gaia, as though somebody can come and try to push you over and you would not budge. Your heart is connected to her heart and her heartbeat. Feel it. And Gaia speaks.

20:07  GAIA: Hello dear ones this is Gaia.  Please pay attention to the rush of energy within your own body right now. As though a current of water, waterfall, river, an ocean is inside of you. This is because you can feel how deeply the energy flows from you to me and back again. I also want you to think about water. If you are drawn to the water to observe it, to feel it, to be in it, please do so. If you are drawn to travel to water, please do so. Please cleanse yourself with water, Please be aware of how good and clear, crystal, live water is inside your system.

This is a time of transitions and transmutation for us all. I rise and I pull you and I cradle you and I take you with me. Feel me reach up from the depths of my body. Reach up and connect with you and your energy. Feel and be like a tree. So grounded, so rooted and yet so very limber. Think and observe yourself as a tree. Being able to sway, to move. And feel me and my energy reach up all through you. Your veins, throughout your body, all your blood, all the way through and through.  And feel your roots from your feet all the way down. And with my earth I hold you dear and tight and together we are the home of so much.

You my dear one, you are like this but you may more and you may speak and you may create in ways that the trees can only observe, but can definitely assist. I know so many of you are so inspired by the trees. They are alive, in more ways than one, and they speak to you. Listen. Watch. Observe. Be guided by those who see. Ask your questions. Thank you my family, my dear ones, my babies, for being here today. I always enjoy working with you in this way. I need you to help me. There are many of your brothers and sisters who are asking and needing and wanting to hear more. But they do not know how. So please send out your wish, your dream, your hope, that they can hear me. That they will come to me in whichever way they are meant to, but that they will hear me. I need your help. I need your help, they need your help.

Send the call out from your heart as you are grounded with me so deeply. Send the call from your heart. Echo out the sentiment of your great mother. We are all here for each other. Help me help your brothers and sisters. Reach out with your heart to them and call them to the table. May they feast with us. May they feel me, deeper and deeper and go where is guided. Thank you all so much dear ones and please keep this in your hearts, in your minds.

Please when you go to sleep tonight, think of all of those you have yet to know, and maybe will never know, as you walk upon me but, deep inside, you are all connected. Little pockets of our family, everywhere upon me connecting and connecting through time. Eventually past this lifetime that you are in, that I will still be here and you will return again. You're sending out a call to yourself in the future. And you're sending out a call to everything and everyone that will bring you back again. Listen. Hear it and follow it back to me. I love you so much. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming to me. Not only on this day, but in this lifetime. I know it has not been easy.  You are a great warrior. Every time you come back I am so happy to know you again, and again, and again. 

28:20  INFINITI: Okay guys, hey. (Breathes deeply) Oh boy okay, so take a deep breath. Just take that in, our messages from our Mother Gaia. For those of you who are still standing, just kind of feel into your body. You can move your legs. I know we've been really still there, at least from the waist down, so you can stay really really firm with Gaia. She was coming to us. For those of you who are sitting, we are going to join you here in just a moment. So please, take a moment for those of you who are standing, get into your seated position. Try to keep your eyes closed. And I will do the same.

So get into a comfortable seated position, whether that is cross-legged or in a chair with your feet on the ground. Whatever feels right. You should be feeling pretty tingly at this point,  your face the top of your head, your hands, your feet, really activated as we connect with Gaia. We stay grounded with Gaia in this way. Her voice, her heart, her love, her messages echoing. I know that a lot of you got pretty emotional, if not all of you, hearing her and her messages. Further releasement and transmutation family. She talked of water. Water has been the theme in our astrals. Take a deep breath please. So dry your faces and I want you to think of...I'm getting another body of water. The last body of water that you looked upon, whatever that may have been for you, wherever you were drawn to, wherever and whenever that may have been.

I want you to think about that and at this time we are going to be stepping into our DMT activation and in order to do this, its really simple, as you're thinking about this last body of water that you were at, whether it was an ocean, a lake, a river, a stream, a creek. Whether the last thing you can think about is something that you saw on TV or movies, it really doesn't matter, just whatever you are guided to think about as far as a body of water and in order to do this astral and DMT activation, what you're going to do is take the heels of your palms and put them directly into your eye socket, don't push yet. Don't do anything yet. Just put the heels of your palms, it'll fit nice and perfectly right into your eyeball socket.

You're going to start putting your fingers on the top of your head and interlocking your pinkie fingers and you're going to make it so your wearing your hands kind of like a cap and you're putting your thumbs right across your temples. Take a deep breath.  Everything is nice and dark. You're blocking out any light that's in your atmosphere. And then what I want you to do, at the count of three, is push into your eyeball sockets with the heel of your hands, nice and easy, and just let what happens, happen. At the count of three we're going to do this. One. Two. Three and push in with your palms right into your eyeball sockets and just watch it start to form.

Try to keep your eyes open, if you understand what I am saying as your palms are on your eyeballs, as they're closed, you want, you can blink and you'll see things change. So try not to blink at first. Just let it come into your awareness, what is happening You'll see all sorts of patterns. You'll see matrix type stuff. You will see lights. And you will see faces you will see, possibly a worm hole, you might even get a little nauseated. You get hot, very quickly. You're activating your third eye.

You're releasing DMT very naturally by pushing in on your eyes that are connected to your pineal, your third eye, it starts to activate. You'll see patterns, geometric shapes, faces may come into your awareness. Just open up and let it come. You can move your eyes around as you push in. Just go as guided. Do what feels naturally, but don't let go. If you need to move your head down and push up because your arms are getting tired or your shoulders or whatever, just try to keep as loose as possible. Keep pushing. It could just be shapes, patterns, lights going off. Take a deep breath. We're  not going to do this for too long. We're just going to let it roll. On the count of three I want you to let go. Please make sure you let go. One. Two. And Three. You will feel this kind of open up, airy feeling on the top of your head or on your face. We released a lot of DMT into our system. Take a deep breath. And now Jesus is with us and he will speak.

38:20  JESUS: Hello brothers and sisters, this is Jesus. Thank you so much for being here I want to welcome you. I want to welcome you to a new time. To a new life. I know that so many of you can feel it. We've been working very very hard together. Whether you remember it or not, we have been meeting in your astral, we have been talking. You have been asking questions and I have been there with you. When you ask, you receive answers.

I want to welcome you to a new time, to a new you, to a new dawn in your life. That is where you are. You are a totally different person than you were just a couple short months ago, are you not?

Yesterday, today and tomorrow...tomorrow, so much unknown, so much excitement. I want you to really think about a few things family. When so much is happening in the world, to pull you away from yourself and from each other, the ones that you should be connecting with. And when I say should it is not a judgement it is  simply the path that you are there to be on. And we, your family, here on the other side, we understand how difficult it can be. That's why we are here, on the other side, to help you, at any time, all of the time. Its easy to forget that we are here with you all of the time, because you cannot see us and until you decide to connect, to feel, to see, to witness, and to share your connections, it will always be one step away, when we are right here with you in this step, in every step.

Some of us are right there with you in your lives and some of us are right here with you in your lives, we're all around you. You're there for each other and there are those who choose to guide and come to lead. I have been there before and I will be there again. But for now, I come to you like this. It is easier. I can reach you all at the same time. And there are others doing work. I do not need to be incarnate, not in the way that you understand it to be. Not for you to hear me, not for me to help you. You already know me. The faith that is necessary is simply a remembrance of what you already know. There is only love. Fear is an illusion and you are there to remember. You are there to seek truth. You are there to heal and help heal. You are there to light up. And we are here to help you. Please remember as always the message that I send to you.

Think of me as the quiet big brother in the corner, scribbling away thoughts and all you need to do is say 'hey brother, I have a question for you' and I will gladly be at your side to talk to you, to show you, to teach you, to guide you so you remember. Let go of the fear. Let go of the need to control. Let go of needing to know the outcome and how things are done and how they will work and if it will be okay. Know that it will. Part of being able to go and be incarnate and be who you are is the ability to not know. And go and go anyway, because deep down you know, no matter what, you are supported, you are on a divine mission, in the lives of each other and of your own, and this is because you have been paying attention to me, to listening, opening yourself up. None of us are here to nag you, to push you, to have you do anything you are not ready to do, however, you will not grow and change and evolve until you decide to do so. And it is work. But it is the best work ever. And simply the work is just focus, prioritization, organization.

That is the work, because the actual doing is bliss. And what you know of me and know of my work, you know I was happy in every moment doing it, and I did not consider it work. I had to figure it out. I had to figure it out too. Me, Jesus. I wasn't born knowing what to do. I had to figure it out too. Just as you are. And my own divine counterparts helped me when I was incarnate so i could understand. We do for each other at the same time. We know each other from these lifetimes, we have worked together, one side or the other. Do you understand? We do not and have never done it alone.

It's not supposed to work this way. Separation is out. Unity is in. You are The Event. Together, with your divine beautiful, incarnate, soul family.  The more you unite, the more you give love, the more you receive love. The more you heal, the more you help heal. The more you create, the more you witness creation. The more you inspire, the more you are inspired. The bigger the wave, the bigger the wave, the bigger the wave. We are all with you. Connected.

Soon the wave will be so big...unstoppable. You must have faith and not be distracted by things that bring you down. By the travesties and the hurts of the world. The evil doers. The things that are bad. Be aware. Send your love, but don't let it bring you down. Use your discernment. Don't believe everything you hear, no matter where it comes from. No matter how legitimate it may look. Use your discernment. There are so many lies, so many lies and watch yourself as you speak. What you say. Watch your judgement, for yourself and of others. Do not play a part on the lies, in the deceit. Do not play a part in the judgment of yourself and of others. Send love. Move on. Stay on track.

I come to you passionate today brothers and sisters because there is so much to do. We will be there. You are building the foundation for this. You must understand how important you are. So important. Like building a foundation. If your foundation is unsteady and insecure, if the foundation isn't poured right, if the timber, is the brick, if the mortar, if it's not on a foundation that is solid, it will crumble, so we take the time now to build a solid foundation with each and every one of you. Solid in your own self. Connected to your soul self and to us and we are here with you every moment of every day to help you. We send messages, we give you things to enforce your ultimate and optimum health, physically, spiritually, energetically, at all times, all you have to do is put these things into play.

Again, we are not saying that it's easy. I know it is not and now more than ever there is more distractions, but there are more tools than ever. No excuses family. No giving up ever. Ever. I extend to you all the invitation to be with me on Sunday, the day known as Easter and my resurrection and what I want you to know about that day, it is your remembrance and your resurrection, and I will be there to help guide you.

Please join me. I love you so much. I am so excited for each and every one for you and all of your futures. I can feel your excitement. I am there with you. Remember to talk to me, ask me questions. I walk with you always. Come to me again in your crystal. Meet with me in the astral state, in your dream state. Be very conscious as you go to sleep this night and all nights, that that is where you go to visit me and I am here to give you everything that you ask for. To know yourself more. To know the truth. To know the universal laws.

To know the truth of me, not what you were told. Not what is in scripture, not was written down, not even how I looked. Ask your questions. I am here for you in more ways than one.

I love you. 


INFINITI/ArchAngelGabriel: Oh boy. Thank you so much Jesus for coming in and speaking through me to our beautiful family here tonight and and sending that invitation for Easter Sunday. We'll give information on that shortly. I want you to feel into your heart chakra area, energy center everybody and feel that really activated and warmed up and just sending out that energy outside from inside of your body and your energy field, all the way out. And at this point in time  I want us to do a shielding activation then we will wrap it up.

This is what I'm being guided to do with you all as you once again are consciously aware of the last body of water or area of water that you were around or in. I want you to visualize stepping into that body of water. It feels good. You're totally safe. It's the temperature that you like. We are stepping in more and more. And whether it was a creek, or a river, or the ocean, or a lake, you're going to find a spot that's nice and comfortable for you to step down into. Into Gaia, deeper with her water and just feel it all around you. Feeling supported by this beautiful liquid crystal. This life force that we are mostly made out of.

Two things, energy and water, and a little bit of other stuff, but it's really all energy and water. Feel it surrounding you and I want you to take it and use your magic to create this beautiful water bubble around you, as though you're in this sphere of water, and just feel that all around you.

You're perfectly safe. You can breathe. You can move around, but you can just feel suspended.

This is what we're like and this is what it would feel like when we're in our mother's womb, surrounded by amniotic fluid, totally safe. Except for in this situation, we can look out, we can see Gaia, we can see the world, but we're in our sphere of water within water, feeling water, all around us. Washing, cleansing, clearing.

Feel it all around us and....Become the water. Become this sphere of water. You are one with the water. You are one with the water in your atmosphere, no matter where you are there is always water in the atmosphere. There is water within you, water particles. You're going to use the water to create a beautiful shield around you like that sphere.

Like we've done before, we've created a mirror effect, a rainbow mirror effect with our sphere to keep us shielded, to repel negative energy ,to send out love energy. This time we're in our sphere of water. We are the water. We're using the water particles, so think of yourself shielded and guarded by the water that is within your own body, radiating out and within the atmosphere around you at any given point, as though it is a complete bubble of water that you're in. And use that liquid crystal all the time to help clear and cleanse the atmosphere in which you're in at any time. To repel negative energy, to clean and clear that negative energy, whether its from another human or from entities that we may not see. And our beautiful divine light filled water particles and droplets are moving through the atmosphere, helping Gaia. Helping heal her, helping everything grow around us, helping our brothers and sisters, the entire human race, and our divine Love Light Warriors, spark them.

You can feel the weight of the water but you can feel how beautiful and supported you are within the water. You are the water. And then you light up that water from location from where you are now, within your home, upon Gaia and send it out.

You're anchoring, you're helping clear and heal. You are helping awaken. You are healing as you are healing. And on this full moon night, you are bringing in this beautiful really strong balancing transitioning clearing healing energy. We are opening up to further ascend. To further heal. We are clearing consciously. We set the intention to let go of any negative within our bodies. Especially within these next couple weeks before we transition into the month of May.

May we all clean and clear. May we all heal.  May we all create and stay inspired to move on, to let go. Open your hearts family, this is how we are led. Remember only love is real. You are love. You are the perfect expression of love and you are ultimately in control. Know that truth through and through and send it out into creation, all of creation, so that truth hits every soul who is not yet aware.

Nice deep breaths. You're going to pull it back family. We are going to slowly come back into body, keeping our awareness in our energy fields, feeling the transmutation of energy, releasement. getting back into body. More and more back into your body, back into your surroundings. Feeling lighter, more charged, more light, not only in vibration but in weight, density is lifted. Back into body.

Feel your heartbeat. Feel your chest and your lungs. Take a deep breath. Feel your back and your wing area activating. Just breathe into your body. Be aware of everything from head to toe. Be aware of your third eye and how we activated it. Be aware of the images, patters, the geometric shapes, the lights, the energy, just get back into visualizing some of that as you are getting back into body. Again, make it a point of, before you go to sleep at night, to think about being in your crystal with Jesus. What better way to spend your time.

Thank you all so much for being here with me. I love you very, very, very much. Please revisit the messages here. I really appreciate that for yourselves you remember. Gaia spoke and Jesus spoke. And I know for each of you, you had your own messages come through. Please try to remember.

Please know also that you are going to be anchored more and firmly, deeply into the abundance matrix, especially if you've already felt that anchoring. Especially as we go through this full moon. Your dreams and visions and ideas and creativity will be heightened. You will be going through physical changes.  Just please take note. Please come back and share with others, your experience here so they may be prompted to do this astral as well, even after the fact, it is important.

Again, I thank you for being here. If you would like to meet me after, in just a few moments, as you are guided to open your eyes and check in , into the chat, please do so, if not that is fine too.

Go right to bed. So when you are ready family, please be guided to open your eyes, do so, if not, goodnight sweet dreams, happy travels in astral and I will you on the flipside.

I love you so very much.

Love light and blessings. 

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